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Daim kecam Anwar sedang peralat agensi kerajaan untuk dirinya

                         Tun Daim Zainuddin

*Kenyataan Media Tun Daim Zainuddin, 29 Januari 2024*

SAYA tidak akan berbicara mengenal tuduhan bermotifkan politik terhadap saya ini.

Saya tidak bersalah dan tidak sabar menunggu hari perbicaraan kelak.

Namun, saya ingin menyatakan sesuatu mengenai keadaan negara kita.

Seperti ramai yang lain yang mahukan sebuah Malaysia baharu, saya turut menyokong Pakatan Harapan dan Anwar Ibrahim pada 2018. Ketika itu, negara dihantui bayang-bayang skandal 1MDB.

Tetapi kini, kita dibayangi pula oleh sebuah pentadbiran yang menyalahguna kuasa, di samping janji-janji reformasi yang dimungkiri. Musang berbulu ayam bersorak reformasi tetapi melakukan

Demi mencapai jawatan Perdana Menteri, Anwar melantik seorang individu berdepan tuduhan rasuah sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Tidak lama kemudian, seperti silap mata, 47 pertuduhan rasuah timbalan perdana menteri itu digugurkan. Inikah Malaysia baharu yang dijanjikan?

Kejujuran, integriti dan tadbir urus baik semuanya ke laut. Institusi bebas seperti SPRM, Peguam Negara dan LHDN diperalatkan dengan mudah dalam mengejar musuh politik.

Inikah Malaysia baharu yang dijanjikan? Akta Hasutan, Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Akta Perhimpunan Aman digunakan sewenang-wenangnya terhadap mereka yang lantang bersuara atau mengkritik kerajaan atau Anwar, malah menteri mengeluarkan ugutan menghantar kereta polis ke rumah mereka.

Inikah Malaysia baharu yang dijanjikan? Seharusnya Anwar mesti sedar yang semua ini ada tempiasnya.

Ketika sibuk melunaskan dendam yang lampau, ringgit terus merosot, ekonomi terbantut dan penderitaan rakyat biasa berterusan.

Inikah Malaysia baharu yang dijanjikan?

Dalam usia yang lanjut, di mana saya tidak lagi mempunyai kekuatan seperti dulu, keyakinan saya tetap tidak goyah.

Saya tidak peduli sangat nasib saya, biarlah Anwar melemparkan segala-galanya terhadap saya.

Tetapi saya khuatir nasib negara saya.

Jadi, saya menyeru anda melakukan apa yang terdaya dalam memelihara dan menyelamatkan negaraini.

Jangan takut bersuara terhadap Anwar dan rejimnya. Sesebuah kerajaan bertanggungjawab
kepada rakyatnya, bukan sebaliknya. Seperti kata pepatah, "Untuk memenangkan kejahatan, cukup sekadar orang baik tidak melakukan apa-apa," Rakyat layak mendapat yang dijanjikan.

Kepada sahabat lama saya, Anwar Ibrahim, ingatlah akan firman Allah swt dalam Surah al-Nur, bahawa mereka yang menyebarkan fitnah keji di kalangan orang-orang mukmin akan mendapat balasan pedih di dunia dan akhirat. Dan bahawa sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui.

*Daim Zainuddin*
*29 Januari 2024*

PBK questions legality of appointment of Sarawak new Governor

                           Wan Junaidi in 2023


28 January, 2024

Re: Is the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar's Appointment as 8th  Governor (TYT) constitutional?

 A question is now posed by many is that whether the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar as the 8th Governor to replace Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, constitutional? 

Another issue of much talk now is that did Tun Pehin Patinggi Taib Mahmud resigned or been removed as governor by the DYMM Agong? If he was removed, was the power to remove him by DYMM Agong been correctly exercised in accordance with the Sarawak Constitution?

The press mentioned that Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud resigned as governor ahead of the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar as the 8th Governor to replace him but, there seems no official announcement of this by the state and federal governments or by Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud himself. 

In the absence of any official announcement, it was not sure whether Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud did or not resigned as governor. The people of Sarawak are kept in the dark. They have a right to know.

If Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud had not resigned and Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar had received the Letter of Appointment or Watiqah from DYMM Agong, then, a constitutional issue arises. That is, whether the appointment, in the absence of official resignation by Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud addressed to DYMM Agong, made the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar by DYMM Agong, constitutional?

