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Sabah government must probe the source of the RM40 million inetrcepted in Hong Kong, so as to determine whether it is legitimate or black money, says SAPP. |
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Yong Teck Lee has vowed to pursue a puzzling RM40 million “political contribution” by Sabah Umno to the Umno headquarters three years after Hong Kong anti-corruption authorities began investigating suspicious cash flows out of the territory.
Speaking at its nightly “kopitiam ceramah” held at a shopping area here on Sunday, the former chief minister, now a candidate for the Likas state constituency, stressed that it is important to determine the source of the money, as it could involve the nation and state interest.
“Two questions that arise are: what’s the source of the money, and, whether the donor [s] had paid the tax… otherwise it would be a major issue,” he said.
He said that it was important for the government to reveal the source of the money, so as to determine whether it is legitimate or black money.
“If it is from a genuine businessman who makes tons of money legally, that’s his business. The question is whether tax has been paid for the money.
“If nobody comes forward to acknowledge it, then people will assume that it is corruption money like timber money… then the Sabah state government will have to study and initiate a legal process to recover the money from Umno,” he told reporters after the talk.
“We are talking about Sabah Umno donating RM40 millions to the Umno [headquarters]. It is like making Sabah not only a ‘fixed deposit’ but also a ‘milking cow’.
“It is also a form of colonisation of Sabah by Umno. Is this also the reason why Musa is still in power today? All these questions arise,” he said.
On Aug 14, 2008, businessman Michael Chia was caught red-handed at the Hong Kong International Airport with Singapore currency worth RM40 million in his luggage before be could board a flight to Kuala Lumpur.
Whistleblower website Sarawak Report linked the monies to timber kickbacks for approving timber licences. Musa denied all the allegations including knowing Chia.
Speaking at its nightly “kopitiam ceramah” held at a shopping area here on Sunday, the former chief minister, now a candidate for the Likas state constituency, stressed that it is important to determine the source of the money, as it could involve the nation and state interest.
“Two questions that arise are: what’s the source of the money, and, whether the donor [s] had paid the tax… otherwise it would be a major issue,” he said.
He said that it was important for the government to reveal the source of the money, so as to determine whether it is legitimate or black money.
“If it is from a genuine businessman who makes tons of money legally, that’s his business. The question is whether tax has been paid for the money.
“If nobody comes forward to acknowledge it, then people will assume that it is corruption money like timber money… then the Sabah state government will have to study and initiate a legal process to recover the money from Umno,” he told reporters after the talk.
“We are talking about Sabah Umno donating RM40 millions to the Umno [headquarters]. It is like making Sabah not only a ‘fixed deposit’ but also a ‘milking cow’.
“It is also a form of colonisation of Sabah by Umno. Is this also the reason why Musa is still in power today? All these questions arise,” he said.
On Aug 14, 2008, businessman Michael Chia was caught red-handed at the Hong Kong International Airport with Singapore currency worth RM40 million in his luggage before be could board a flight to Kuala Lumpur.
Whistleblower website Sarawak Report linked the monies to timber kickbacks for approving timber licences. Musa denied all the allegations including knowing Chia.
Tinggal beberapa hari lagi pilihanraya, baru si yong bising pasal rm40 juta? Masa si lembu ke hongkong dua kali, kenapa si yong senyap? Adakah perlu tunggu si yong jadi km sabah, baru boleh bawa pesalah ke muka pengadilan? Berbeza ka proses perundangan sebelum dan selepas dia jadi km sabah?
ReplyDeleteSemua ini hanyalah permainan PRU13 semata-mata. Rasanya kes ini sudah lama selesai.
DeleteRafizi tidak pula merungkai, hasil siasatan lebih sebulan oleh ICAC di Sabah. Apabila ICAC selesai membuat siasatan, badan pencegah rasuah Hong Kong itu berpuas hati, bahawa memang wang RM40 juta adalah sumbangan kepada Umno Sabah.
DeleteICAC telah menutup kes itu selepas SPRM menemui dalam siasatan bahawa wang ditangan Chia bertujuan untuk Umno Sabah dan bukan Musa. Rafizi membuat tuduhan bahawa kononnya kerajaan Malaysia yang beri tahu ICAC, bahawa RM40 juta daripada Hong Kong itu adalah sumbangan.
DeleteRafizi Ramli sanggup ke Hong Kong untuk untuk mendesak badan pencegah rasuah Hong Kong itu membuka semula isu itu. Tidak faham mengapa PKR tidak boleh menerima kebenaran.
DeletePembangkang ketandusan politik kerana mereka terus memutar-mutar kisah lama. Pembangkang tidak boleh menerima tindakan ICAC Hong Kong yang membersihkan Musa dalam kes RM 40 Juta sumbangan kepada Umno Sabah.
DeleteI think it’s only the opposition trying to make a huge issue out of it; it is a very small allegation. Sabah delegate Sahak Noh from Batu Sapi also agreed that the amount stated was insignificant for the needs of the coming election, and that this issue would have no effect on the state.
DeleteThe amount needed is very high, especially Sabah. If you are talking RM40 million, it is not enough to even move the election machinery. Sabah Umno chief Datuk Musa Aman has been at the centre of allegations linking him to a RM40 million corruption scandal that the opposition has been using as fodder to discredit the Barisan Nasional state government in its east Malaysian fortress
DeleteArsit Sedi @ Sidik, a delegate from Sabah, even described the sum as “a very small dot” and revealed that in the Putatan constituency in his home state, Umno would have to spend up to RM6 million during the polls. RM40 million is a small sum, I don’t think it can even support the next election.
Deletesiasatan ICAC sebelum ini telah memutuskan bahawa tiada elemen rasuah dibuktikan yang melibatkan KM sabah dan menutup kes berkenaan setelah berpuas hati dengan hasil siasatan...
Deletepembohongan rafizi ramli akhirnya terbongkar...tiada bukti baru dikemukakan... ICAC sebelum ini menurut rafizi akan mempertimbangkan untuk membuka semula kes jika ada bukti baru dikemukakan...dan apa yang dikemukakan oleh rafizi kepada ICAC adalah bukti kitar semula dan kenyataan bersumpah lajim yang langsung tidak boleh pakai sebagai bukti.
DeleteMusa Aman didn’t create the Sabahan character; he was moulded by it. He merely gave it a contemporary thrust and an ethical dimension. If politicians focused on these, Malaysia as a nation will be a much better place.
DeleteAs Sabah shines and acquires an economic momentum of its own, more and more businesses will find it worthwhile to channel a major chunk of their new investments into Sabah.
DeleteThe extent to which this vibrant Sabah capitalism will benefit Musa’s ambitions is difficult to predict. But one thing is certain.
DeleteAnd he wants to deliver this vision through real performance and not just publicity stunts. He has been able to move away from the old ways of doing politics i.e. based on the status-quo. And in a way this is welcome development not only for Sabah but also for the politics of the country
DeleteMusa Aman is not your usual run in the mill politician who clings on to power. He has an agenda and vision for the peaceful development of Sabah and its people.
DeleteIn plain language, this means that the state government has concentrated on creating the infrastructure for growth and left it to the private sector to get on with the job of actual wealth creation.
DeleteThe growth of Sabah has been spurred by a philosophy of “minimum government and maximum governance”.
DeleteUnder the plan, Tenaga Nasional and Petronas was asked to work out a 300 megawatt power plant using gas or fuel probably from Sarawak.
DeleteSee, Musa was concern and he specifically said that he cannot trade off the environment for progress and deprive our future generation of Sabah’s natural wonders.
DeleteDarvel Bay itself has a highly diverse marine life and has been called the “Cradle of Coral Evolution” by the scientific community and the location is the genesis of coral reefs running through the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
DeleteTake the case of the RM1.3 billion coal power plant project in Silam, where Musa Aman had scrapped it. Musa Aman said the decision by the state Cabinet to cancel the project was made for health and environmental reasons
DeleteThis is rare for a politician because the more power you get to wield, the more entrenched your vested interest becomes. In the case of Musa Aman, he has challenged the status-quo on many occasions.
DeleteThe other aspect about the leadership quality of Musa Aman, which merits attention and applause, is the reformist zeal that he has demonstrated during his tenure as Chief Minister.
DeleteThe other aspect about the leadership quality of Musa Aman, which merits attention and applause, is the reformist zeal that he has demonstrated during his tenure as Chief Minister.
DeleteWhen people talk about the new Sabah, they usually refer to the transformation — the State was in complete chaos when Musa Aman first assumed office in 2003. Sabah was more popular for its rampant kidnapping in the east-coast of Sabah, the disorder, illegals and poverty.
DeleteToday there are visible signs of peace and development. This is indeed refreshing. Today Sabah would undoubtedly be the most improved State in the country. It’s indeed a great leap forward and due credit to the leadership of Musa Aman.
