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Petronas' blatant disregard to Sarawak's rights
Joint Press Statement
8th September 2024

PETRONAS' intention to resort to court in a bid to maintain control over the trading and extraction of gas and oil-related products in Sarawak’s territory represents a humiliating, cruel and unjust attempt to seize what is not theirs. This blatant move disregards the special autonomy and inherent rights of the people of Sarawak under both domestic and international law, furthering a legacy of exploitation and marginalization that has persisted for decades.

It is clearly stated in the "Oil Mining Ordinance of 1958" that all oil and gas resources found within 200 nautical miles of Sarawak’s waters rightfully belong to the state. Despite this, Petronas has long monopolized these resources, funnelling wealth to Malaya at the expense of Sarawak and Sabah. Prominent figures, such as Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, have openly revealed that since 1974, Petronas has paid RM40 billion annually to UMNO, while only a pittance was given to the states of Sarawak and Sabah, which contribute the lion’s share of Malaysia’s oil reserves.

The Continental Shelf Act 1966 (CSA66) and Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA74) were acts effectively transferred control of Sabah and Sarawak’s oil and gas resources to the federal government, were passed in breach of the Constitutional Safeguards in MA63. These safeguards protected the territorial boundaries and resources of Sabah and Sarawak, which should not have altered without their consent. Furthermore, these principles violated international law principles that uphold the integrity of pre-existing territorial boundaries. 

As these resources fall within the 200 nautical miles regulated under the United Nations' Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), all matters concerning their ownership and regulation should rightfully be decided by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Not domestic courts dominated by federal interests. 

NGO Sabah Action Body Advocating Rights (SABAR) filed Originating Summon in the High Court of Borneo challenging the validity of the Territorial Sea Act 2012 (TSA) limiting jurisdiction to 3 miles only boundary.

Since 1974, Petronas has acted unconscionably to deprived Sarawak and Sabah of the profits generated by the oil and gas extracted from their territories. This amounts to a significant economic injustice.

This exploitation has contributed significantly to the economic disparity between Sabah,  Sarawak, and the rest of Malaysia. 

The lack of adequate reinvestment in local infrastructure,  education, and social services has left this resource -rich region lagging in development.  Petronas' actions, along with Federal policies, have entrenched a cycle of poverty and backwardness, while the two territories watch their wealth benefit others.
Not only must Petronas return these profits, but interest should be imposed in accordance with international financial standards to compensate for the long-standing economic exploitation suffered by both states.

The call for Sarawak’s state-owned entity, Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petros), to take full control over its own oil and gas resources is not only justified but essential for ensuring the future economic independence of Sarawak. Similarly, Sabah must regain its rightful control over its own natural wealth, which has long been siphoned away under unfair federal agreements.

The only viable alternative for Sarawak and Sabah to prevent Malaya from continuing to humiliate and rob of their natural resources is to leave  Malaysia. The formation of Malaysia in 1963 was based on an equal partnership between Malaya, Sabah, and Sarawak. However, this partnership has been consistently undermined, leaving Sarawak and Sabah as mere economic colonies of Malaya. If their rights continue to be violated and their resources exploited, leaving Malaysia may be the only path to securing true autonomy and justice.

It is time to either restore the equal partnership promised at the founding of Malaysia or for Sarawak and Sabah to seek their rightful sovereignty and economic independence through international legal mechanisms. The people of Sarawak and Sabah deserve to manage and benefit from their own wealth, free from continued exploitation by Malaya.

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Peter John Jaban Publicity and information Chief Sarawak Association for People's Aspirations (SAPA)

Moses Anap President Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB). #

Pursuit of independence inevitable for Sabah, Sarawak as Malaysia continues to ignore MA63

Joint Press Statement by Sabah/Sarawak Activists

Upholding Secularism and Justice: A Call for the Protection of Sabah and Sarawak’s Rights or the Pursuit of Independence...