Under Article 1 (2) Sarawak Constitution, the Governor is appointed by DYMM Agong for a period of four years and the Governor can choose to resign before his term is over by tendering a letter to DYMM Agong. Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud's term as governor shall only expire at the end of February, 2024.

Was Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud removed as governor by the DYMM Agong? Under Article 1(2) of the Sarawak Constitution, the removal of governor from office before his term expires could be made by DYMM Agong in pursuance of an address by the Dewan Undangan Negri supported by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the total number of the members thereof. Therefore, DYMM Agong could not simply remove Tun Patinggi Taib Mahmud as governor without first pursuant to a vote taken by members of the SARAWAK Legislature before DYMM Agong could remove him before the expiry of his term of office. It seems that DYMM Agong could not bypass the Sarawak Legislature to remove the Governor.
The process of appointment of the governor is mentioned in Article 1(1) of the Sarawak Constitution. Although DYMM Agong has the power to appoint but the appointment could only be done with the consultation with the Chief Minister (Premier). 

It is noted that the Sarawak Constitution does not provide for any room for the prime minister to know or to interfere in the selection and appointment of the governor.

While premier and cabinet ministers were dumb concerning the replacement of Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud as governor, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that the appointment process was presented by the Sarawak Premier and the prime minister confirmed that he had submitted Tan Sri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar's name to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as the successor to incumbent governor Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud– see MalayMail January 22, 2024.

The issue now is that why and how the prime minister came to know about the change of governor and was there interference by the prime minister leading to the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar as governor? Was there, as required by Article 1(1) of the Sarawak Constitution, any communication about this matter between the premier and DYMM Agong over the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Hj Jafaar as governor?

Talks are around that Premier and prime minister took to themselves in deciding all things leading to the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar as 8th governor as the Sarawak Legislature had not debate on the matter. 

Law and procedures have to be followed and respected else, failure to do so can lead to a dangerous political game, given the fact that the Dayaks had been waiting to be appointed to this post even before Malaysia was formed. 

This is a potential "political time bomb" that can pile up unhappiness on the ground to spark unrests in Sarawak at any time. There are growing numbers of people who  simply are not happy now over this matter.

President Parti Bumi Kenyalang

Why not a Dayak TYT for Sarawak?, top activist Peter John Jaban suggests

Here is a full
Press Statement by activist Peter John Jaban

Review political appointment of Sarawak Governor
23 January 2024

SAPA (Sarawak Association for People’s Aspirations) Publicity Chief Peter John Jaban is calling for a review in the context for appointing the Sarawak Governor after the chaos that has surrounded this round of nominations and the ongoing debate among citizens and netizens alike over the system in place.

Peter John said: “Sarawak, Penang, Melaka and Sabah are the only four states in Malaysia without a Sultan. We remain unrepresented in the Council of Rulers. Of these four, only Sarawak and Sabah were constituent partners of the Malaysia Agreement 1963. Already, we begin to see various issues emerge. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong does not appoint the Sultans of other states. These take their position according to the history and context of each individual state. Sarawak, as a signatory to the founding document of the nation, should have no less control over its Governor. In fact, it should have more.”

“The appointment of Taib Mahmud in the last cycle caused widespread consternation as he transitioned directly from the Chief Minister’s position, currently in control of the nomination process, into the Governor’s post. In this round, we see another political figure taken directly from a position in the house into this vital balancing role. Not only does this now precipitate a search for his replacement, removing a Sarawakian from his position as Dewan Negara President, but also it risks entrenching a dangerous precedent for who should be under consideration.”

“Furthermore, in this round, we have witnessed the leaking of private correspondence to the press exposing the name of the nominee in question before an official announcement can be made. Then, after the Premier of Sarawak, the Deputy Premier and the Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts all declined to comment on the appointment, the Prime Minister decides to confirm the nominee in the same breath as he asks us to expect an official announcement.” 

“Either the Yang di-Pertuan Agong decides this or the Premier of Sarawak. One thing is certain, the Prime Minister does not have a constitutional role in this process. At best, he is an intermediary between our Premier and the Agong. He certainly should not be releasing information that the Premier has seen fit to withhold.”

“Finally, we come to the context of the decision in question. Now we see the current appointment blatantly ignoring the convention that dates back to the formation of Malaysia in which the Governor is chosen from among illustrious Dayak candidates when the sitting Premier is a Malay and vice versa.” 