DeleteSabah since Musa Aman 2003, has been marked by social and political peace. Particularly important for industry is the absence of political unrest, which unseated Pairin in 1994 and is now so marked in Perak. This is because Sabah has bucked a national trend and is witnessing high growth in agriculture
DeleteSabah Chief Minister Musa Aman has got another feather in his cap from none other than Rosmah Mansor the Prime Minister’s wife, the latter obviously impressed by the efforts towards empowering women and the overall development of the state under the stewardship of Musa Aman.
DeleteDespite Sabah being branded the poorest state in Malaysia, Musa Aman had performed well as chief minister by improving the overall economic conditions with an annual growth of more than 8 per cent in recent years.
DeleteNot many chief ministers in the past while in position dare to sound the national oil company Petronas, even though Petronas takes much more than give back to the state and its people.
DeleteHe is monitoring and cooperating with Petronas on how to distribute projects from the oil company to local contractors in Sabah and he is serious to ensure Sabahans would not be merely bystanders to the development that is taking place in the state.
DeleteHe has even reiterated his call repeatedly to the national oil company Petronas to provide adequate opportunities to eligible Sabahans to participate directly in the oil and gas industry.
DeleteMusa Aman has overseen heavy investment in modern roads, bridges and power infrastructure and jobs for Sabahans.
DeletePerhaps Malaysia’s best example of effective governance and impressive development is found in Sabah, where Musa Aman has streamlined economic processes, removing red tape and curtailing corruption in ways that have made the state a key driver of national economic growth.
DeleteSabah government has been identified to be the best example of good governance and the Chief Minister of the state, Musa Aman as being the “key driver” of economic growth and development within the state. In other words, Musa Aman has been appreciated for being an effective chief minister.
Delete“Kita mesti bekerja keras dengan taat dan setia kepada parti. Kita tidak mahu ada gunting dalam lipatan,” katanya.
DeleteAzizah yang juga Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Klias turut meminta barisan jawatankuasa PDM bekerja dengan ikhlas dan taat setia kepada perjuangan parti bagi memastikan kemenangan dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang
Delete“Berhati-hati dalam tindak-tanduk kita, kerana rakyat akan melihat kita. Kita mestilah membuat pendekatan bijak untuk menawan hati rakyat,” katanya ketika berucap pada majlis pelancaran Bilik Gerakan Pusat Dearah Mengundi UMNO-BN (PDM) Limbawang A, dekat sini
DeleteKetua Wanita UMNO Beaufort, Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun mengingatkan semua anggota jentera UMNO menggunakan pendekatan bijak bagi menawan hati pengundi, khususnya di kawasan Parlimen Beaufort, menjelang pilihan raya umum akan datang.
DeleteHidup Di Sabah · Top Commenter · MUCH Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Musa Aman dikaitkan dengan dana politik berjumlah RM40 juta, yang digunakan pembangkang untuk menghentam Barisan Nasional (BN) di kubu kuat mereka di Sabah. Isu berkenaan mendapat perhatian apabila Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz berkata di Parlimen, Musa dibebaskan daripada dakwaan rasuah dan penyeludupan wang yang melibatkan peniaga kayu Sabah, Michael Chia. Maka rasanya kes ini sudah selesai dan tidak akan timbul lagi. Malangnya pembangkang terus dan terus dengan kepercayaan mereka yang tidak dapat menerima kenyataan mengenai pekara ini. Reply · Like · Follow Post · 2 seconds ago
Deletesudah katakan yang benar tapi malang pihak pembangkang cuba menutup semua kes siasatan tersebut. Pihak pembangkang jelas mempunyai kepentingan dan telah sedaya upaya menghalalkan cara untuk mencapai matlamat mereka, iaitu untuk melemahkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional sebagai satu cara untuk sampai ke Putrajaya.
DeleteICAC, di bawah undang-undang, mewajibkan siasatan dijalankan jika terdapat sebarang aduan yang dilaporkan. Sebelum itu, parlimen telah diberitahu mengenai keputusan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan keputusan ICAC pada Oktober lalu membersihkan Musa dari dakwaan rasuah. Walaubagaimanapun, Pengarah Strategik Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Rafizi Ramli telah melobi ICAC untuk membuka semula siasatan ke atas kes melibatkan Ketua Menteri Sabah itu. Tapi malangnya semua bukti yang diberikan itu sama dan tidak ada yang tepat
DeleteSuruhanjaya mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat sebarang bukti baru bagi memulakan kembali siasatan. ICAC mengambil sikap dan prinsip tidak akan meneruskan kes-kes dan adalah jelas bahawa badan ini menjauhkan diri dari permainan politik. Semua ini memang nampak sangat satu permainan. memang saya sangat sokong dengan tindakkan ICAC untuk menjauhkan diri daripada semua ini.
DeleteSuruhanjaya Bebas Menentang Rasuah (ICAC) di Hong Kong tidak akan mengkaji semula siasatan ke RM40 juta yang didakwa dikaitkan dengan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman. Menurut sumber, badan anti rasuah itu mendapati tiada bukti-bukti kukuh yang baru untuk dibawa kepada suruhanjaya itu dalam mengaitkan kes tersebut. Nampaknya semua apa yang dikatakan mengenai RM40juta itu tidak benar sama sekali dikatakan sebagai satu rasuah.
DeleteYTL is simply out of his mind.
ReplyDeleteMaking those stupid accusations won't help making your party seem the best.
ReplyDeleteThat's not a question anymore.
ReplyDeleteHe is just a crook who in dire need of attention
ReplyDeleteApa kes yongtoili ni, ada saja yang tidak kena di mata
ReplyDeleteDont ever forget that he is always desperate
ReplyDeleteDia ini ada saja nak buat macam la dia ingat dia boleh menang
ReplyDeleteYong if you are a true leader, you won't behave like a small kid, running through the hill and tells everybody that you are a super child.
ReplyDeleteYong Teck lee & Ambrose Lee. Double Lee & double crooks. Yong is all about money.
ReplyDeleteAfter the March 2008 General Elections, Yong Teck Lee tried in vain to make a pact with the opposition Pakatan Rakyat. But the other party failed to get the required numbers. SAPP pulled out of the BN not because they did not have confidence in the then Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, but Yong Teck Lee wanted to be appointed a Senator and be made a federal minister.
ReplyDeleteWhen he did not get what he wanted, he courted the opposition. He fights with his friends in the BN, now he fights with his friends in Pakatan. Even Pakatan don’t trust him. That is why they have fielded their own candidate.
ReplyDeleteLee proudly said: “(Due to the losses) my company (Suniwang) then agreed to pay Warisan Harta Sabah Sdn Bhd the difference between the purchase and the market traded price amounting to RM96 million as he had issued a personal guarantee. He claimed that he had proposed that the amount be paid through a third party Borneo Marble Corporation Sdn Bhd by transferring its properties worth RM350 million which he said was valued by independent valuers, to WHSSB.
ReplyDeleteDuring the SAPP regime, not less than 1 million hectares of forest lands were given out to private and public-listed companies, purportedly for SFM-Sustainable Forest Management.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, in the lot of FMU licenses, dubious individuals with no capability whatsoever were also chosen. Consequently, many licensees failed to perform, incurring huge losses to the State government in the region of billions of ringgit.
ReplyDeleteToday’s failures of many licensees which have resulted in the termination of a number of them, is a revelation of poor planning, poor execution and reckless choices. Some of the licensees have never been even seen a forest area, let alone seeing a concession area that can be as big as 600,000 acres.
ReplyDeleteThe allocation of such large areas in one go for a lifetime (100 years) gives little opportunity for the government to review the agreements. Why was it not done in a step-by-step manner? For example, allocate a small area first and then expand on the basis of performance?
ReplyDeleteSelama rejim SAPP memerintah, tidak kurang dari 1 juta hektar lahan hutan diberikan kepada syarikat swasta dan awam yang berdaftar, konon untuk SFM-Pengurusan Hutan Lestari.
ReplyDeleteMalangnya, dalam banyak lesen FMU (Unit Pengurusan Hutan), individu yang meragukan tanpa kemampuan apa pun dipilih juga. Akibatnya, banyak pemegang lesen gagal untuk melakukan kerja sepatutnya dan menimbulkan kerugian besar berbilion-bilion ringgit kepada kerajaan dan negara di kawasan-kawasan berkenaan.
ReplyDeleteHari ini kegagalan dari banyak pemegang lesen yang telah mengakibatkan lesen mereka ditamatkan mengambarkan perancangan yang lemah, pelaksanaan bermutu rendah serta pilihan sembrono. Beberapa lesen bahkan tidak pernah melihat kawasan hutan, apalagi melihat kawasan konsesi mereka yang boleh sebesar 600,000 hektar.