We, as activists from the Borneo Territories, are compelled to express our deep concerns over the current direction of the Federation of Malaysia. The democratic principles and the concept of a secular and multicultural union of four equal partners—Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo, and Sarawak—which were held up as the founding terms of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63 if valid), have been systematically violated and destroyed. It began before and after Singapore left the union in 1965, leading to what is now seen as 61 years of humiliation under the euphemism of “independence in Malaysia” with Malayan central control. This has raised questions on the legitimacy of Malaysia formation and MA63 validity and unresolved issue of the Philippines’ claim on a part of Sabah..

We assert that the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), the international treaty that purportedly established Malaysia, was invalid from its inception. North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak were, at the time, still British crown colonies and not sovereign, independent states with the legal capacity to enter into binding international agreements. Thus, they were effectively ceded by the United Kingdom to the Malayan Federation on 16 September 1963.

It is a historical fact that Malaysia was prematurely proclaimed as a de facto federation under a state of emergency, without the informed consent of the people of North Borneo and Sarawak and in breach of the Manila Accord 1963 to resolve the Philippines claim on Sabah. This process was inconsistent with their right to exercise self-determination freely. The federation was pushed through amidst mass arrests of thousands who were allegedly opposed to the plan in the context of ongoing warfare and civil unrest.

61 years after the event, the Federation has floundered and failed in its goal for a peaceful and progressive democratic union by alteration of its fundamental and foundational concept and principles, corroded by deep corruption and the plunder and impoverishment of the Borneo territories.

We therefore assert that even if MA63 was not invalid, it has been terminated and no longer binding on the remaining 3 component members by the following violations:

1. Betrayal of MA63’s Founding Principles
The Malaysia Agreement, which promised a Malaysia grounded in secularism and multiculturalism and development for Sabah and Sarawak, has been corroded by increasingly exclusionary and Malay-centric policies. These violations betray the promises of MA63 and guaranteed special rights which were used by the British and Malayan governments to induce the Borneo people of the diverse communities to give up real independence for “independence in Malaysia”. This deviation from foundational values is not just a breach of the MA63 covenant but a profound injustice against the Sabah and Sarawak people.

2. Systematic Marginalization and Alienation
The apartheid-like policies emanating from the federal government since institutionalisation of the New Economic Policy (NEP) have fostered a deep sense of estrangement among the people of Sabah and Sarawak This growing alienation is a reality echoed by political leaders who see their communities being marginalized and their voices silenced. The disregard for the rights and dignity of these communities is a stark reminder of the injustices perpetuated under the guise of national unity.

3. Cultural Dominance and Suppression
The Peninsula’s imposition of a narrow, ideology-driven cultural hegemony threatens to suffocate the rich multiculturalism that Project Malaysia was supposed to celebrate. The federal government’s relentless push for Malay-centric policies, including Bumiputera initiatives and a civil service aligned with the "Malay agenda," is a form of cultural suppression that stifles the diverse identities that is supposed to make up Malaysia. This cultural domination is an affront to the principles of freedom and justice enshrined by the 1945 UN Charter of Human Rights.

4. Ideological Overreach and Religious Imposition
The people of Sabah and Sarawak view that the Federation of Malaya increasingly resembles an ideological state intent on imposing its version of religion and social order. This imposition is a severe violation of their human rights. It unjustly infringes upon their right to live in accordance with their own values and beliefs, and it undermines the commitment to a secular state that was originally promised.

5. Ignoring Local Voices and Rights
The dominance of peninsula-based political parties has consistently sidelined the unique needs and voices of Sabah and Sarawak. Historical grievances, such as the manipulation of Sabah's demographics and the undermining of local political agreements, have only deepened the sense of injustice felt by these communities. The systematic disregard for their autonomy and rights is a clear violation of the principles of justice and fairness.

6. Erosion of Constitutional Safeguards
Despite recent attempts to realign the constitutional status of Malaya, Sabah, and Sarawak, the centralist tendencies of Putrajaya continue to weaken the original agreement, putting the integrity of the federation at risk. This erosion of constitutional safeguards is not just a political issue but a grave injustice that threatens the rights and freedoms of the people of Sabah and Sarawak.

