Representation of East Malaysia’s Chief Ministers submitted to Sarawak Report by a reader
Sarawak Report has received a leaked copy of a devastating official report on the treatment of the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, which BN has been trying to keep secret until after the election.
In the report Malaysia’s human rights commission Suhakam has
lambasted Taib’s State Government on count after count over its conduct
over native land rights.
It concludes that the indigenous people of the region have been
“forced to become Coolies in their own lands” by the actions of the Land
Custody and Development Authority, which Taib personally chairs.
Just last week former Suhakam members wrote an open letter
to Najib Razak expressing their concern that the report has not been
made public, with the deadline of April 25th just hours away when the
current commission will be disbanded:
“it is imperative that Suhakam releases the report for public review and study….In not releasing the report before the end of the tenure of the current Commission, Suhakam might be in danger of non-disclosure of the facts gathered and the conclusions drawn”[Proham press release]
The leaked copy
now in our possession shows why ministers were so anxious to hide the
information until after the election, since it proves in shocking detail
how over the last 5 decades BN has violated the human rights of
Malaysia’s native peoples, in favour of get rich quick schemes by large corporations, in which local politicians frequently have a personal financial interest.
Devastating indictment of the Suhakam report
Devastating criticisms of Taib’s violation of Sarawak natives’ human rights
Suhakam is the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia.
Now available online via Sarawak Report’s special portal
Under its terms of reference laid down by law the Commission explains
that it may “inquire into an allegations of an infringement of human
rights” either from its own motion or in response to complaints by
The Commission explains that it has “received
numerous complaints between 2002 and 2010 related to customary rights
to land, many of which have not been resolved. These complaints from
indigenous peoples relate to allegations of encroachment and/or
dispossession of land; land included into forest or park reserves;
overlapping claims and slow processing of requests for the issuing of
native titles or community reserves”.
And because of these complaints it set up a National Enquiry Into the
Land Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Malaysia, which received an
“overwhelming response” to its request for submissions:
“The consultations received overwhelming response from the public with more than 6,500 indigenous peoples participating in the sessions. A total of 892 statements were recorded – 407 statements from Sabah, 198 statements from Sarawak and 287 statements from the Peninsula”.
We have now placed the findings and final report of this commission online after we received a leaked copy.
Sarawak Report were passed the leak because of the Federal Government
plain reluctance to reveal the devastating findings about its failure
to protect people from human rights violations, in particular the
stealing of their land with the help of state authorities such as in
Much of what is written in the report backs up numerous instances
recorded in this website where native lands have been forcibly removed
from the indigenous land owners by the Sarawak State Government and
handed to so-called Joint Ventures or merely given over to timber and
plantation companies in the name of development.
Suhakam also makes plain in their report that the UMNO led state
government of Sabah under Musa Aman has also carried out numerous
similar violations and that these abuses have also been rampant on the
Mugabe – Taib Mahmud, who has land grabbed and entire state from his
people stands exposed by his own federal government
Time and again Sarawak Report has detailed projects that were
proclaimed as being for the benefit of these people have in fact only
benefitted the family members, businessmen and political cronies of Taib
Mahmud, who controls all the licences through his positions as Land and
Resources Minister, Chief Minister and Chairman of the Land Custody and
Development Authority.
And in this hugely important leaked report Malaysia’s own official
human rights commissioners have backed up our evidence and listed the
multiple ways in which Taib has violated the human rights of his people.
Main findings – State of Sarawak is ignoring the courts
Key findings
listed by the report in its section on Sarawak, laid out in Chapter 7,
include the fact that the Sarawak State Government have continued to
ignore Malaysian court rulings which have upheld the rights of native
land owners in the state against Taib’s legislation and the so-called
Sarawak Land Code.
Ignoring the courts – Sarawak has been taking scant notice of native land rights rulings by the federal courts
Secretive State
The report also makes several references to the notorious failure by
the Sarawak administration to make available information that should be
public and easily accessible. It makes clear that this is deliberate
policy by Taib’s government and has the direct effect of disadvantaging
landowners, who are kept unaware of plans to take their land.
Secrecy that violates the rights of Sarawak’s native is the deliberate policy of Taib’s administration
Deliberate delays
The report then turns to the unacceptable delays by Taib’s government
in dealing with cases and complaints. At best it says “the handling of
native land applications by the authorities has been inconsistent and
dissolute”. Likewise there had been consistent failure to meet survey
Requested in 1988 and still waiting. How Land & Survey Department treats the natives.
No due notice given
The report also highlights what every Sarawakian knows, which is that
inadequate notice is given to natives by the state administration of
any plans to hand over their lands to timber and plantation companies.
The report points out that this behaviour is against the law.
Cheating the natives by keeping them deliberately uninformed.
No legal assistance
Another practice highlighted in the report and deplored is the
failure of the state government to assist communities faced with logging
and plantation companies. Instead, communities were left to negotiate
with heavy handed corporations without any information being given to
them about their rights and without any access to legal support.
advice is given to the natives about the limitations on the rights of
the licence holders and they are given no legal support.