ReplyDeletemengapa badut-badut konsesi ini telah dipilih? Hanya SAPP boleh menjawabnya.
ReplyDeletePeruntukan kawasan-kawasan besar di sesetengah daerah seperti dalam satu jangka hayat seumur hidup (100 tahun) sekaligus sepatutnya memberikan sedikit kesempatan bagi kerajaan untuk mengkaji.
ReplyDeleteFor more than a decade Sabahans have forgotten about Joseph Ambrose Lee Yok Min, 52, who once boasted of himself as the new Syed Kechik of Sabah, after he failed in his scandalous schemes to take over the RM30-billion timber wealth of Yayasan Sabah.
ReplyDeleteThe late Syed Kechik was the de facto Chief Minister of Sabah when he was legal adviser to the late Tun Datu Mustapha bin Datu Harun who ruled the state with an iron-fist from 1967 to 1976.
Ambrose was back in Kota Kinabalu, having made his home in Perth, on August 7 at the Sutera Harbour Resort defending his bosom buddy Yong Teck Lee, who was Sabah Chief Minister from 1996 to 1998, over the fiasco of Saham Amanah Sabah (SAS) arising from a scandalous share-swap between Warisan Harta, the Sabah government’s investment arm, and Ambrose’s Suniwang Holdings Sdn Bhd.
ReplyDeleteMore than 55,000 Sabahans, most of them pensioners and low-income civil servants, lost all their life-savings when the price of the state unit trust plummeted to 17 sen from its RM1.00 unit price soon after he sealed the deal when he became Chief Minister.
Bagi saya, dakwaan Sapp membela kepentingan Kadazandusun dan bumiputera muslim di Sabah tidak berasas. Saya telah sampai pada kesimpulan bahawa itu adalah hak bumiputera muslim dan Kadazandusun.
ReplyDeleteWhat happen was in 1998 there was a share swap deal between Warisan Harta Sabah Sdn Bhd of which Yong Teck Lee was Chairman and Suniwang Holdings Sdn Bhd of which Ambrose Lee was the Boss.
BN Sabah menggariskan 16 teras utama dalam manifestonya sebagai tambahan kepada Akujanji BN Pusat pada PRU13.
ReplyDelete16 manifesto BN Sabah adalah janji kepada rakyat Sabah untuk tempoh 5 tahun akan datang. "Ini adalah Janji dan Bukannya kata-kata kosong". Intipati manifesto BN Sabah juga lebih realistik, praktikel, menyeluruh, lengkap, mengambil kira dan kehendak pelbagai lapisan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteApa yang pasti segala janji dalam kandungan manifesto itu akan ditunaikan sekiranya kerajaan BN mendapat mandat rakyat pada pilihan raya umum kata Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteMusa yang juga Pengerusi BN Sabah berkata beliau sering mengingatkan wakil rakyat di Sabah sebelum ini dan selepas dipilih pada PRU13, supaya mesti kuat bekerja menunaikan mandat yang diberikan rakyat.
DeleteBeliau berkata mereka perlu kurang bercakap tetapi banyak bekerja dengan rajin turun berjumpa rakyat bagi mendengar masalah dan mencari penyelesaian terbaik.
DeleteSehubungan itu, Musa berkata amat penting kepada rakyat untuk mengekalkan kerajaan BN bagi meneruskan dasar dan perancangan membangunkan negara serta program berteraskan kepentingan rakyat.
DeleteKatanya ia juga bagi memastikan kesinambungan kepada program yang telah dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan untuk manfaat rakyat.
DeleteBeliau meminta rakyat khususnya di Sabah tidak tertipu dengan dakyah pembangkang yang cuma menjanjikan bermacam-macam tetapi janji hanya tinggal janji.Menurutnya parti pembangkang hanya menjanjikan ''bulan'' bertujuan meraih sokongan tetapi tidak mampu melaksanakan janji mereka.
Delete16 perkara yang terkandung dalam manifesto itu ialah;
ReplyDeleteMenangani Pendatang Asing
Ordinan Tanah
Keamanan dan Keselamatan di bawah Kawasan keselamatan timur Sabah
Peluang Saksama dalam perkhidmatan Negeri
Industri minyak dan gas
Perjanjian 20 perkara
Pembasmian kemiskinan
Memelihara Alam Sekitar
Membanteras Rasuah
Perundingan dengan masyarakat dalam pembuatan dasar.
Sasaran terhadap Pembangunan Belia dan Sukan
Memperkasakan wanita dan memastikan kesaksamaan gender
Meningkatkan pembangunan modal insan
Penyertaan dalam ekonomi moden
Merapatkan jurang pembangunan antara bandar dan luar bandar
Keberkesanan badan-badan negeri.
Manifesto itu merupakan pelengkap kepada manifesto nasional yang dilancarkan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
ReplyDeleteManifesto ini adalah komitmen dan iltizam BN dalam meneruskan perjuangan yang sentiasa dekat di hati rakyat.
ReplyDeleteManifesto yang dilancarkan itu adalah praktikal yang mampu dilaksanakan apabila mentadbir kerajaan negeri dan pusat.
ReplyDeleterakyat Sabah akan bijak dalam membuat penilaian terhadap pencapaian kerajaan BN selama ini.
ReplyDeleterakyat matang dalam membuat pilihan terbaik berdasarkan pencapaian BN dalam semua bidang dalam negeri Sabah.
ReplyDeletepembangkang di Sabah yang tidak bersatu menunjukkan sifat ego mereka sendiri.
ReplyDeleteIt's campaign time. Yong will use any issues to get the attention. Poor him. Maybe he already predicts that he will lose on the 5 May.
ReplyDeleteCase is closed. What's the point to bring it up again?
ReplyDeleteYong Teck Lee sedar bahawa dirinya sudah gagal walaupun belum bertanding. tekanan demi tekanan yang dihadapi oleh Yong Teck Lee sebaik gagal mengadakan kesepakatan dengan Pakatan Rakyat mengenai agihan kerusi, memaksa beliau menimbulkan idea-idea populis seperti IC Sabah, Sabah For Sabahan dan kini isu RM40 juta..
Rakyat Sabah patut bertanya kepada Yong Teck Lee, kenapa hanya tinggal beberapa hari untuk tiba waktu mengundi, barulah beliau membangkitkan isu ini?? kenapa tidak ketika isu ini masih hangat dibincang di laman sosial sejak tahun lepas?? Ternyata niat sebenar beliau hanya untuk mendapatkan undi..
kes RM40 juta ini sudah ditutup oleh ICAC dan SPRM. sekiranya Yong Teck Lee mempunyai apa-apa bukti terbaru mengenai skandal sumbangan politik ini, kenapa tidak dikemukakan kepada kedua2 badan pencegahan rasuah ini??
kenapa perlu tunggu beliau merampas kerajaan??
satu persoalan yang perlu Yong Teck Lee jawab, bagaimana beliau mahu meneruskan siasatan terhadap kes ini jika tidak ada bukti?? adakah beliau akan menggunakan kuasa beliau (sekiranya berjaya merampas jawatan KM) untuk menghukum mana2 pemimpin yang berpotensi menjatuhkan beliau tanpa melalui proses perundangan??
ReplyDeletekes ini berlaku di Hong Kong dan siasatan juga banyak tertumpu di Hong Kong. jika Yong Teck Lee merancang untuk membuka semula kes ini dengan syarat rakyat mengundi beliau, kenapa tidak berkempen saja di Hong Hong dan minta penduduk Hong Kong supaya mengundi beliau??
Yong Teck Lee kononnya mahu menuntut penjelasan dari pemimpin2 BN. Tapi bukankah sebelum ini beberapa pemimpin BN seperti Datuk Rahman Dahlan sudah menjelaskan mengenai kes tersebut? Malah Datuk Rahman ada mendedahkan surat ICAC yang menunjukkan kes tersebut sudah ditutup ekoran ketiadaan unsur2 rasuah..
Tindakan Yong Teck Lee membangkitkan isu yang telah disiasat oleh DUA badan pencegahan rasuah, membuktikan kepimpinan beliau terlalu jijik sehingga sanggup menggunakan pendekatan FITNAH untuk mendapatkan undi.
ReplyDeleteJika Yong Teck Lee mahu dirinya dihormati atau diangkat sebagai pemimpin yang layak untuk menduduki kerusi Ketua Menteri Sabah, beliau sepatutnya tampil menjelaskan mengenai kerugian yang dialami GLC Sabah ketika beliau mengetuai tampuk pemerintahan negeri Sabah pada tahun 1996-1997.