“Citizens of Sarawak are now hotly debating the missed opportunity to show a different attitude to representation in Malaysia after a year which has seen Lim Kit Siang hauled up by police to answer his all-too-correct description of the current constitution and calls for a ‘Malay-only PM’ as a result, threatening to disenfranchise all the other Bumiputera communities in Malaysia.”

Malaysia should be upholding its principles of Malaysia Madani under its unity government. Sarawak should be leading the way in its race relations. This is one of the bases for its continuing calls for greater autonomy. This is why we need to set a better example in transparency and in our representative processes. This was the context for the Malaysia Agreement and should be the context for the future of Sarawak.

Peter John Jaban
016 860 5272

Bukan duit atok kamu.. Wang rakyat milik rakyat, jangan paksa ikut parti kamu baru bantu.. ulas dua aktivis ada YB bantu ahli partinya saja

            Aktivis Kanul Gindol dari Kota Belud

Berikut Kenyataan penuh dua aktivis berkenaan..
22 Januari 2024

Kanul Gindol
Inisiatif Gindol untuk Masyarakat Madani Borneo 
Daniel John Jambun
Yayasan Penderitaan Borneo di Malaysia (BoPiMaFo)

         Aktivis Daniel John Jambun dari Inanam


1. Kami telah menerima laporan lisan dan juga melihat pelbagai aduan di media sosial bahawa beberapa pemimpin Sabah masih mengamalkan taktik victimisasi lama yang sudah ketinggalan zaman di mana hanya mereka dari parti politiknya akan mendapat bantuan tertentu daripadanya.

2. Mereka memaksa orang untuk menyertai parti mereka terlebih dahulu agar lebih mudah mendapatkan bantuan atau dana dari pejabat mereka sebagai wakil rakyat terpilih atau tokoh penting dengan peranan dalam kerajaan semasa.

3. Lelaki dan wanita mereka bergerak "memberi nasihat" kepada rakyat jika mereka ingin mendapatkan bantuan dari YBs, mereka harus menukar kesetiaan kepada parti politik semasa YBs tersebut.

4. Ini sepatutnya tidak berlaku. Pertama, YBs atau menteri ini ada di sana untuk membantu setiap rakyat tanpa mengira perbezaan politik, bangsa atau agama. Kedua, dana awam yang didistribusikan oleh menteri atau YBs ini milik rakyat pada umumnya, bukan duit datuk atau nenek YBs.

5. Taktik-taktik tidak etika ini adalah penyalahgunaan kuasa, bersifat diktatorial, kurang pengetahuan dan hormat terhadap sistem demokrasi, mentaliti feudal, dan meletakkan rakyat dalam risiko.

6. Kami ingin tahu pendirian kerajaan negeri semasa terhadap tren ini, yang dilaporkan kuat di bahagian utara Sabah, tetapi kami percaya berdasarkan laporan, ia juga meluas di tempat-tempat lain di Sabah.

7. Ini juga merupakan bentuk rasuah, dan oleh itu, SPRM/MACC boleh dan sepatutnya menyiasat di mana-mana laporan sedemikian ditekankan.

8. Kami tahu bahawa kerajaan boleh melakukan apa sahaja yang diinginkan, walaupun di atas kertas, kecuali dibatasi oleh mahkamah. Mantera Sabah Sarawak, "Siapa Menang, Kami Sokong" (Siapa pun menang di Putrajaya, kami sokong) adalah berkaitan.

Terima kasih.

012 885 6465

010 878 6934

Sabah and Sarawak can exit Malaysia with or without Independence Act, claim two activists

JOINT STATEMENT By Sabah Sarawak NGOs Borneo Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo) and Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) BoPiMaFo & SSRANZ Presidents Mssrs Daniel John Jambun and Robert Pei on the right to seek independence.

BOPIMAFO & SSRANZ Presidents referring to a press statement by Bukit Semuja assemblyman and GPS Youth Chief Miro Simuh (reported on 03/01/2024), pointed out that contrary to his claim, the Federal Constitution does not prohibit the right for Sarawak or Sabah to exit the federation nor is it constitutional for any law such as the Sedition Act 1948, to prohibit this right. If so, this would only confirm that Malaysia was not a free and voluntary association of four countries created in 1963.
(see )
They said it was unfair to criticise Mr Voon Lee Shan President of the Bumi Kenyalang Party (PBK), who was just performing his duty as a loyal Sarawakian to fight for Sarawak rights, especially the inalienable legal right to independence under international law recognised by the United Nations’ Resolution 1514. In fact, other than the PBK, no Sarawak or Sabah party has consistently called for independence from Malaysia owing to 60 years failure of the federation. There should be no limitation on this discourse in an association claimed by federalists to be a freely formed democratic federation.

