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Kanul Gindol is contesting in Kota Belud parliamentary under BEBAS ticket. |
KOTA BELUD : Journalist-activist Kanul Gindol, 47, who is
vying for Kota Belud parliamentary seat is the only Christian candidate
in the five-cornered tussle for the hot seat.
Local observers said this situation might pose "hiccups"
in the attempts by all three parties contesting -- Barisan Nasional, PKR
as wells as STAR -- to get the already-agitated Christian voters in the
Worried most are BN and PKR, with STAR already going
around to explain why a muslim had been picked instead for Kota Belud
after the party earlier picked another muslim candidate, Majimis
Timbuong, for the adjacent Kota Marudu parliamentary seat, an
overwhelmingly Christian area.
Kota Belud has 51,467 voters, the fourth largest
parliamentary seat after Sepanggar, Silam and Tawau in term of number of
voters, has a 50-50 muslim - Christian electors.
according to observers in Kota Belud, the muslim voters were split
between BN-UMNO and PR-PKR-PAS with most Iranuns in Tempasuk could be
again voting for PKR.
It is an open secret too that the Iranuns were greatly
dissatisfied with BN after none from the community had been picked to
stand in any of the seats in this district.
To add
salt to BN's wound, Independent Lamsil would further split traditional
BN votes for Abdul Rahman, who from Tuaran, is some times unfairly cast
as outsider even by his own colleagues within the Kota Belud BN circle.
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Kanul Gindol choose the key logo as his symbol |
All the other candidates for Kota Belud are muslims.
They are incumbent Abdul Rahman Dahlan of BN, Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis of PKR, Jalumin Bayogoh of STAR and another Independent, Lamsil Hamidsor, formerly of UMNO.
Munirah, through her mother, is a cousin of local UMNO leader Salleh Said Keruak, who is vying for the Usukan state seat. Lamsil too is said to be related to Salleh.
Kanul, an independent candidate using "key" as symbol in this election meanwhile said while the fact that he is the only Christian candidate for Kota Belud seat, does matter to many, he sees himself as the best alternative for a complete change and overhaul in the district's political landscape.
"Many in Kota Belud are fed up with promises after promises years in years out, with pivotal figures always busily putting up their own cronies and proxies, minding little on the needs of better infrastructures, a fairer power-sharing formula, and the dignity of Sabahans," he said.
"I have great respect to all the other four candidates, and i know, alone, right now i am trailing well behind them in every aspects. God-willing, this would change as change for the better is what the people wanted," he added in his very first statement after being confirmed a candidate yesterday.
They are incumbent Abdul Rahman Dahlan of BN, Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis of PKR, Jalumin Bayogoh of STAR and another Independent, Lamsil Hamidsor, formerly of UMNO.
Munirah, through her mother, is a cousin of local UMNO leader Salleh Said Keruak, who is vying for the Usukan state seat. Lamsil too is said to be related to Salleh.
Kanul, an independent candidate using "key" as symbol in this election meanwhile said while the fact that he is the only Christian candidate for Kota Belud seat, does matter to many, he sees himself as the best alternative for a complete change and overhaul in the district's political landscape.
"Many in Kota Belud are fed up with promises after promises years in years out, with pivotal figures always busily putting up their own cronies and proxies, minding little on the needs of better infrastructures, a fairer power-sharing formula, and the dignity of Sabahans," he said.
"I have great respect to all the other four candidates, and i know, alone, right now i am trailing well behind them in every aspects. God-willing, this would change as change for the better is what the people wanted," he added in his very first statement after being confirmed a candidate yesterday.
racist!!! politics is not about religion!!!
ReplyDeleteAll others are racists ! They abused others and told them dare not raise the abuses against your race ! Damn those fools Umno racist party Pas pkr dap racist party ...
DeletePenamaan calon Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13) hari ini dijangka menyaksikan beberapa kejutan, termasuk pertembungan sesama ahli parti kerana tidak puas hati dengan pencalonan yang ditetapkan oleh kepemimpinan parti atau kecewa selepas tidak dicalonkan.