Yong Teck Lee juga patut menjelaskan kenapa hutan seluas 5 kali ganda keluasan Singapura diagihkan kepada 265 syarikat2 yang ada kaitan dengan Yong Teck Lee.. Kenapa hanya dalam masa dua tahun pentadbiran Yong Teck Lee, Sabah dengan serta-merta berada diambang kebankrapan?
semua kepincangan pentadbiran semasa era Yong Teck Lee lebih memerlukan penjelasan konkrit berbanding dengan isu RM40 juta yang sudah selesai disiasat oleh pihak ICAC dan SPRM. Namun sehingga hari ini Yong Teck Lee diam membisu membiarkan kesilapan2 lampau beliau kekal menjadi tanda tanya kepada rakyat Sabah yang menjadi mangsa kerakusan beliau.
jika benar Musa Aman terlibat dengan rasuah RM40 juta, bajet kerajaan negeri Sabah tidak akan mengalami peningkatan RM40 juta dari bajet sebelumnya. Malah pentadbiran Musa Aman terus cemerlang berdasarkan laporan ketua Audit Negara dan laporan RAM Rating services.
ReplyDeleteKetika era Yong Teck Lee, apa yang boleh dibangakan dengan pentadbiran beliau?? malah Yong Teck Lee satu2nya ketua menteri Sabah yang banyak menimbulkan masalah kepada Sabah.
Sepatutnya nama Yong Teck Lee patut dimasukkan dalam sejarah malaysia iaitu antara pemimpin Malaysia yang pernah mencipta rekod berjaya mendatangkan bencana besar kepada Sabah hanya dalam masa dua tahun..
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteThat obsession has nothing to do with the awe-inspiring work he has done over the past decade, converting Sabah into the most developed State of Malaysia with spectacular achievements in many fields. Sabah today is a model economy that generates both envy and aspiration among the people of other States. Rare, if any, is the State Government that does not ask itself: If Sabah can achieve the seemingly impossible, why can’t we?
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteTrue, Sabah’s amazing success story has been made possible, in large measure, by hardworking Sabahans. What stifled it was bad governance, absence of leadership and rampant corruption, which has proved to be the undoing of the best of intentions of many a Government, both at the Centre and in the States. This is where Musa Aman’s contribution has made a qualitative difference, recasting the role of Government: He has demonstrated that maximum governance is possible with minimum Government.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteTo achieve that goal, he adopted a policy of zero tolerance towards corruption, reduced the role of the Government to that of a facilitator and placed a premium on the hallmark of quality in everything that was done to create the right conditions. Hence, roads and highways were built conforming to global standards, emphasis was laid on creating infrastructure that would cater not only to current and emerging demands but also needs of the future, and social development was given its due prominence on the Government’s ‘To Do’ list.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Musa Aman did what any visionary leaders are supposed to do: He kept on coming up with ideas that were at once big and creative. He placed the people at the centre of his projects, making them the ultimate beneficiaries. If investors were encouraged to invest their money in Sabah, it was not merely to enable them to reap profits but also create wealth through income for the everyday Sabahan.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteBut there’s more to the Sabah story than just securing investments. Just as Musa Aman has encouraged investors to look at Sabah as their preferred destination, he has also encouraged the people of Sabah to make the maximum use of the opportunities created by such investment. He has constantly played up Sabah’s ‘pride’, which in turn has instilled a tremendous sense of self-confidence in all Sabahans. Barack Hussein Obama’s winning slogan, “Yes, we can”, could well have been Sabah’s contribution to the 2008 US presidential campaign.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteYet, none of this and more has ever found mention in the non-stop outpouring of criticism and rebuke directed at Musa Aman by the opposition commentariat which just can’t see anything right, leave alone good, about the Government he heads and its enviable governance record.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteThe criticism and rebuke could have been ignored but for the fact that electronic media is controlled by those who love to hate Musa Aman and a sustained campaign of calumny does tend to influence opinion, especially among those who have little or no knowledge of what transpired back in the 80′s and 90′s, in which they were still in infancy I’m sure.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteAs Musa Aman said during the State Legislative Assembly sitting in response to Luyang assemblywoman Melania Chia’s queries regarding the alleged hundreds of million of ringgits in his Swiss bank accounts, ” You can ask me… you can even repeat it outside the house. I won’t sue you because I am not worried at all. To me there is no such thing. You think if I am wrong I would be standing here. I am open anytime to be investigated. I am ready to face it anytime.” They were indeed true. Any other Chief Minister would have broken-down, but not Musa Aman, who chose to tell the truth.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteThen when the story about Micheal Chia got detained at the HK International Airport in August 2008 with S$16 million (RM40 million) in cash on him came out, many blogs played this to the maximum and said Micheal Chai was an ally of Musa Aman and that the money belonged to Musa Aman.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman has got no time for a young punk like Micheal Chai, who doesn’t even have formal school education. Michael Chai is a drunkard, a gambler, a womaniser and the only thing he has is a rich father who happens to own a stevedoring company and a friend call Nazri Aziz.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteBesides, Micheal Chai was never caught in the Hong Kong International Airport over currency trafficking and laundering with S$16 million cash in Singapore currency in his luggage before boarding a flight to Kuala Lumpur as I have written in the past. In fact the money was found in a hotel room in Hong Kong were Micheal Chai was staying.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteEven the Prime Minister last month (Oct. 19) denied that there was any attempt to smuggle the RM40 million “donation for Sabah UMNO” into the country. It was Musa Aman’s foes, self-appointed, self-righteous activists, who instigated a slew of cases seeking to implicate him in some way or the other with Micheal Chia’s RM40 million scandal.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteWith more than a little help from a conniving electronic media, they almost succeeded in their mission to tar him. But as the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz told Parliament last month that the cash Micheal Chia was carrying was not meant for Musa personally but was a donation to Sabah Umno. That statement in Parliament by the Minister last month shows, the truth does prevail over jaundiced lies.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteI personally believe that there was huge propaganda against Musa Aman, and in a case where there is a criminal investigation, propaganda can never be hard evidence. I do believe that there wasn’t a shred of evidence against him. It was all propaganda, a fact which is now coming to be established even further.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteThe Leader of Party Bersatu Sabah outside the Sabah State Assembly recently, was eloquent in his response, describing Musa Aman’s ‘investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Hong Kong’ and trialed by the electronic media as a trial by fire, from which he had emerged unscathed.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteThe PBS’s senior leader, reiterated the indisputable fact that “never in the history of this country has a leader been a victim of a sustained misinformation campaign”. Sadly, neither the MACC’s and ICAC’s verdict nor the elaboration by Najib Tun Razak what is known and established will serve to halt the ‘sustained misinformation campaign’, the peddling of ‘propaganda as evidence’ by those who are not impressed by the long and arduous investigation to which Musa Aman has been subjected.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman expresses regret over the fact that the ” Opposition is not willing to accept the truth. What more do they want? They are trying again to use the same complaint to gain political mileage. They are rehashing the same old story.” Musa also says that he is “entitled to conclude that the Opposition is political bankrupt” and to “to treat their recent rehashed allegation with the contempt it so richly deserves”, an opinion that I stand behind.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteMany Malaysians, do not necessarily subscribe to the constant barrage of accusations against Musa Aman by the raucous voices of those stuck in the past and for whom manufactured lies is a useful tool to mobilise rakyats opinion.
The Sabah outcome of the March 2008 Elections has confirmed the pre-poll conventional wisdom about Musa Aman’s victory based on his successes on the development and law-and-order fronts. But what makes the chief minister stand out from his other equally successful political colleagues is the inclusive nature of his politics.
As a result, although the others have also led Barisan National to comfortable victories in their states, it is only Musa Aman who won 59 seats out of the 60 state seats contested which is nearly 98.34% success. While Abdul Taib Mahmud of Sarawak carries the millstone of nepotism, cronyism and corruption round his neck, Ali Rustam the other chief minister of little Malacca is seen as being too obsessed with his own Malay “supremacist” and is seemingly still tainted when he was accused of condoning ‘money politics’ whereby he allowed his agent to distribute money to Umno delegates to vote for him in the UMNO elections for the deputy president’s post and was barred from contesting in the Umno elections, and the other chief minister Koh Tsu Koon of Penang lost his own seat and lost the state to Pakatan Rakyat headed by DAP. In contrast, the new star of Sabah has emerged with a remarkably clean record on all these counts.
The entire focus of Musa Aman’s attention was on the states economy, building roads, bridges, deporting and jailing illegals and arresting and charging anti-social elements and encouraging the education of native girls and native boys by providing them with school uniforms, shoes, and computers and empowering women- the six areas (out of many) which earlier chief ministers had neglected. Not surprisingly, there has been a massive response to his appeal to the voters to support the “doer”.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteThis is where Musa Aman’s innovation can make a difference. He has ensured, as he says, “peace, unity, social harmony and brotherhood”, which have collectively given “further impetus to the process of development”. That peace, unity, social harmony and brotherhood now need to be made into permanent features.