They noted that the PBK President had also assisted 12 Plaintiffs to file a writ in the High Court of Borneo, seeking declarations on the validity of MA63 in 2021 and right to exit for independence. 

The fact that the former British colonies of Sarawak and Sabah were incorporated by the United Kingdom and Malayan governments as new members of the Federation of Malaysia in 1963 does not extinguish this right for several reasons.

The Federation of Malaysia was created by an international treaty the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) registered with the United Nations in 1970 and therefore governed by international law. International law does no prohibit secession from a federation. It is the intrinsic right of any member in a free association to unconditionally and freely exit at any time. 

This issue was raised in the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) discussions before MA63 was signed on 9 July 1963 when both the Sarawak and Sabah sides demanded the right to exit be included in the constitution. Lord Lansdowne, the IGC Chairman who described Malaysia as a “buttress of freedom in Asia”, dissuaded them by stating that “any state voluntarily entering a federation had the intrinsic right to secede at will and therefore it was unnecessary to include it in the constitution”. 

This was again clarified by the then Malayan Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman 9 days after the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) was signed, who was reported on 18 July 1963, as saying that “the regions that join Malaysia have freedom to exit the federation if the new nation will not bring any benefit to them”.

However, this was not the original position of the then Malayan Government which insisted that “there be no right to secede” from the federation.  This was at odds with the fact that the Malayans went through the motion of consulting Sarawak and Sabah to demonstrate that the union was the free and voluntary wish of the people but in reality, it was just to entrap them in their proposed union. 

Typically Malaysia federalists assert that “Point 7 of the Sabah 20 Points” agreement” prohibited secession. The NGO presidents pointed out that the “20 Points” was only a memorandum of terms and conditions provided to the IGC, not a legally binding agreement signed by the MA63 signatories nor incorporated as the law in MA63 or the federal constitution. 

In 1962, the British colonial secretary revealed their entrapment strategy by stressing to the Malayan government the political advantages which might accrue both to “H.M.G. and to the Government of the Federation of Malaya if Malaysia was seen as voluntary merger rather than transfer, merger rather than absorption”. (Para 142 Stockwell “The Making of Malaysia). 

Thus the world and Borneo people were led to believe that the admission of new members to the federation was a free and voluntary act. 

The NGO presidents said those opposing Sabah and Sarawak independence also erroneously claim that the Sedition Act 1948 was amended to prohibit “secession”. However, they pointed out that there is no such prohibition in the ACT 1485 amendment of the Sedition Act in 2015 or any other Acts.

They pointed out that the failure to resolve MA63 issues of State Autonomy, seat allocation, loss of control of the civil service and education, resources and revenue from oil and gas, lack of development and infrastructures and poverty, Sabah’s 40% revenue entitlement, Ketuanan Melayu race and religion concept replacing MA63 concept of secularism, pluralism and multiculturalism, and illegal migrants have led to the widespread sentiment for independence. The recent call to amend the Constitution for a Malay/Muslim government and a Malay PM only, has aroused more calls for independence.

The NGO Presidents considered that MA63 was void ab initio and not legally binding from the date it was signed as Sarawak and Sabah were still colonies and not sovereign states with the legal capacity to make binding international treaties. This meant that Malaysia was not legitimately constituted and decolonisation was in fact replaced by Malayan recolonisation. The MA63 negotiations since 2016 cannot have any legally binding effect since MA63 was null and void from the beginning. 

However, even if MA63 was valid, the multiple breaches of fundamental and foundational terms of the agreement since 1965 would have terminated the treaty and legally entitle Sarawak and Sabah to exit as free independent nations. 

They called on both the Sarawak and Sabah government to seek a proper resolution of the question of MA63 validity especially in view of the International Court of Justice’s decision in the Chagos Case 2019 that colonies have no legal capacity to make binding international agreements and hold a referendum to let the people freely decide on the value or benefit for the 2 states to continue as members of the federation. A referendum should only be held after a period of at least two years to allow all parties to inform the people of the pros and cons of exit and independence.

Signed by
Daniel John Jambun President BoPiMaFo
Robert Pei President SSRANZ.

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