LCDA is made the ‘trustee’ for the NCR natives!
Perhaps the most scandalous and shocking discovery made by the report
has been Taib’s arrogant decision that his own Land Custody and
Development Authority (LCDA) could somehow take over the right to act in
trust for the natives’ interests when deciding to take their land and
hand it to companies in so-called state sponsored ‘joint ventures;.
Bearing in mind that these joint ventures have without exception been
carried out by Taib’s own family members or political and business
cronies it is a clear conflict of interest that Taib’s LCDA department,
which he chairs, should be entrusted with protecting the interests of
the natives!
conflict of interest – Taib’s department has set itself up as the
‘Trustee’ for the native communities in joint ventures it has initiated
and keeps hold of their land titles. If an NCR land owner refuses Taib
has passed an act to allow his department compulsory acquisition!
It is significant that government spokesman has the cheek to justify
such actions by the sweeping comment “when we develop their land it is
for their benefit”. This Suhakam report confirms what everyone in
Sarawak knows, which is that in fact it is only for Taib’s benefit and
the ordinary people are left poorer than ever.
Police bias is against the people
Equally disgraceful and shocking is the well known failure by the
police to assist native communities when their rights are breached by
Taib’s client licence holders or when they are even intimidated or
attacked by gangsters working for timber and plantation companies.
The report points out that to the contrary the police consistently
only act when there are complaints instead by the licence holders and
are then happy to throw the local people in jail for rightfully
protesting about the violations of their lands.
who are rightfully protesting at the violation of their rights can be
thrown in jail and yet the police have given them no protection against
intrusions on their lands and livelihoods
Pollution and destruction as Environment is ignored
Again the report notes that Taib’s administration has repeatedly
allowed Environmental Impact Assessments to be overlooked or
inadequately carried out and that the native people have suffered from
the dreadful pollution of their lands and waters.
Turning a blind eye to pollution
Fake consultation
The report also makes clear that there is very often no attempt at
consultation with affected peoples when licences are handed out on their
lands. However, when there is consultation it is usually just for
show, involving only the Headman, whom Taib has now made an appointed
official paid by him.
These headmen know that to keep their salaries they must do what is
required, which means they are not representing the natives, they are
representing Taib’s own interests. Again this is a violation of the
human rights and indigenous rights of the people’s whose land he has
been grabbing.
No voice for the natives and no transparency either.
No dividends for the natives
The report also discusses a problem well known with
Taib’s joint venture projects, often criticised on this site. While the
greedy Chief Minister likes to pontificate that his projects are about
helping and developing ‘joint ventures’ to enrich the people, the
natives rarely get paid any dividends!
The only people to get rich, time and again, are Taib’s family and
cronies who own the private companies involved. It shows that the
‘Trustee’ for the natives i.e. Taib’s own LCDA department is a very poor
fighter for the people whose land it has confiscated.
Joint ventures overseen by the State of Sarawak are a sham
No compensation
Neither of course does Taib stick up for the natives to even gain
some compensation for the loss of their territories, as the report makes
Oops – we forgot the compensation. Feel free to sue us.
Legal delays
And of course if natives do decide to try and take these companies
and their backer, Taib’s state government, to court, then by the time a
decision is reached their lands will already be destroyed and Taib has
consistently refused to put a halt to his “development” projects while
disputes are settled.
This means that although Taib’s administration has time and again
lost these court battles the land the natives were seeking to protect
has long been destroyed. Taib should have been sorted out by the BN
federal government long ago for such blatant and illegal violations of
the rights of his native peoples and it is no surprise that BN and Najib
Razak have been desperately trying to hide this report until after the
Steamrollering of the people’s rights
Bullying and intimidation
The Suhakam report also gives credence to a problem well known in
Sarawak, which is the unhelpful attitude of the authorities towards
natives with problems over the grabbing of their land and the downright
threats and bullying that is employed to force communities to do Taib’s
Both the police and special branch and even thugs are employed to
force the indigenous people to surrender their rights to Taib’s
businesses interests.
No difference from Mugabe. The bullying tactics that Taib’s state employs to take lands from the people
The Suhakam report makes a number of recommendations which can be
summed up by its call for a full restitution of lands taken illegally
and for compensation where losses cannot be repaired. The report
“Deprivation of indigenous peoples’ right to land in order to carry out poverty eradication schemes, economic development and conservation efforts, or by fraudulent means through the use of powers of attorney and other forms of illegal land transfers, has occurred without adequate mechanisms for complaints and redress”
To repair the damage Suhakam echoes the PR opposition’s call for a
Royal Commission. It has a similar suggestion, which is for the
establishment of an Indigenous Land Tribunal.
“The Inquiry strongly recommends the establishment of an Indigenous Land Tribunal or Commission composed of retired judges and experts on indigenous customary rights to resolve issues and complaints related to indigenous peoples’ land claims that are brought before it. The Tribunal or Commission should be empowered to decide on these complaints and issues, including appropriate settlements or redress related to a case.”
The Commission also insists that indigenous people should have access
to legal aid to represent their interests at these hearings, so that
their rights can be finally recognised and addressed in accordance with
the international laws on human and indigenous rights.