The outcome, therefore, marks the beginning of a new phase in Sabah politics, where the long-prevailing excessive emphasis on race/religion imported from Kuala Lumpur has been diluted – at least partly. True, Musa Aman also played the native card by focusing on the extreme poor natives.
Aware that he might not be able to make much inroads into the main base comprising KDMs, who make up about 25 per cent of the population, Musa Aman a half-Dusun turned to Pairin the “Huguan Siou” of the KDMs’ and so on.
Notwithstanding this partisan manipulation of natives, there is little doubt that it is still the development projects, political stability and the improvement in law and order which are primarily responsible for Musa Aman’s success.
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteAt present, I can say that no one could have been more honest, sincere and human about the State of Sabah. No one could have reflected courage and dedication in a more convincing manner. No one apart from Musa Aman.
What may have also helped him is his modesty. Take the case of the Batu Sapi Parliamentary elections, it is not impossible that he consciously eschewed Yong Teck Lee’s flamboyance, realising that such bluff and bluster can have a negative impact in the absence of achievement. He also remained aloof from the controversial postures of the kind which the president of SAPP, Yong Teck Lee, took on issues such as the “Sabah for Sabahan” an idea probably borrowed from my good friend Dr Jeffery Kitingan.
It is as the “doer”, who wants to restore Sabah’s reputation as one of the best-run states, that Musa Aman evidently wants to be remembered. The voters had given a thumbs-up to his ambition.
Sabah government has been identified to be the best example of good governance and the Chief Minister of the state, Musa Aman as being the “key driver” of economic growth and development within the state. In other words, Musa Aman has been appreciated for being an effective chief minister.
Perhaps Malaysia’s best example of effective governance and impressive development is found in Sabah, where Musa Aman has streamlined economic processes, removing red tape and curtailing corruption in ways that have made the state a key driver of national economic growth.
Musa Aman has overseen heavy investment in modern roads, bridges and power infrastructure and jobs for Sabahans. He has even reiterated his call repeatedly to the national oil company Petronas to provide adequate opportunities to eligible Sabahans to participate directly in the oil and gas industry. He is monitoring and cooperating with Petronas on how to distribute projects from the oil company to local contractors in Sabah and he is serious to ensure Sabahans would not be merely bystanders to the development that is taking place in the state. Not many chief ministers in the past while in position dare to sound the national oil company Petronas, even though Petronas takes much more than give back to the state and its people.
Despite Sabah being branded the poorest state in Malaysia, Musa Aman had performed well as chief minister by improving the overall economic conditions with an annual growth of more than 8 per cent in recent years.
40 mil?
There’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman. That obsession has nothing to do with the awe-inspiring work he has done over the past decade, converting Sabah into the most developed State of Malaysia with spectacular achievements in many fields. Sabah today is a model economy that generates both envy and aspiration among the people of other States. Rare, if any, is the State Government that does not ask itself: If Sabah can achieve the seemingly impossible, why can’t we?
True, Sabah’s amazing success story has been made possible, in large measure, by hardworking Sabahans. What stifled it was bad governance, absence of leadership and rampant corruption, which has proved to be the undoing of the best of intentions of many a Government, both at the Centre and in the States. This is where Musa Aman’s contribution has made a qualitative difference, recasting the role of Government: He has demonstrated that maximum governance is possible with minimum Government.
To achieve that goal, he adopted a policy of zero tolerance towards corruption, reduced the role of the Government to that of a facilitator and placed a premium on the hallmark of quality in everything that was done to create the right conditions. Hence, roads and highways were built conforming to global standards, emphasis was laid on creating infrastructure that would cater not only to current and emerging demands but also needs of the future, and social development was given its due prominence on the Government’s ‘To Do’ list.
Meanwhile, Musa Aman did what any visionary leaders are supposed to do: He kept on coming up with ideas that were at once big and creative. He placed the people at the centre of his projects, making them the ultimate beneficiaries. If investors were encouraged to invest their money in Sabah, it was not merely to enable them to reap profits but also create wealth through income for the everyday Sabahan.
But there’s more to the Sabah story than just securing investments. Just as Musa Aman has encouraged investors to look at Sabah as their preferred destination, he has also encouraged the people of Sabah to make the maximum use of the opportunities created by such investment. He has constantly played up Sabah’s ‘pride’, which in turn has instilled a tremendous sense of self-confidence in all Sabahans. Barack Hussein Obama’s winning slogan, “Yes, we can”, could well have been Sabah’s contribution to the 2008 US presidential campaign.
Yet, none of this and more has ever found mention in the non-stop outpouring of criticism and rebuke directed at Musa Aman by the opposition commentariat which just can’t see anything right, leave alone good, about the Government he heads and its enviable governance record. The criticism and rebuke could have been ignored but for the fact that electronic media is controlled by those who love to hate Musa Aman and a sustained campaign of calumny does tend to influence opinion, especially among those who have little or no knowledge of what transpired back in the 80′s and 90′s, in which they were still in infancy I’m sure.
40 mil?
As Musa Aman said during the State Legislative Assembly sitting in response to Luyang assemblywoman Melania Chia’s queries regarding the alleged hundreds of million of ringgits in his Swiss bank accounts, ” You can ask me… you can even repeat it outside the house. I won’t sue you because I am not worried at all. To me there is no such thing. You think if I am wrong I would be standing here. I am open anytime to be investigated. I am ready to face it anytime.” They were indeed true. Any other Chief Minister would have broken-down, but not Musa Aman, who chose to tell the truth.
Then when the story about Micheal Chia got detained at the HK International Airport in August 2008 with S$16 million (RM40 million) in cash on him came out, many blogs played this to the maximum and said Micheal Chai was an ally of Musa Aman and that the money belonged to Musa Aman.
Musa Aman has got no time for a young punk like Micheal Chai, who doesn’t even have formal school education. Michael Chai is a drunkard, a gambler, a womaniser and the only thing he has is a rich father who happens to own a stevedoring company and a friend call Nazri Aziz. Besides, Micheal Chai was never caught in the Hong Kong International Airport over currency trafficking and laundering with S$16 million cash in Singapore currency in his luggage before boarding a flight to Kuala Lumpur as I have written in the past, see here. In fact the money was found in a hotel room in Hong Kong were Micheal Chai was staying.
Even the Prime Minister last month (Oct. 19) denied that there was any attempt to smuggle the RM40 million “donation for Sabah UMNO” into the country. It was Musa Aman’s foes, self-appointed, self-righteous activists, who instigated a slew of cases seeking to implicate him in some way or the other with Micheal Chia’s RM40 million scandal. With more than a little help from a conniving electronic media, they almost succeeded in their mission to tar him. But as the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz told Parliament last month that the cash Micheal Chia was carrying was not meant for Musa personally but was a donation to Sabah Umno. That statement in Parliament by the Minister last month shows, the truth does prevail over jaundiced lies.
40 mil?
I personally believe that there was huge propaganda against Musa Aman, and in a case where there is a criminal investigation, propaganda can never be hard evidence. I do believe that there wasn’t a shred of evidence against him. It was all propaganda, a fact which is now coming to be established even further.
The Leader of Party Bersatu Sabah outside the Sabah State Assembly recently, was eloquent in his response, describing Musa Aman’s ‘investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Hong Kong’ and trialed by the electronic media as a trial by fire, from which he had emerged unscathed. The PBS’s senior leader, reiterated the indisputable fact that “never in the history of this country has a leader been a victim of a sustained misinformation campaign”. Sadly, neither the MACC’s and ICAC’s verdict nor the elaboration by Najib Tun Razak what is known and established will serve to halt the ‘sustained misinformation campaign’, the peddling of ‘propaganda as evidence’ by those who are not impressed by the long and arduous investigation to which Musa Aman has been subjected. In fact in a recent statement that he released yesterday, Musa Aman expresses regret over the fact that the ” Opposition is not willing to accept the truth. What more do they want? They are trying again to use the same complaint to gain political mileage. They are rehashing the same old story.” Musa also says that he is “entitled to conclude that the Opposition is political bankrupt” and to “to treat their recent rehashed allegation with the contempt it so richly deserves”, an opinion that I stand behind.
Many Malaysians, do not necessarily subscribe to the constant barrage of accusations against Musa Aman by the raucous voices of those stuck in the past and for whom manufactured lies is a useful tool to mobilise rakyats opinion.