ReplyDeleteRamai ahli pembangkang keluar Parti tidak puas hati dengan pencalonan.
DeletePRU-13 juga diramalkan akan menjadi pilihan raya umum paling ramai calon Bebas bertanding, selain pertandingan tiga penjuru atau lebih terutama di Sabah dan Sarawak kerana kegagalan pembangkang berkompromi untuk membentuk pertandingan satu lawan satu menentang Barisan Nasional (BN).
ReplyDeleteSabah juga bakal menyaksikan banyak pertandingan lebih tiga penjuru kerana kegagalan pembangkang bergabung untuk menentang BN, termasuk bekas Timbalan Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, Datuk Lajim Ukin dan bekas Timbalan Presiden UPKO, Datuk Wildfred Bumburing yang keluar BN dan bertanding atas tiket PKR.
ReplyDeleteParti Maju Sabah (SAPP), USNO, Parti Reformasi Negeri (STAR) cawangan Sabah, turut meletakkan calon dan akan bersaing dengan PKR, DAP dan PAS untuk menentang BN. Selain itu, seperti kelaziman di Sabah, ramai calon Bebas akan muncul di pusat penamaan calon akibat tidak puas hati kerana tidak dipilih bertanding.
ReplyDeleteThis is good news, go for it brother Kanul..
ReplyDeleteKota Belud needs a fresh face, not those umno mongoose..
sepa gia bayar ko ni kanul? berapa no??
ReplyDeleteOver the past few months, there have been meetings behind the scenes as the opposition parties in Sabah try to thrash out their differences over the seats they intend to contest in the next general election.
ReplyDeleteAfter several rounds of discussion on one-on-one contests against the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN), the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), DAP, PKR and State Reform Party (Star) seem to have made little progress.
ReplyDeleteThere are 60 state and 25 parliamentary seats in Sabah, and SAPP, run by former chief minister Datuk Yong Teck Lee, is said to be alright with the national opposition parties contesting two-third of the parliamentary seats.
ReplyDeleteHowever, SAPP wants two-third of the state seats for local political parties to contest. But, Sabah Star chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan insisted that the national opposition parties keep out of the state.
ReplyDeleteIn an interview with Bernama recently, Dr Jeffrey said there was no doubt that each party has its own list which definitely would see some overlap (of contesting candidates), but he believed such overlap can be reduced based on the spirit of “give-and-take” among the local opposition parties.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, he said, voters need to be well-informed and understand that one-to-one was merely a strategy and not to discourage voters from coming out to vote for their choice of candidates.
ReplyDeleteHowever, some political observers believe Sabah Star was working with the BN to make it difficult for the opposition parties in Sabah to campaign on a unified front.
ReplyDeleteBut Dr Jeffrey denied such a notion. He explained that the party was still talking to other opposition parties about working out as many one-to-one contests as possible and that the idea of having a unified opposition front in Sabah was still workable.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, he said, for the next general election, Sabah Star was willing to compromise as the party was interested in contesting in Kadazan Dusun Murut (KDM) majority and mixed seats, between 20 and 30 state seats, instead of all the 60 seats as they had insisted earlier. For parliament, they intended to contest between 10 and 12 parliamentary seats in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSAPP and the opposition PKR-DAP-PAS pact in Sabah seem to have reached an agreement on the seats they are going to contest, though discussions are still going on between them and Sabah Star.
ReplyDeleteSAPP President Yong, meanwhile, told Bernama that even though the party wanted to contest in the majority of state seats, it was willing to lower that number in order to be flexible or, as he described it, cooperate in “the spirit of sharing the burden”.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, he said, internally the party was adopting the principle of one candidate, one seat—either state or parliamentary and no dual seats.
ReplyDeletePolitical analyst and a lecturer at UiTM Sabah, Dr Arnold Puyok, remains sceptical about whether the parties in the state can avoid the multi-corner contest in the next general election.
ReplyDeleteHe said it would be difficult for the opposition parties in the state to be united, even if they try to avoid a one-to-one contest, and some of them seemed willing to compromise.