With such a recommendation to repair his actions against his own people Taib Mahmud should be hanging his head in shame.
Suhakam report points out that Taib’s methods of seizing lands has
caused much of the conflict seen in the form of blockades such as this
one at Murum
He may have laughed off the criticism of numerous NGOs and observers over the years.
But,what is he to do now that Malaysia’s own official human rights
commission has painted him as Malaysia’s own Mugabe in such a way?
Will he call them “naughty” like the MACC?
BN has attempted to protect him and his fellow land grabbing Chief
Minister Musa Aman of Sabah (more on his antics soon) by hiding this
report. However, the tactic has now failed.
Malaysia is getting fed up with Taib Mahmud and the shame he brings
on them and the misery he has inflicted on his people of Sarawak.
The latest posting of Sarawak Report is a reflection of what the portal really is- a foreign-based opposition blog which is biased and partial and having no respect for truth and fairness. The person behind is none other than Clare Rewcastle Brown, a person who believes in black magic and everything evil in leaders of Barisan Nasional, Abdul Taib in particular in Sarawak.
DeleteSarawak Report only reported on the Suhakam Report.
The WEAK attack on Clare Rewcastle Brown is therefore way off the mark and smacks typically of professional hired gun writers who have blitzed this page.
It might be more credible for the writer to pick on the Suhakam Report instead of trying to shoot the messenger?
Is the Suhakam Report mediocre? Are the facts inaccurate?
Let us know.
50 years of colonial rule and plunder is now officially confirmed.
Malaysia is a failed project. What more the report shows Sabah and Sarawak were re-colonised by Malaya. This is the evil part of British Malayan created "Malaysia". How embarrassing!
That is why your paymaster tried to suppress release of the Suhakam Report?
This like to ROS letter disqualifying DAP Executive committee is another UMNO election blunder!
Now the Report is released on the internet. No amount of spamming will stop people reading it and forming their own opinion.
The voters will be firm as to who they will vote so get ready for a change of government!
Obviously, Sarawak Report, which gets its reports from mediocre sources, mainly members of PKR, who see every development project being carried by Barisan Nasional-led State Government, wrong just to belittle its efforts. Save your breath, no Sarawakian will fall to deceit of PKR and Sarawak Report.
ReplyDeleteThe people of Sarawak take whatever Hydro Tasmania says about digging coal in Sarawak with a pin of salt. Australia has been digging its coal reserves for ages why Sarawak Report has made no comment about it? Why pick on Sarawak for whatever it plans to do? Why takes exception to Sarawak’s plan to dig coal and say nothing about mining in Australia or China? Both are big contributors to global pollutions.
ReplyDeleteOnly the people in Sarawak Report, which represents mosquito views, insists that Sarawak is suffering from power glut. They can keep such views to themselves. It only shows that the writer is shallow and depending on idiots for sources.
ReplyDeleteThe Sarawak Report has been writing the huge wealth of Abdul Taib and his family. If it is true, does he still need to enrich himself and the family anymore to such an extent of doing all the illegal and evil things for the purpose? Obviously, Sarawak Report knows that its previous reports on the wealth of Abdul Taib are mere speculations or unfounded allegations. Only a person, who does not know Abdul Taib and who is inclined to see everything evil in him, will say so!
ReplyDeleteGenerally the people in Sarawak respect Abdul Taib for his religious discipline unlike Anwar Ibrahim and other opposition leaders. Those in PAS have forked tongues when talking about religion.
ReplyDeleteThe outcome of the 13th General Election will show that Sarawak Report is lying about Sarawak and about Abdul Taib and is serving the people, who are driven by insatiable desire for power only.
ReplyDeleteGenerally, the people of Sarawak have made their mind not to turn Sarawak to become Selangor, Kelantan, Kedah and Penang. They know it can be worse in Sarawak because the opposition has no leaders with the proven capability and credibility to run the State, which is a third of the nation.
ReplyDeleteClearly, Sarawak Report, apart from itself can expect credit for PKR, its paymaster. As an opposition blog, with a camouflage of being anti abuses of power, corruption, nepotism and other bullshits can only consider itself vindicated with the victory or at least a good showing by PKR at the national and state levels in the 13th General Election.
ReplyDeleteIt has to wait for the outcome of the elections in Sarawak in particular as it has been the butt of its campaign against the leadership and the administration, which its considered to be corrupt.
ReplyDeleteWhatever Sarawak Report has been saying about Sarawak as being a grossly under developed state under a corrupt leader it will soon know whether it is a saviour or a devil in disguise after the elections.
ReplyDeleteOf course, Sarawak Report has the habit of taking credits for everything that it does. The video clip being produced by the individual, a cheat, who has an ultra ego to become a rich man and an investor, for Sarawak Report, can be considered devastating if it has negative effects on the people in Sarawak, who matter most. The Mat Salleh can go to Hell, they should take care of their decaying society.
DeleteHave you missed the corrupt and rotten parts of UMNO dominated Malaysia from head to toes- teetering towards bankruptcy?