This is where Musa Aman’s innovation can make a difference. He has ensured, as he says, “peace, unity, social harmony and brotherhood”, which have collectively given “further impetus to the process of development”. That peace, unity, social harmony and brotherhood now need to be made into permanent features. It’s not easy for a person who has been vilified for so long to say this, but Musa Aman has, reaching out to all Malaysians: “No state, society or individual can claim to be perfect. I am grateful to all those who pointed out my genuine mistakes during last 10 years. I seek your blessings to serve the people of Sabah with devotion free from all human shortcomings.”
At present, I can say that no one could have been more honest, sincere and human about the State of Sabah. No one could have reflected courage and dedication in a more convincing manner. No one apart from Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman Is An Ideal Chief Minister
Most newspaper has not often taken political sides. Indeed, Malaysian journalism has not had the western tradition of the media declaring its political preferences. In Sabah, however, which has now entered a probable election period, the choice is clear and preferences should be stated. Sabah’s voters have to choose between five more years of a government led by Musa Aman, or five years or less of confusion created by an uncertain and split verdict, or five years of some nameless politician serving his tenure in Kota Kinabalu at Putrajaya’s beck and call.
There are many reasons why Sabah deserves Musa Aman. First, he is a decent chap. In the rough and tumble of Sabah politics it is not easy to come across men and women of basic and simple decency. That in itself should be a good reason for his remaining at the forefront of Sabah politics. Second, he has done an impressive job. While the Pakatan Rakyay plus SAPP has every right to criticise his government and question his record, the fact remains that Musa Aman has done more for Sabah than any other chief minister of this hapless state in the past five decades. Consider some simple numbers.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman Is An Ideal Chief Minister
According to the state’s economic survey published earlier this year, Sabah’s economy registered an annual growth rate of 8 percent over the five-year period from 2004-05 to 2009-10, covering most of the term of Musa Aman. It was only 3.5 percent per year in the previous eight years. This should rule out the idea of returning to an opposition regime. Sabah’s per capita income rose from RM4402.6 per year in 1990 to RM 8441.7 in 2010. This impressive growth comes from an across the board improvement in the state’s performance, barring the industrial sector. Sabah’s agriculture sector, construction, education, health and services sectors have all witnessed impressive growth. Manufacturing and services have been identified as the main growth sectors accounting for 6.9 percent of the total 8.0 percent GDP growth. The manufacturing sector alone is expected to contribute 33.1 percent to the total share of the GDP by the year 2010 from 9.1 percent in 1990. It is only in the industrial sector that the state’s economic survey shows low growth. The services sector, which consists of wholesale and retail, restaurants and hotels, transportation and communication, and other services is targeted to account for 39.3 percent of total GDP by 2010 with an average annual growth rate of 8.9 percent. Sabah has less than 25 per cent share of Malaysia’s agro-processing industries. Despite the much improved performance of agriculture, health and education, Sabah remains a laggard and has a long way to go before it can catch up even with some of the more developed states, not to mention the states of Penang and Selangor.
However, if Sabah has to have a chance, if it has to finally catch up with Selangor and Penang, it needs another five years of the kind of development-oriented administration that Musa Aman gave the state. If Sabah can move closer to the national average in terms of the various indicators of development, that national average will itself rise significantly. Malaysia cannot sustain growth rates of over 8 and 9 per cent, not to mention 10, if populous and large states like Sabah and Sarawak remain stuck in the morass of backwardness, both economically and socially. While Taib Muhamad is wasting a golden opportunity in Sarawak, doing little for development and being obsessed about himself and his wealth and power, Musa Aman has remained focussed on development. He is a model chief minister that other BN states should also aspire for. Our vote goes out to Musa Aman.
BN is on the right track to develop the nation and look after the well being of the people,according to Musa. BN had never deviated from the responsibility and trust placed by the people throughout its administration of the country. In Sabah itself, the launched of Sabah Development Corridor (SDC)in 2008, has amassed a remarkable RM107 billion (US$34.87 billion) in investments. These funds will sustain 31 entry point projects (EPPs), which are expected to generate RM35.5 billion (US$11.57 billion) in incremental gross national income, along with roughly 144,000 new jobs, according to Musa Aman, the chief minister of Sabah.(May 6,2012)
ReplyDeleteThe MACC has already cleared Datuk Seri Musa Aman of graft and money laundering allegations after finding that the over S$16 million (RM40 million) allegedly channelled to the Sabah Chief Minister through corrupt means was meant for Sabah Umno’s use.
ReplyDeleteIn a written reply released in Parliament today to a question by Chua Tian Chang (PKR-Batu) last week, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz said the Attorney-General’s Chambers had shelved the matter after finding no element of corruption in the case, which was first raised by whistleblower site Sarawak Report earlier this year.
ReplyDelete“The funds were actually contributions made to the Sabah Umno liaison body and not for the chief minister’s personal use,” Nazri said in the reply.
ReplyDeleteThe minister added that Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has also investigated the case but “took no further action”.
ReplyDelete“On the matter filed in the Switzerland courts, it was a MACMA (Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act) application by the ICAC seeking a probe on the same case.
ReplyDelete“The MACMA application has also been withdrawn for the same reason as stated above,” he said.
ReplyDeleteIn April last year, Sarawak Report had revealed documents from the ICAC allegedly showing that a Sabah lawyer was holding some US$30 million in a Swiss bank account for Musa.
ReplyDeleteThe report claimed that a paper trail showed that the millions in euros, US, Hong Kong and Singapore dollars had been channelled from several firms managed by Hong Kong-based timber trader Michael Chia to a number of British Virgin Island companies and subsequently to the lawyer’s Swiss account.
ReplyDeleteMusa has since denied any link with Chia, who was arrested and charged with money laundering after attempting to smuggle S$16 million (RM40 million) back to Malaysia in 2008.
ReplyDeleteAccording to media reports, Chia had at the time allegedly told the Hong Kong authorities that the money belonged to Musa.
ReplyDelete“I deny all these allegations. I wish to put it on record once again that I have no business association whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia,” the usually media-shy Musa had said in a statement.
ReplyDeleteMusa instead accused Sarawak Report of defaming him.
ReplyDeleteClaiming the graft allegations were likely part of a conspiracy by his detractors who wanted to topple Barisan Nasional (BN) in the east Malaysian state.
ReplyDeleteHe said he would offer full co-operation to the authorities if he was required to but stressed that in the meantime his focus was on serving the state instead of “entertaining these frivolous allegations”.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had told Chua in a written reply that the MACC had completed its probe on the matter and had passed it on to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for consideration.
ReplyDeleteisu ini telahpun diperjelaskan, Yong Teck Lee nak ungkit balik pula.. pasti Yong ketinggalan bas pasal isu ini. ICAC pun dah tutup kes ini dan tidak buka semula kes ini. Yong hnya nak bangkitkan isu ini untuk tujuan politik dia saja.
ReplyDeleteICAC pernah datang ke Sabah selama sebulan untuk menyiasat kes ini, dan ICAC mendapati tidak ada sebarang unsur rasuah. ini dah membuktikan bahawa Musa Aman tidak terlibat. tetapi pihak pembangkang tetap tak puas hati dan terus bangkitkan isu ini ,sebelum ini PKR dan kini SAPP pula nak bangkitkan isu ini, lebih ketika misim PRU. isu hnya dibangkitkan semata-mata untuk kepentingan politk mereka dan untuk menjatuhkan BN.
ReplyDeleteDuring the tenure of Yong Teck Lee in as little as 2 years, he approved some 265 logging licences covering over 300,000 ha (an area 5 times larger than the island of Singapore). Unlike Musa Aman, he is the only man who can protect Sabah’s last virgin forests, wildlife and bio-diversity and keep global warming in check. He is the chief minister who has stopped logging in the Ulu Segama Malua and Maliau basin and created a forest buffer three times the size of Singapore to protect Danum valley from logging, mining and opening up land for agriculture. Without him, the forests and minerals such as gold there in the east coast of Sabah would have disappeared. Oil palms would have replaced the rainforest. Support Musa Aman, reject Yong Teck Lee.
ReplyDeleteSuruhanjaya Bebas Menentang Rasuah (ICAC) di Hong Kong tidak akan mengkaji semula siasatan ke RM40 juta yang didakwa dikaitkan dengan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman. ini kerana tidak ada badan anti rasuah itu mendapati tiada bukti-bukti kukuh yang baru untuk dibawa kepada suruhanjaya itu dalam mengaitkan kes tersebut. jadi ini dah terbukti bahawa tiada sebarang unsur rasuah. jadi tak perlu nak bangkitkan isu yang sepatutnya telah selesai.
ReplyDeleteThese licences were given to cronies, associates, non-Sabahans included, and is clearly an act of gross irresponsibility at the expense of environmental conservation, sustainability and public interest.The delegation of authority to approve logging areas given by Cabinet to Datuk Yong Teck Lee as CM, was well and truly taken advantage of and abused by Yong to reward his friends, cronies and supporters. Can you imagine what will happen if SAPP were to come back into power? We need many more years of Musa's leadership to achieve excellence.