7. Exploitation of Resources for Oppression
The wealth generated from Sabah and Sarawak’s oil and gas resources has been expropriated to develop Malaya and fuel the Putrajaya race-religion agenda, making the injustice even more painful and bitter to endure. This exploitation is a clear violation of the economic rights of the people of Sabah and Sarawak, contributing to their deep-seated resentment and desire for change.

8. Rejection of JAKIM’s Overreach
We unequivocally reject the imposition of JAKIM’s influence in the former British Borneo Territories. This intrusion represents an unconstitutional and egregious assault on the secular values and cultural autonomy cherished by the indigenous ethnic tribes of Borneo. The imposition of extreme interpretations of religion under the guise of governance is a direct attack on the freedom and rights of the people of Sabah and Sarawak, which we, as activists, cannot and will not tolerate.

We call for an end to 61 years of humiliation in Malaysia. The ongoing and abusive violations of the principles enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), coupled with the rise of the Ketuanan Melayu ideology, have irreparably fractured the concept of Malaysia. The federal government continued to disregard the autonomy and rights of Sabah and Sarawak has compelled us to call for peaceful negotiations for separation from the federation and independence.

This is not a decision we make lightly, but the preservation of secularism, multiculturalism, and the rule of law is non-negotiable. The manner in which Malaysia has been governed has proven that it is a federation that fails to respect the rights and freedoms of all its people, without exception.

It is with a profound sense of the loss of control over our destiny that we arrive at this critical juncture. The pursuit of justice, freedom, and dignity for the people of Sabah and Sarawak leaves us with no other viable path. Independence is now our only option to secure the future our people deserve. Independence is our inalienable right!

Relevant information

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Peter John Jaban Publicity and information Chief Sarawak Association for People's Aspirations (SAPA)

Dr Kanul Gindol Chairman Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo 

Ricky Ganang Penasihat Forum Adat Dataran Tanah Tinggi Borneo (FORMADAT)

Jovilis Majami President Persatuan pembangunan sosial Komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

Moses Anap President Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB)

Cleftus Stephen Mojingol President Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)

Versi Bahasa Malaysia 

Kenyataan Media Bersama - 5 September 2024*

*Menegakkan Sekularisme dan Keadilan: Seruan untuk Melindungi Hak-Hak Sabah dan Sarawak atau Memperjuangkan Kemerdekaan...*

Kami, sebagai aktivis dari Wilayah Borneo, merasa terpanggil untuk menyuarakan kebimbangan mendalam terhadap hala tuju semasa Persekutuan Malaysia. Prinsip-prinsip demokrasi dan konsep kesatuan sekular dan berbilang budaya dengan empat rakan kongsi yang setara—Malaya, Singapura, Borneo Utara, dan Sarawak—yang merupakan syarat asas Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63 jika sah), telah dilanggar dan dimusnahkan secara sistematik. Ini bermula sebelum dan selepas Singapura meninggalkan kesatuan pada tahun 1965, yang membawa kepada apa yang kini dilihat sebagai 61 tahun penghinaan di bawah eufemisme “kemerdekaan dalam Malaysia” dengan kawalan pusat Malaya. Ini telah menimbulkan persoalan tentang kesahihan pembentukan Malaysia dan kesahan MA63 serta isu tuntutan Filipina ke atas sebahagian Sabah yang belum selesai.

Kami menegaskan bahawa Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63), perjanjian antarabangsa yang kononnya menubuhkan Malaysia, tidak sah sejak awal. Borneo Utara (Sabah) dan Sarawak pada masa itu masih merupakan tanah jajahan mahkota British dan bukan negara yang berdaulat dan bebas dengan keupayaan undang-undang untuk membuat perjanjian antarabangsa yang mengikat. Oleh itu, mereka secara efektif diserahkan oleh United Kingdom kepada Persekutuan Malaya pada 16 September 1963.