Have you not heard that Putridjaya, Sabah Sarawak (KL) Twin Towers, Malaya infrastructures were built on the stolen proceeds of oil plunder at the expense of the Sabah and Sarawak people?
Is the brown colonial massas from Malaya any worse than the Mat Salleh.
We think even worse!
Where once we had a harmonious pluralist secular society,now have UMNO enforced Islamization apartheid and population engineering in Sabah and Sarawak .
UMNO even sponsored terrorism in the Philippines and Thailand to fulfil its promise of "security" as the justification for forming Malaysia!
The Suhakam Report like the Sulu invasion demolishes the argument of "security and prosperity" used to justify the formation of Malaysia!
For sure things will never be the same again whoever wins the election.
Apart from PKR, which will be making video tapes of the clip as campaign materials, generally the people do not take it seriously. Basically, it is based on claims by individuals that they are close to the Chief Minister and doing businesses for or on his behalf. It can be equated to Sarawak Report claiming that Rio Tinto pulled out of a proposal to set up smelting plant in Samalaju, and that Hydro Tasmania pulled out from Murum Dam and other things because of its pressure. Were there any truths in them?
ReplyDeleteSarawak Report owes the people the explanation why it has not written about the corrupt practices in Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan? Why it has been silent on devastating effects of deforestation on the environment in Kedah and Kelantan? Both States have cleared out their hills and mountains bare through excessive loggings to get quick money in anticipation that they will be kicked out by the people during the 13th General Election.
ReplyDeleteClearly, Sarawak report is unfair, unjust and very partial in its reportings. It does not respect the truth. It is prepared to lie in its desperate efforts to project PKR as a better alternative to the Government.
ReplyDeleteIt is the common prayer of the people in Sarawak that the day will not come for DAP a very chauvinistic party, PAS a conservative Islamic party and PKR, plagued by desertions of most of original leaders, who were brains behind its previous success, due to many reasons, the main one being Anwar Ibrahim cannot be trusted, will come to power.
ReplyDeleteIt is the common prayer of the people in Sarawak that the day will not come for DAP a very chauvinistic party, PAS a conservative Islamic party and PKR, plagued by desertions of most of original leaders, who were brains behind its previous success, due to many reasons, the main one being Anwar Ibrahim cannot be trusted, will come to power.
ReplyDeleteThe lesson to be learnt here is never trust a Mat Salleh with the so-called interests to invest on land and palm oil especially with their economics in shambles. Most of them can be considered bankrupt now.
ReplyDeleteA pledge to continue to find solutions to Sabah illegal immigrant problems and solutions to native land issues is one of the highlights of a special 16-point Sabah Barisan Nasional manifesto.
ReplyDeleteThe special manifesto by the state Barisan, aimed at countering various local issues, including oil royalties raised by the opposition, was launched by Sabah Barisan chairman Datuk Seri Musa Aman together with heads of component parties at the Sabah Umno headquarters here on Monday.
ReplyDeleteThis is our commitment to the rakyat. We are continuing our efforts. Barisan Sabah will do more,'' he said
ReplyDeleteMusa had dismissed opposition promises in their manifesto for Sabah as unrealistic.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said he was happy to note that Suhakam had taken the initiative to undertake a study on issues related to Native Customary Rights (NCR) land.
ReplyDeleteHe welcomed the effort made by a commission such as Suhakam as they would be able to provide a different but no less important perspective on the matter, adding that the State Government would sincerely like to hear the feedback from this study.
ReplyDeleteMusa said the Government was open to genuine feedback, constructive criticisms and ideas that would improve on the Government's initiative to enable the people, especially those in the interior, to communally own land and develop a sustainable livelihood.
ReplyDelete"I wish to stress here that the Government has always put the interest of the people as its priority when introducing any concept." He said.
ReplyDeleteAs a government that was chosen by the people, rest assured that our priority is always the well-being of the people," he said in a statement.
ReplyDeleteMusa, who is also State Finance Minister, said he had explained a number of times the reason behind the introduction of the communal title, the main reason being shortage of land to be given out individually.
ReplyDeleteHe said the Government needed to protect the welfare of future generations and the concept of giving out communal land titles would help to moderate the selling of native land while safeguarding the inheritance of future generations.
ReplyDelete"We do not want a situation where our children end up being landless in their own state," he said.
ReplyDeleteMusa said if the claims were true that the concept of giving out communal land titles was vague to some, the Government via its relevant departments would conduct sessions in the relevant areas to explain to the people the initiative, including eligibility and its implementation.
ReplyDelete"If Suhakam claims that village heads and JKKK chiefs' questions were left unanswered and could therefore not impart the correct information to the people, it does not mean the initiative is bad or will not succeed in its objectives.
ReplyDelete"It just means that most new initiatives will have hiccups in the beginning but with time and fine-tuning, they will achieve their intended objectives," he said.
ReplyDeleteMusa said the State Government would, however, study Suhakam's report on the communal title concept and issues related to NCR. He said based on the findings from the report, the Government would be able to fine-tune the procedures pertaining to communal titles and processing of NCR claims where applicable.