ReplyDelete“Everyone has his or her agenda. The problem in Sabah is that we do not know who is leading the opposition front, if any. Nobody wants to form a strong pact; everybody is going his or her own way. Of course they will say they are willing to compromise, but it is still very difficult. If they don’t unite, BN will have the advantage due to it being a multi-corner contest,” he told Bernama in an interview.
ReplyDeleteWhether they can compromise, Sabah BN remains unconcerned by such talk as it continues with its preparations to retain the state with a comfortable majority.
ReplyDeleteOnly the 13th general election will tell if the opposition front among political parties in Sabah will become a reality.
ReplyDeleteKencenderungan pengundi melihat calon serba sedikit mempengaruhi keputusan bagi kawasan Kota Belud. Lawan Datuk Rahman bagi kawasan P.169 Kota Belud adalah mereka yang tidak mempunyai nama, ertinya pengundi sedikit mengetahui latar belakang mereka, kecuali calon Bebas mantan ahli Umno Lamsil Hamidsor.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Rahman menghadapi persaingan 5 penjuru dengan Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis (PR), Jalumin Bayugoh (STAR) dan Kanul Gindol (Bebas) selain Lamsil.Lawan Rahman tiada yang perlu diperkatakan, ertinya zero defect. Manakala Rahman banyak sekali disebut, kerana merupakan penyandang bagi Parlimen Kota Belud.
ReplyDeleteJika semuanya berfikiran terbuka, maka sepatutnya calon BN itu mempunyai kelebihan daripada semua segi, baik pengalaman, jumlah peruntukan yang berjaya di bawah ke Kota Belud, mahupun daripada segi jalinan dengan rakyat.Dari jenama atau trade mark, Rahman mengatasi semua calon.
ReplyDeleteNamun, yang mencercatkan jenama Rahman adalah daripada segi persepsi. Persepsi yang terbina sejak lima tahun lalu, yang dipermudah oleh beliau sendiri.Sebenarnya jenama Rahman itu cukup baik, namun kealfaan di peringkat awal yang tercipta kerana mainan politik yang tidak sempat dirungkai dan diatasi menyebabkan nama Rahman seolah-olah merupakan liabiliti.
ReplyDeleteIsu-isu yang dispin yang pada awalnya kecil, namun dibiarkan merebak sehingga menggunung, sehingga menjadi halangan kepada jenama Rahman untuk melangkah. Bebanan yang berat itu, mempengaruhi "speed"nya untuk mencapai penamat, meskipun tiada manusia lagi berada di depannya.
ReplyDeleteBernasib baiklah Rahman, kerana Kota Belud merupakan kubu kuat BN. Apapun onek-onek pengundi, namun akhirnya akan memangkah juga, kerana lambang bersama Rahman adalah lambang BN.
DeleteBagi mereka yang terlajak, kini ada pilihan, yakni memangkah Lamsil, tidak sama seperti PRU-12, di mana tiada calon yang boleh dipangkah melainkan calon PKR. Atas sebab itu, pada PRU-12, undi yang diperolehi calon PKR begitu tinggi. Keadaan juga berlaku di Tempasuk, tetapi tidak di Usukan.
ReplyDeletePencalonan Lamsil merupakan hikmah kepada calon BN, kerana melalui cara ini, kemungkinan majoriti BN bagi Parlimen Kota Belud akan meningkat.
ReplyDeleteKemungkinan keputusan PRU-13 bagi kawasan Parlimen Kota Belud akan mengulangi keputusan PRU-2004, di mana Datuk Dr Salleh Tun Said merupakan calon.
ReplyDeletePada kali ini, Salleh merupakan Ketua Jentera BN kawasan Kota Belud. Berasaskan prestasi Salleh yang lalu, semua kawasan di Kota Belud akan mengalami pertambahan majoriti; walaupun pada keadaan awal kempen ini, sikap sebenar para pengundi belum membayangkan diri.
ReplyDeleteChristian brotherans sisters please vote for Independent KanulGindol he isthe only Christian so thereliestrhe opportunity for you to maesureCristian representation in Parliament is increased.