Adalah fakta sejarah bahawa Malaysia telah diisytiharkan sebagai persekutuan de facto di bawah keadaan darurat, tanpa persetujuan yang dimaklumkan oleh rakyat Borneo Utara dan Sarawak serta melanggar Perjanjian Manila 1963 untuk menyelesaikan tuntutan Filipina ke atas Sabah. Proses ini tidak konsisten dengan hak mereka untuk menjalankan penentuan nasib sendiri secara bebas. Persekutuan itu dilaksanakan di tengah-tengah penahanan besar-besaran ribuan orang yang didakwa menentang rancangan tersebut dalam konteks peperangan dan kekacauan sivil yang berterusan.

Selepas 61 tahun peristiwa tersebut, Persekutuan telah gagal dalam mencapai matlamat untuk sebuah kesatuan demokratik yang aman dan progresif, dengan perubahan terhadap konsep asas dan prinsip-prinsipnya, yang dirosakkan oleh rasuah yang mendalam serta penindasan dan kemiskinan yang menimpa wilayah Borneo.

Oleh itu, kami menegaskan bahawa walaupun MA63 tidak tidak sah, ia telah ditamatkan dan tidak lagi mengikat ke atas tiga komponen yang tinggal kerana pelanggaran berikut:

1. *Pengkhianatan terhadap Prinsip Asas MA63*
   Perjanjian Malaysia, yang menjanjikan Malaysia berasaskan sekularisme dan berbilang budaya serta pembangunan untuk Sabah dan Sarawak, telah dikikis oleh dasar-dasar yang semakin eksklusif dan berpusatkan orang Melayu. Pelanggaran ini mengkhianati janji MA63 dan hak istimewa yang dijamin, yang digunakan oleh kerajaan British dan Malaya untuk memujuk rakyat Borneo yang berbilang kaum agar menyerahkan kemerdekaan sebenar untuk "kemerdekaan dalam Malaysia". Penyimpangan daripada nilai-nilai asas ini bukan sahaja merupakan pelanggaran perjanjian MA63 tetapi juga kezaliman mendalam terhadap rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.

2. *Peminggiran dan Pengasingan Sistematik*
   Dasar-dasar yang bersifat seperti apartheid yang dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan persekutuan sejak penginstitusian Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) telah memupuk rasa keterasingan yang mendalam dalam kalangan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak. Pengasingan yang semakin mendalam ini turut disuarakan oleh pemimpin politik yang melihat komuniti mereka dipinggirkan dan suara mereka dibisukan. Pengabaian hak dan maruah komuniti ini merupakan peringatan jelas mengenai ketidakadilan yang diteruskan atas nama perpaduan nasional.

3. *Dominasi Budaya dan Penindasan*
   Pemaksaan hegemoni budaya yang sempit dan didorong oleh ideologi dari Semenanjung mengancam untuk melenyapkan kepelbagaian budaya yang sepatutnya diraikan oleh Projek Malaysia. Desakan berterusan kerajaan persekutuan untuk melaksanakan dasar berpusatkan Melayu, termasuk inisiatif Bumiputera dan perkhidmatan awam yang selaras dengan "agenda Melayu", adalah bentuk penindasan budaya yang mengekang identiti yang pelbagai yang sepatutnya membentuk Malaysia. Dominasi budaya ini adalah penghinaan terhadap prinsip kebebasan dan keadilan yang diabadikan dalam Piagam Hak Asasi Manusia PBB 1945.

4. *Penguasaan Ideologi dan Pemaksaan Agama*
   Rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak melihat bahawa Persekutuan Malaya semakin menyerupai sebuah negara ideologi yang berhasrat untuk memaksakan versi agama dan ketertiban sosial mereka. Pemaksaan ini adalah pelanggaran berat terhadap hak asasi manusia mereka. Ia secara tidak adil mencabuli hak mereka untuk hidup mengikut nilai-nilai dan kepercayaan mereka sendiri serta merosakkan komitmen kepada sebuah negara sekular yang pada asalnya dijanjikan.