ReplyDeleteINI KALI LAH!
ReplyDelete"The report may help the Government establish a more systematic approach in establishing the legitimacy of NCR land and the process of giving land to the landless. "I have said a number of times before that I can't do this job as Chief Minister and to develop Sabah alone. I need my colleagues in the Cabinet, my friends in BN, the civil service, the private sector and NGOs as well as a parliament-appointed commission like Suhakam. I need everyone's cooperation and I am willing to listen," he said.
ReplyDeleteMusa said the objective of Suhakam's efforts on the issue of communal land titles and NCR should complement the Government's effort to help the people improve their quality of life.
ReplyDelete"We would also like to stress that land issues should not be confined to NCR claims only but to all Sabahans so that no one will be left out.
ReplyDelete"After all, the ultimate objective of granting land is to ensure that we look after the interest of the people in the State so that no Sabahan is left out of the development process," he added.
ReplyDeleteHow much does UMNO pays for each these praise UMNO blogs?
ReplyDeleteThese are great jokes to send around so people can laugh at UMNO and its puppets in Sabah and Sarawak.
The Suhakam Report which the spammers here avoid talking about like the plague confirms that 50 years in Malaysia has wreaked enormous damage on the majority living in the rural areas.
No spams will cover this up.
May you will change you minds if you read the actual Report and not the "report" on the Report!
Give us a break!
Spamming is a disservice to UMNO.
The Sabah outcome of the March 2008 Elections has confirmed the pre-poll conventional wisdom about Musa Aman’s victory based on his successes on the development and law-and-order fronts. But what makes the chief minister stand out from his other equally successful political colleagues is the inclusive nature of his politics. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteAs a result, although the others have also led Barisan National to comfortable victories in their states, it is only Musa Aman who won 59 seats out of the 60 state seats contested which is nearly 98.34% success. While Abdul Taib Mahmud of Sarawak carries the millstone of nepotism, cronyism and corruption round his neck, Ali Rustam the other chief minister of little Malacca is seen as being too obsessed with his own Malay “supremacist” and is seemingly still tainted when he was accused of condoning ‘money politics’ whereby he allowed his agent to distribute money to Umno delegates to vote for him in the UMNO elections for the deputy president’s post and was barred from contesting in the Umno elections, and the other chief minister Koh Tsu Koon of Penang lost his own seat and lost the state to Pakatan Rakyat headed by DAP. In contrast, the new star of Sabah has emerged with a remarkably clean record on all these counts. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteDespite Sabah being branded the poorest state in Malaysia, Musa Aman had performed well as chief minister by improving the overall economic conditions with an annual growth of more than 8 per cent in recent years. The entire focus of Musa Aman’s attention was on the states economy, building roads, bridges, deporting and jailing illegals and arresting and charging anti-social elements and encouraging the education of native girls and native boys by providing them with school uniforms, shoes, and computers and empowering women- the six areas (out of many) which earlier chief ministers had neglected. Not surprisingly, there has been a massive response to his appeal to the voters to support the “doer”. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteAware that he might not be able to make much inroads into the main base comprising KDMs, who make up about 25 per cent of the population, Musa Aman a half-Dusun turned to Pairin the “Huguan Siou” of the KDMs’ and so on. Notwithstanding this partisan manipulation of natives, there is little doubt that it is still the development projects, political stability and the improvement in law and order which are primarily responsible for Musa Aman’s success. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteWhat may have also helped him is his modesty. Take the case of the Batu Sapi Parliamentary elections, it is not impossible that he consciously eschewed Yong Teck Lee’s flamboyance, realising that such bluff and bluster can have a negative impact in the absence of achievement. He also remained aloof from the controversial postures of the kind which the president of SAPP, Yong Teck Lee, took on issues such as the “Sabah for Sabahan” an idea probably borrowed from my good friend Dr Jeffery Kitingan.
ReplyDeleteIt is as the “doer”, who wants to restore Sabah’s reputation as one of the best-run states, that Musa Aman evidently wants to be remembered. The voters had given a thumbs-up to his ambition.
ReplyDeleteSabah government has been identified to be the best example of good governance and the Chief Minister of the state, Musa Aman as being the “key driver” of economic growth and development within the state. In other words, Musa Aman has been appreciated for being an effective chief minister. Perhaps Malaysia’s best example of effective governance and impressive development is found in Sabah, where Musa Aman has streamlined economic processes, removing red tape and curtailing corruption in ways that have made the state a key driver of national economic growth. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman has overseen heavy investment in modern roads, bridges and power infrastructure and jobs for Sabahans. He has even reiterated his call repeatedly to the national oil company Petronas to provide adequate opportunities to eligible Sabahans to participate directly in the oil and gas industry. He is monitoring and cooperating with Petronas on how to distribute projects from the oil company to local contractors in Sabah and he is serious to ensure Sabahans would not be merely bystanders to the development that is taking place in the state. Not many chief ministers in the past while in position dare to sound the national oil company Petronas, even though Petronas takes much more than give back to the state and its people. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Aman urged the Sabah Natives Affairs Council (MHEAINS) to take more proactive steps to establish a database on native laws and customs in the state in order to further strengthen the Native Court institution.