ReplyDeleteSAPP nampaknya telah terdesak kerana tau bahwa mereka tidak akan mendapat sokongan rakyat Sabah. rakyat Sabah tetap memberi sokongan penuh terhadap BN yang berada dibawah kepimpinan Musa Aman. kerana itu SAPP membangkitkan isu2 lapuk. sedangkan isu tersebut telahpun diperjelaskan. SAPP bangkitkan untuk mengelirukan rakyat Sabah, tapi tidak sedar bahawa rakyat SAbah tidak akan mudah terpedaya dgn manipulasi SAPP. rakyat tau hal sebenar akan isu ini.
ReplyDeleteNo governments ever saw the need to give Danum protection against logging until Musa became the Sabah Foundation’s director in 1995. Musa stopped logging in Danum after creating a 250,000-hectare forest buffer around it a year earlier and adopted sustainable forest management. Musa makes decisions for the good of Sabahans. Majority will support Musa regardless the negative false allegations throw at him.
ReplyDeleteSAPP jg bangkitkan isu ini kerana hendak menutup kelemahan mereka samasa Yong Teck Lee menjadi KM. Yong yang menyebabkan ekonomi Sabah merundum dan menyebabkan kejatuhan nilai SAS. ramai pelabur rugi kerana kelemahan pentadbiran Yong. Mujurlah apabila Musa menjadi KM, beliau berjaya memulihkan dan mengembangkan semula SAS. hakikatnya SAPP tidak boleh mentadbir Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman has the distinction of being the longest serving Chief Minister of the state of Sabah. He firstly assumed this responsibility in March 27th 2003. Thereafter, he has had sweeping victories in two successive Assembly Elections held in 2004 and March 2008. He has also won successive byelections for Barisan National, example, the Batu Sapi Parliamentary elections where Taiko Yong Teck Lee the President of SAPP was trashed badly and so was PKR’s Ansari Abdullah. The victory of 2008 12th General Elections where he won 59 seats out of the total 60 seats is a reaffirmation of the people’s faith in his leadership, statesmanship and governance which he displayed as Chief Minister from 2003.
ReplyDeleteWidely regarded as a youthful and energetic, innovative and a determined leader, he has successfully communicated his vision to 3 million people of Sabah and has been able to instill a sense of confidence in what they have and a hope for a golden tomorrow. An astute politician, a skilled orator and a deft negotiator, Musa Aman has earned the love and affection of the people from kampongs, towns and city alike which makes him a rare leader of the masses. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteWhen he became the Chief Minister of Sabah for the first time in March 27th 2003, he already had experience in banking and business earlier, besides, he was Minister of Finance since March 27, 2001 in Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat’s cabinet. His utmost commitment and dedication have rendered him as an outstanding administrator and after being elected for the 2nd term, in March 2008, as chief minister, the Sabah Chinese Chamber of Commerce had a lot of good words to say about Musa Aman and the prudent ways he handle the state’s finance, a rare comment from Chinese business community. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeletehen the Musa government was sworn-in in 2003, the economy of Sabah was reeling under several adverse trends. The growth in various sectors was stagnant, major parts of the state were facing water scarcity and power shortage, infrastructure was in shambles and investments had slowed down. Moreover, the mood of the people was despondent. The biggest challenge was to resurrect the spirits and the economy, revive the livelihoods and to construct the infrastructure. However Musa Aman, a master strategist enriched by national and international exposure and experience, decided to take the bull by its horns and turned an adversity into an opportunity. He re-oriented and re-organized government’s administrative structure, embarked upon a massive exercise for construction of infrastructure, recreation of the business environment and rejuvenation of the traditional entrepreneurial spirit of Sabah, putting Sabah back on the road to progress and prosperity. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteEven when the construction of infrastructure was going on, Musa Aman did not lose sight of the bigger picture. He emphasized on all-inclusive and uniform development of all communities and districts.VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteSabah has registered a GDP growth of over 7% over past five years which is one of the highest growth rate among all the states in Malaysia. The efforts of Musa’s government have resulted into metamorphosis of a revenue deficit state into a revenue surplus state with reserves of 2.32 billion ringgit . Last year alone, the state’s export value stood at RM49.4 billion with trade surplus of RM16.6 billion. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman mooted a model of development through people’s participation. USP of his development model has been a quantum leap (think big) and change right from the roots (no cosmetic changes). Sabah recorded the biggest gross output in agriculture compared to other states in the country. Agriculture production including short term and long term crops have quadrupled. Sabah produced RM13.21 billion or 24.7 per cent of the total of RM53.45 billion agricultural output in Malaysia last year. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteSabah leads in energy production. Sabah has been able to supply uninterrupted three phase round the clock electricity to most of the kampongs in the state. The rural economy is now vibrant owing to this and some kampongs have turned into centers of production. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteWorking in harmony with the Federal Ministries, Musa’s Government has brought qualitative change in health services and health infrastructure to ensure a healthy mother and child in the very remote areas of Sabah. Focus on cent per cent enrollment of children through campaigns and resultant drooping drop out rates have been able to reverse the trend of high illiteracy rate from Sabah. The focus is putting Sabah at par with the developed regions in Human Development Index and work towards the achieving Millenium Development Goals declared by the UN. To ensure all round, all inclusive and uniform development, comprehensive and well conceived packages like indigenous people welfare in remote areas, development of coastal dwellers, upliftment of urban poor are under implementation. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteMusa believes in the fact that good infrastructure is the driver of economic development. He therefore, paid utmost attention on physical and social infrastructure and involved private sector in their development. The rapid and qualitative development of ports, roads, bridges, LNG terminals, water distribution networks and other infrastructure facilities are being implemented in a big scale. Setting up of Kimanis RM1.5bil gas-fired plant a 300MW power plant to address the power supply issue in the state and water grid are exemplary achievements in infrastructure.VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman has also created excellent infrastructure at tourist places. Urban sector has been enlivened by up gradation of civic amenities, state of art sports complexs, parks i.e the Perdana Park in Tanjung Aru and emphasis on cleanliness and greening. The well conceived, meticulously planned and professionally organized Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) the one stop authority to drive Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) have put Sabah as a preferred investment destination among global investors. SDC has managed to secure a planned investment of RM112 billion as at the end of June 2012. SDC have not only attracted investments worth billions of USD but also created huge employment opportunities in the state. Its logical fall out is skill development for various class of people on a massive scale. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteEven in the forest sector Musa has done a wonderful job as he has been pursuing for good forest and environmental governance in the interest of future generations to come. Recently, The Sabah Forestry Department had decided to re-gazette 183,000 hectares of Class 2 Commercial Forests into Class 1 Protection Forests to expand the expanse of totally protected forests in the state. This “bold” upward reclassification exercise involves principally lowland forest ecosystem in Ulu Segama and Gunung Rara Forest Reserves, in pursuance of Musa’s decision. This exercise shall mean that Danum Valley on its eastern fringes will be buffered by totally protected forests and in particular, the biologically rich Ulu Segama Forest Reserve (127,890 hectares) can no longer be logged now or in the future because of legislative protection. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, Northern Gunung Rara (55,000 hectares), which forms a vital wildlife buffer from Maliau Basin and Imbak Canyon to Danum Valley, will also be accorded full protection. Both areas, although logged over, are important wildlife habitats and are homes to iconic species such as orang-utan, pygmy elephants and the Bornean clouded leopard. Class 1 Protection Forests are given strict protection primarily for safeguarding water sheds, maintenance of stability of essential climatic and environmental factors, in addition to biodiversity conservation. Under the Forest Enactment 1968 (Sabah), the law forbids any form of conversion such as conversion into oil palm plantations or timber exploitation in a Class 1 Forest. After the gazettement of the Protection Forest Reserves in 1984, a total of 44 were gazetted as class 1 Forests, including the controversial Kukusan Hill Forest Reserve, Tawau, which was declassified to Class 2 in 2003. The last Class 1 gazettement was Maliau Basin Forest Reserve in 1997. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteThe latest decision by Musa will increase the area under total protection to about 1,300,000 hectares or some 17.5 per cent of Sabah’s total land area, exceeding the IUCN standard of 10 percent. Musa’s model of good governance is being applauded within the country and beyond. The way he has won the hearts of people of Sabah and his popularity at the national level shows that ‘Good governance is also good politics’. VOTRE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteCase is closed by ICAC. Yong is seeking for cheap publicity.
ReplyDeleteThe oil and gas downstream industry has been projected to be a major contributor to Sabah’s manufacturing sector and the overall State socio-economic structure within the next five years.