5. *Pengabaian Suara dan Hak Tempatan*
   Dominasi parti politik dari Semenanjung telah berulang kali meminggirkan keperluan dan suara unik Sabah dan Sarawak. Kekecewaan sejarah, seperti manipulasi demografi Sabah dan pengabaian perjanjian politik tempatan, hanya memperdalam rasa ketidakadilan yang dirasakan oleh komuniti ini. Pengabaian sistematik terhadap autonomi dan hak mereka adalah pelanggaran jelas terhadap prinsip keadilan dan kesaksamaan.

6. *Hakisan Perlindungan Perlembagaan*
   Walaupun terdapat cubaan baru-baru ini untuk menyelaraskan semula status perlembagaan Malaya, Sabah, dan Sarawak, kecenderungan sentralis Putrajaya terus melemahkan perjanjian asal, yang menjejaskan integriti persekutuan. Hakisan perlindungan perlembagaan ini bukan sekadar isu politik tetapi merupakan kezaliman serius yang mengancam hak dan kebebasan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.

7. *Eksploitasi Sumber untuk Penindasan*
   Kekayaan yang dijana daripada sumber minyak dan gas Sabah dan Sarawak telah dieksploitasi untuk membangunkan Malaya dan membiayai agenda kaum-agama Putrajaya, menjadikan ketidakadilan ini lebih sukar dan pahit untuk diterima. Eksploitasi ini adalah pelanggaran jelas terhadap hak ekonomi rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak, yang menyumbang kepada rasa marah dan keinginan mereka untuk perubahan.

8. *Penolakan Terhadap Pengaruh JAKIM*
   Kami menolak dengan tegas pemaksaan pengaruh JAKIM di bekas Wilayah Borneo British. Campur tangan ini merupakan serangan tidak berperlembagaan dan keterlaluan terhadap nilai-nilai sekular dan autonomi budaya yang dihargai oleh suku etnik asli Borneo. Pemaksaan tafsiran agama yang melampau atas nama pemerintahan merupakan serangan langsung terhadap kebebasan dan hak rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak, yang kami, sebagai aktivis, tidak boleh dan tidak akan bertolak ansur.

**Seruan Tindakan: AKHIRI 61 TAHUN PENGHINAAN!**  
Kami menyeru agar 61 tahun penghinaan di Malaysia diakhiri. Pelanggaran berterusan dan penyalahgunaan prinsip-prinsip yang termaktub dalam Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63), ditambah dengan kebangkitan ideologi Ketuanan Melayu, telah meretakkan konsep Malaysia secara tidak dapat diperbaiki. Ketidakpedulian kerajaan persekutuan yang berterusan terhadap autonomi dan hak Sabah dan Sarawak telah memaksa kami untuk menyeru kepada rundingan damai bagi pemisahan daripada persekutuan dan kemerdekaan.

Ini bukan keputusan yang kami buat dengan ringan, tetapi pemeliharaan sekularisme, kepelbagaian budaya, dan kedaulatan undang-undang adalah tidak boleh dirundingkan. Cara Malaysia diperintah telah membuktikan bahawa ia adalah persekutuan yang gagal menghormati hak dan kebebasan semua rakyatnya, tanpa pengecualian.

Dengan rasa kehilangan kawalan terhadap masa depan kami, kami tiba di persimpangan yang kritikal ini. Perjuangan untuk keadilan, kebebasan, dan maruah bagi rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak meninggalkan kami tanpa pilihan lain yang boleh dilaksanakan. Kemerdekaan kini menjadi satu-satunya pilihan kami untuk memastikan masa depan yang rakyat kami berhak dapatkan. Kemerdekaan adalah hak mutlak kami!

Daniel John Jambun
Presiden Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei
Presiden Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Peter John Jaban  
Ketua Publisiti dan Maklumat Sarawak Association for People's Aspirations (SAPA)

Dr. Kanul Gindol
Pengerusi Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo

Ricky Ganang
Penasihat Forum Adat Dataran Tanah Tinggi Borneo (FORMADAT)

Jovilis Majami
Presiden Persatuan Pembangunan Sosial Komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

Moses Anap
Presiden Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB)

Cleftus Stephen Mojingol
Presiden Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah

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