ReplyDeleteHe said MHEAINS should look into forging cooperation with higher learning institutions and related bodies to set up the database, which could also include information of cases handled by the Native Courts in the state and judgements.
ReplyDeleteMusa said the Native Court institution in Sabah was still relevant hence the government would be focusing on the improvement of its system and administrative aspects.
ReplyDeleteThis was reflected by the ground-breaking ceremony of the Native Court Training Institute (ILMAN) in Penampang by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak last year as well as the plan to build six more Native Courts throughout the state.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister also called on the customary chiefs, including district chiefs and native chiefs to continue to be the government’s eyes and ears and mouthpiece.
ReplyDelete“The customary chiefs are the implementers of the government policies who have an important role to assist the government in preserving unity and identity of the people,” he said.
Musa said the State Government had stopped logging activities in more than 300 hectares of land as well as implemented programmes to replant high-value trees, all for the benefit of the future generations.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Musa, investors, especially giant companies were willing to come to Sabah and poured in millions of ringgit because they were confident with the state’s political stability.
ReplyDeleteIssues relating to the rights of the natives in Sabah have always been given attention, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteHe also gave an assurance that the government would not undermine the rights of natives to own land in the state.
ReplyDelete"The state is administered by natives, too, and to protect as well as to preserve the rights of the indigenous communities will always be our priority.
ReplyDelete"Instead of manipulating the NCR issue, everyone should cooperate and help ensure the rights of the indigenous people are protected," he said.
ReplyDeleteIn the last 15 years, the Land and Survey Department received 615 claims for NCR land involving 1,164 people throughout the state.
ReplyDeleteOf the total, 207 cases were given recognition, 70 cases were dropped while 338 were still being investigated, Musa said.
So that's the secret? How absurd.
ReplyDeleteMuhyiddin said the Umno culture showed that members did not follow party leaders who quit as they remained loyal to the BN leadership.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has urged all quarters, including political parties, to ensure a healthy campaign for the 13th General Election, following two arson attacks within a spate of 24 hours.
ReplyDeleteFORMER prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad advised Malaysians going to the ballot boxes to vote wisely and not to be taken in by their emotions.
ReplyDeleteWe are a country which practises democracy, and the people are given the opportunity to choose who they want to develop and save the country.
ReplyDeleteAsked by one of the participants for his opinion on what would happen to the country if the opposition wins this general election, Dr Mahathir said even if they won, it would be difficult for them to form a government as all three parties have different principles.
ReplyDeleteHe also said if the people knew the opposition parties well, none of them would be elected.
ReplyDeleteHe added that it was unlike Barisan Nasional which represented all races and shared both power and wealth.
The proposers and seconders of Umno members who are contesting as independents in the 13th General Election may face expulsion from the party.
ReplyDeleteUmno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said the action to be taken against them would be decided by the party's disciplinary board.
ReplyDeleteTengku Adnan said this came following the party disciplinary board's decision to sack members for contesting as independents in the election.
ReplyDeleteTHE Siswa4u club is committed to disseminating as much information as possible about Barisan Nasional's track record and its plans for the country to ensure young voters are not fooled by the opposition's lies.
ReplyDeleteThe club comprises university student leaders, various student organisations and associations in and outside campuses who before this have been active in voluntary activities.
BOTH SAPP and STAR politicians have in recent days severely criticised Najib's ignorant wardrobe malfunction utterance that Sabah (& Sarawak) autonomy is a "non-issue".
This confirms that the Malayan colonialists do not accept or recognise the Sabah 20 Points Agreement or the Sarawak 18 Points Agreement or the Malaysia Agreement designed to prevent Malayan domination and banditry.
These agreements were our Charter of Rights to protect both Sabah and Sarawak people's right and prevent Malayan domination when they gave up their independence to become part of the Malaysia equal partnership federation justified by British Malayan "security and prosperity" promises.
They were supposed to guarantee Sabah Sarawak "autonomy".
[But why give up your independence for nothing?]
The Points reflected the real fears of the Borneo people that Malaya would dominate and colonise them. This fear was so strong that on December 8 1962 the Brunei People's party led an uprising to oppose the British Malayan imposition of Malaysia.
That was one reason why Brunei is not in Malaysia.The other 2 reason was UMNO refused to give the Brunei state equal partnership status and it wanted to control Brunei oil. (Our "leaders" were asleep when Brunei was alert to these tricks. If they had acted as the Brunei Sultan did we would not have to suffer 50 years in Malaysia).
To allay these very fears, PM Tunku Abdul Rahman the co-founder of the Malaysia concept in collaboration with his British colonial masters said in print that Malaya will never colonise the 2 countries and will treat them as equal partners.
After 50 years what have we got?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! No Borneonisation and even no land to till. All stolen by the BN-UMNO regime. Our environment destroyed.
What we got was Malayanisation as the politicians are saying.