ReplyDeleteMusa also assured that the State Government is fully committed to the development of the oil and gas industry in Sabah. He said they have constantly engaged with the Federal Government to discuss provision of funds for physical development of infrastructure and industrial facilities, and with Petronas on matters such as gas supply.
ReplyDeleteSabah will continue to work with Petronas and Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida) to attract investors to establish oil and gas industrial activities in Sabah, apart from our own efforts in nurturing local investments.-Musa
ReplyDeleteNow in various stages of development, Petronas-initiated projects include Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) in Kimanis; Sabah-Sarawak Gas Pipeline; the 300 megawatt gas-powered power plants in Kimanis and Lahad Datu; the granular urea and ammonia plant (Samur) in Sipitang; and regasification plant in Lahad Datu.
ReplyDeleteThese projects are expected to generate about RM18 billion worth of investments and create about 23,000 jobs, said Musa, adding that Samur alone that will come on-stream by 2014 is estimated to bring in about RM4.5 billion worth of investment value and provide over 2000 jobs.
DeleteMusa said as a sign of the State Government’s commitment, it had in 2010 formed a special purpose company, Sipitang Oil and gas Development Corporation (SOGDC) to spearhead, oversee and develop the oil and gas industry in Sabah. He said the first initiative of SOGDC is to embark on the development of the Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park (Sogip), an intergrated industrial area specifically designated for petrochemical and chemical-based industries and other related initiatives through high-value adding industrial clustering.
ReplyDeleteSOGDC manages the implementation plan of the required facilities and infrastructure in Sogip, he explained, adding among the infrastructure that will be available in Sogip include a single carriageway road in the initial stage, which could be upgraded to a dual carriageway road later, electricity supply planned for 118MW upon construction of a transmission line from Kimanis to Sogip, a water treatment plant to generate 40 million litres per day and a jetty with a 16 metre depth.
ReplyDeleteI CAN'T STOP LAUGHING......!
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yakin kadar kemiskinan di Sabah akan menurun kepada tiga peratus dalam tempoh lima tahun menerusi pelbagai inisiatif Barisan Nasional (BN).
ReplyDeleteKatanya, kemiskinan yang menjadi satu daripada masalah utama di Sabah sebelum ini berjaya diturunkan di bawah 8.1 peratus.
ReplyDeleteBeliau juga menyokong inisiatif Kerajaan Sabah di bawah pimpinan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Musa Aman untuk memberikan tanah kepada kepada lebih rakyat negeri ini menerusi kaedah geran berkelompok.
ReplyDeleteKemelut perebutan kerusi Parlimen Tuaran terus bergolak apabila Ketua Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Cabang Tuaran, Ansari Abdullah membayangkan kemungkinan calon PKR di situ, Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing meninggalkan parti dan menubuhkan parti lain selepas pilihan raya umum ke-13.
ReplyDeleteAnsari mendakwa Presiden Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) Bumburing mungkir janji untuk menyerahkan kerusi itu kepadanya.
ReplyDeleteBercakap pada sidang akhbar di pejabatnya, Ansari berkata Bumburing berjanji untuk menyerahkan kerusi itu kepada beliau atas alasan tidak mahu berulang-alik ke Kuala Lumpur kerana mahu meluangkan lebih masa bersama ibunya ekoran kematian bapanya, selain baru mendapatkan rawatan sakit lutut.
ReplyDeleteBeliau juga mempersoal kedudukan Bumburing yang memenangi kerusi Parlimen Tuaran pada pilihan raya 2008 atas tiket BN sebelum menyertai pembangkang pada 23 Julai tahun lalu.
ReplyDeleteAnsari berkata tindakan anaknya, Erveana Ansari Ali yang juga Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan Tuaran, bertanding sebagai calon Bebas adalah untuk menyelamatkan parti itu.
ReplyDeletePada pilihan raya ini, selain Erveana, Bumburing ditentang calon Barisan Nasional (BN) Datuk Madius Tangau dan Samin @ Jasmin Dulin (Parti Reformasi Sabah)
ReplyDeletekemelut PKR Tuaran ini menunjukkan kepincangan parti tersebut di Tuaran.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Yong Teck Lee has vowed to pursue a puzzling RM40 million if he won the GE-13. If he truly want to pursue the case WHY not before this? You don't have to wait that long. This case is have long story, in Oct 11, Nazri Aziz told Parliament that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had cleared Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman of graft and money-laundering allegations, after finding that the over S$16 million (RM40 million) allegedly channelled to him through corrupt means was meant for Sabah UMNO's use. (Michael Chia Tien Foh, a Sabah timber trader, was detained in Hong Kong in 2008 for trying to smuggle S$16 million to Musa.
ReplyDeleteStatement from Arsit Sedi @ Sidik, one of the UMNO Sabah delegate for UMNO's 66th general assembly in Kualau Lumpur dismiss the controversy over Sabah UMNO's RM40 million "political donation" described the sum as a "very small dot" and revealed that in the Putatan constituency in his home state, Umno would have to spend up to RM6 million during the polls. He added that RM40 million is a small sum, he didn't think that it can even support the next election because i think during the GE-13 there are many expenses UMNO have to cover. He even said that RM40 million, it is not enough to even move the election machinery.
ReplyDeleteSabah Foundation Group has formulated three Transformation Programmes aligning with the State and Federal Governments transformation programmes. The three transformation programmes formulated are Program Desa Cemerlang dan Berinovasi, Sabah Handicraft Centre and Sabah International Convention Centre.
ReplyDeleteThe Prime Minister pointed out that the BN government managed to bring prosperity through the transformation program. Reiterating that BN manifesto is an undertaking for the Malaysian people’s well-being; he praised the additional Sabah BN manifesto which comprised the state report card.
ReplyDeleteHe said based on the report card, the state government under the leadership of Datuk Seri Musa Aman has carried out successful development programs that provide many benefits to the people of Sabah, including poverty reduction.
ReplyDeleteNajib was pleased with the many achievements in Sabah that has resulted in the reduction the poverty rate from 19.7% in 1999 to 8.1% last year.
ReplyDeleteNajib added that the state received much in terms of development funds and numerous special financial allocations from the federal government.He also cited the recent allocation of RM250 million grant from the federal government for an international standard convention centre costing RM500 million and a RM230 million water treatment plant in Beaufort.
ReplyDeleteMany of the transformation programmes including the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M), the Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) and many more have successfully changed the lives of the people for the better, said Musa.
ReplyDeleteMusa also praised that Najib as a Prime Minister has a track record of keeping his promises, and thus all promises made under the BN Manifesto will surely be fulfilled under his leadership.
ReplyDeleteMusa has been the most innovative chief minister with a remarkable foresight. So much so that he was ahead of his time when he launched the Sabah Development Corridor in 2008.
ReplyDeleteThe SDC has thus given Sabah a head start when Prime Minister Najib Razak launched his massive 1.4-trillion ringgit economic transformation programme in 2010 that will make Malaysia a high income nation in eight years.
ReplyDeleteThe economy was sluggish when Musa succeeded Chong Kah Kiat as Sabah’s 14th chief minister. But through his three-prong Halatuju economic plan in developing industries from agriculture, tourism and manufacturing to bring his state out of the backwaters of primary exports, Sabah has been chalking up large surpluses year after year.
ReplyDeleteSabah Barisan Nasional (BN) secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan said it is not illegal for any Malaysian to give money to a political party of his or her choice – or to anybody for that matter.
ReplyDelete“Should the donor wish to remain under the cloak of anonymity, the request should be respected as long as the donation stays within the confines of the law.
ReplyDelete“But the opposition’s world thrives on the axis of inequality and double standards. Allow me to illustrate my point. When the donation falls into Umno’s coffer, the source must be revealed immediately.
ReplyDelete“But have you heard the opposition declaring the sources of donation they have received so far? We all know that the opposition, too, receive political donations from all and sundry. How ironic!” he said.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Rahman said for instance the new multi-million ringgit DAP headquarters in Penang, which DAP decided to acquire within two years after assuming office in Penang.
ReplyDeleteThe DAP Penang Headquarters building is reported to have cost about RM3.5 million and according to Penang DAP’s chairman, the money was collected through donations, and apparently millions have been collected to date.
ReplyDelete“When I asked a senior DAP leader on Twitter who financed the building, he replied in no uncertain terms that the millions collected were from DAP’s well-wishers and loyal supporters.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to note that when individuals give money to DAP, it is called ‘sincere donation’ but when the same treatment is accorded to Umno, the opposition cry ‘Foul!’ and accuse Umno of cronyism, corruption and abuse of power,” he said.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Rahman said a cynical smile cracked on his face as the opposition must be finding themselves in a very awkward position when Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz made an announcement in Parliament recently on the decision of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in clearing Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman of the alleged corruption charges.