Last year they stole some RM45 Billion in oil money and RM25 Billion in taxation (such as under the cabotage system). That is $70 Billion. This figure probably more or less applies to Sarawak. So a guesstimate of RM140 Billion was sucked out to Malaya.
And what did they give back which we have to grovel and beg like dogs- the crumbs of a few billion.
From the 2012 Federal budget of RM232.8 billion we can say Sabah Sarawak funded over half of that!
So Sabah Sarawak have been impoverished by funding the development of Malaya for over 45 years which was actually to line the pockets of the BN-UMNO cronies and patronage system.
The Suhakam Report confirms that BN rule has created massive abuse of our people's rights.
The Sulu Invasion confirmed that BN-UMNO did not defend Sabah but was linked to the invasion by its deliberate failure to guard Sabah borders.
Raising the autonomy issue puts BN-UMNO in the dock,
Najib says it is a non-issue!
Actually he is correct to say so as they (Malaya) do not recognised or accept the Points Agreement.
Since in reality they have broken all the agreements for formation of Malaysia- WHY SHOULD WE BE BOUND TO REMAIN IN MALAYSIA?
If Malaya does not recognise the agreements than "Malaysia" cease to exist!
SAPP leaders (as are STAR) are saying if Malaya don't wish to abide by the Malaysia formation agreements, then they risk losing Sabah.
As BNUMNO is unlikely to honour the agreements the ball will be in our court.
The only thing to do is for us to take back our country!
Percaya atau tidak, laman web terunggul yang menjadi sumber rujukan dan modal untuk Baru Bian dan rakan-rakan mereka menyerang kepimpinan BN di Sarawak menggunakan dokumen palsu untuk mengaitkan Ketua Menteri, Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud dengan kronisme yang membolot kedudukan serta saham beberapa syarikat menggunakan duit rakyat.
ReplyDeleteJika ada yang tahu semua dokumen yang dipampangkan dalam laman web Sarawak Report sudah diedit terutama penyata Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) dengan meletakkan nama ketua menteri atau ahli keluarga pasti akan geleng kepala melihat perbuatan pembangkang yang sudah terdesak sehingga tergamak MENIPU PEMBACANYA!!!
ReplyDeleteSebelum ini Sarawak Report mendedahkan kononnya maklumat SMM menunjukkan Kumpulan Construction didaftar dengan modal berbayar saham RM1 juta di mana 5 peratus sahamnya dipegang oleh Datin Zaleha Mahmud, kakak kepada Raziah dan selebihnya dimiliki oleh Mastim Sdn Bhd, syarikat yang dimiliki oleh Raziah dan Robert, yang merupakan warganegara Australia.
ReplyDeleteMalangnya Sarawak Report tidak menunjukkan penyata yang asli kerana mereka telah mengubah isi kandung dokumen bagi meyakinkan pembacanya seolah-olah apa yang didedahkan adalah benar belaka.
ReplyDeleteArtikel Sarawak Report terbaru telah menghentam Datin Zaleha Mahmud sehingga mengejutkan pemimpin DAP dan juga Keadilan Sarawak ( terbukti kebodohan mereka kerana tidak tahu membaca nama yang dipampang) sehingga meminta pihak berwajib untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang pendedahan Sarawak Report tersebut.
ReplyDeleteMenyedari kesilapan nama pada dokumen, Sarawak Report bertindak menghapuskan artikel tersebut kemudian dituruti rakan sepakatan yang lain dengan menarik balik kandungannya di laman blog masing-masing bagi menutupi pembohongan mereka itu.
DeleteNama dalam dokumen yang dipampangkan adalah Zaleha Binti Bujang, bukannya Zaleha Mahmud seperti yang didakwa Sarawak Report. Bermakna pengolahan cerita mengikut besarnya milikan harta individu terus dikaitkan dengan keluarga Pehin Sri Taib Mahmud.
ReplyDeleteMujurlah Pehin Sri tidak mudah melatah seperti pembangkang yang terlalu taksub dengan Sarawak Report sehingga mempertaruhkan laman web tersebut sebagai sumber utama kempen bagi Pakatan Rakyat menentang BN di Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteBeliau mengambil pendekatan berdiam diri, sudah pasti ada tujuannya dengan tindakan itu. Hal sama dilakukan DS Najib terhadap pertuduhan konspirasi membunuh Altantuya. Akhirnya di manakah tumpuan pembangkang sekarang?
ReplyDeletehakikatnya Sarawak Report adalah media yang banyak melakukan pembohongan dan fitnah. kita tak perlu nak percaya pada media pembohong seperti ini
Anonymous April 26, 2013 at 7:30 AM
A total of 42 cooperatives in Sabah that participated in the Retail Shop Transformation Project (TUKAR) have managed togenerate a turnover of RM7.9 million in the first six months of this year.
DeleteDeputy Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Yahya Hussin, said two cooperatives, which acted as distribution centres, posted a turnover of RM275,000 for March-June, 2012.
Also present were Deputy State Secretary Datuk Maznah Ghani and Cooperative Commission of Malaysia''s (SKM) Sabah director, Umar Sarim Saidin.
DeleteThe TUKAR programme, distribution and small distribution centres have helped the small cooperatives in the rural areas of the state to increase their turnover.
DeleteYahya said SKM planned to increase the number of Coop 1Malaysia shops in Sabah, especially in Karambunai and Putatan.
Yahya, who is also State Agriculture and Food Industry Minister, said four cooperatives, which functioned as small distribution centres, recorded a turnover of close to RM115,000 during the same period.
DeleteYahya said Sabah has 902 cooperatives as at May 31, 2012 with 280,313.
DeleteMore than 23,000 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have already signed up for the Google Malaysia “Get Malaysian Business Online” (GMBO) programme.
DeleteAccording to Google Malaysia communications and public relations head Zeffri Yusof, the GMBO initiative is a partnership between Google, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, .My Domain Registry, SME Corp and iTrain.
DeleteThere are currently about 700,000 SMEs operating in Malaysia, and only 100,000 have an online presence.
DeleteHe pointed out that currently there were about 700,000 SMEs operating in Malaysia where only 100,000 have an online presence.
Zeffri added that the main purpose of the GMBO programme is to get more SMEs to use the Internet as a marketing platform for their products.
Delete“Currently there are more than 17.5mil Malaysian Internet users who regularly search for products and services via online but there are not much local SME products that could be found on the World Wide Web,” he said.
DeleteHe also said SMEs that have signed up for the programme and set up their own website have enjoyed vibrant business ever since.
Delete“Their businesses have thrived tremendously and they are making a huge amount of profit ever since they marketed their products via online through blogs and social networking sites,” he said after attending the one-day GMBO programme held here recently.
Zeffri added that SMEs should grab such opportunities to help take their business to another level.
DeleteHe said that Google Malaysia targets more than 50,000 SMEs to register for the GMBO programme that have been held in Sabah, Sarawak, Penang and now Johor.
Delete“The problem for most SMEs operators is that they are not tech savvy but under the GMBO programme, we would train them on how to promote and market their products through the Internet.
Delete“The programme is free however, SMEs need to pay about RM23 to register their domain,” he said, adding that the next stop for GMBO is the east coast.
Historically, Malaysia has largely been off the PE investors’ radar because of lack of size and suitability. PE activity has focused on manufacturing and services, though in recent years funds have looked at opportunities in oil and gas services and renewable energy projects, but few deals have yet been done due to valuation gaps.Malaysia has one of the largest stock exchanges in the region, with almost 1,000 listed companies. Some listed companies are having second thoughts as to whether public markets are their best source of capital, and could be attractive targets for PE as owners seek finance to expand and grow.
DeleteMergers and acquisitions are well established, with domestic conglomerates trading companies amongst themselves. To date there has been little incentive for these conglomerates to sell operations, but pressure from the tougher commercial environment may trigger divestments, especially of non-core operations.In the near horizon small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), which have remained low profile due to the older generation business mindset may open up when the younger generation of the family take over and approach the business with a more professional operating style, including opening up to financial and/or strategic investors for expansion and growth.
DeleteAs a destination for PE investment, Malaysia has its attractions. High GDP, a well educated workforce, a government that encourages foreign investments and an open and stable political environment mean the business case for using the country as a springboard to build regional champions is often sound.Malaysia has not been immune to the global recession, with the economy contracting 1.7 percent in 2009, after growing an average 5.8 percent in the five previous years. As quickly as the economy turned down, largely because of a 21.8 percent slowdown in exports, particularly electrical and electronic products that make up 40 percent of exports, it has bounced back, expanding 7.2 percent in 2010 as exports rose 30 percent and private consumption 6.6 percent.
DeleteEarly indications are that uncertainties in 2011 will affect growth, but the pain may be softened by the fact that the economy is more closely tied with the region than the wider world. Malaysia’s top five export destinations in 2010 were Singapore, China, Japan, the US and Thailand.Aside from the city-states of Hong Kong and Singapore, Malaysia is the one Asian country classified as having “high human development” by the UN.4 GDP per head of US$9,850 is almost twice the Asia average.5 In 2010 Malaysia launched the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), which aims to turn the country of 28 million into a fully developed nation by 20206. Foreign investors, who are expected to provide 25 percent of the funding for ETP projects, are encouraged by clear processes, documentation and liberalization of foreign ownership laws.Active private equity investors in Malaysia are a mix of domestic and international funds. Government-controlled Khazanah Nasional is a significant player, with a handful of funds targeting smaller deals, including Navis Capital Partners, Ekuinas, CIMB Private Equity and CapAsia. International funds have come from Asia Pacific, the US, Europe and increasingly the Middle East.
DeleteMalaysia sits in the middle of South East Asia. It also holds the middle ground in development terms, less wealthy but considerably cheaper than its immediate neighbor Singapore and well ahead of the surrounding countries of Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. An educated, healthy and relatively wealthy population and stable business climate make it an ideal base for investment. Global economic conditions and an imminent general election mean some industries are in wait-and-see mode, though for most it will be business as usual, regardless of which political party is in power.
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