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Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri persoal motif Mahkamah Anak Negeri Keningau tuntut pampasan dari kartunis Fahmi Reza

                            Priskila Akwila Sinem

Oleh Jayden Lisandu, 18-1-2025
KOTA BELUD : Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri (ANAK NEGERI) mempersoalkan motif Mahkamah Anak Negeri Keningau memfailkan kes menuntut pampasan daripada Fahmi Reza, seorang pereka grafik kontroversi kerana didakwa menerbitkan karikatur tokoh politik yang kononnya menghina masyarakat orang asal Momogun Sabah.

Cik Priskila Akwila Sinem, yang merupakan Timbalan Ketua Penyelaras Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri Kota Belud, berkata beliau melihat karikatur yang menyerupai tokoh politik sebagai kenyataan politik menentang rasuah semata-mata.

Beliau berkata rakyat Sabah khususnya generasi muda sudah jemu dan was-was dengan gejala rasuah yang berleluasa membabitkan pemimpin politik dan penjawat awam di Sabah. 

Menurut Priskila, karikatur Fahmi sebenarnya mewakili suara seluruh rakyat Sabah yang tidak berpuas hati dengan kegagalan pihak berkuasa bertindak terhadap rasuah di tempat tinggi. 

Beliau berkata ANAK NEGERI menjunjung prinsip kebebasan bersuara dan oleh itu mempertahankan hak Fahmi sebagai rakyat Malaysia biasa untuk menggunakan haknya bersuara menentang rasuah.

“Fahmi berhak membuat kenyataan politik menentang rasuah melalui karikatur,” katanya. 

Priskila tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan Mahkamah Anak Negeri Keningau yang menurutnya boleh dianggap sebagai penyalahgunaan proses undang-undang di bawah Ordinan Mahkamah Anak Negeri. 

“Sebagai anggota suku kaum Dusun Momogun di Sabah, saya tidak terpengaruh, tidak juga tersinggung dengan karikatur Fahmi yang pada saya hanyalah kenyataan politik untuk memerangi rasuah.”

Priskila mempersoalkan sama ada Mahkamah Anak Negeri Keningau mempunyai bidang kuasa atau tidak terhadap kes sivil di bawah Ordinan Mahkamah Anak Negeri.

Priskila juga berkata beliau meragui Mahkamah Anak Negeri Keningau mempunyai kedudukan undang-undang untuk mewakili masyarakat Anak Negeri Momogun dalam perkara itu yang jelas di luar bidang kuasa Ordinan Mahkamah Anak Negeri. 

Priskila yang merupakan peguam dari Kota Belud berkata saman undang-undang terhadap Fahmi Reza oleh Mahkamah Anak Negeri Keningau jelas di luar bidang kuasa Ordinan Mahkamah Anak Negeri. 

Beliau berkata Seksyen 9 Ordinan Mahkamah Anak Negeri 1992 menyatakan bahawa Mahkamah Anak Negeri tidak mempunyai bidang kuasa ke atas sebarang kuasa atau perkara dalam bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah atau Mahkamah Sivil. 

Beliau berkata, orang ramai juga memahami sepenuhnya bahawa kes Fahmi Reza tidak ada kaitan dengan undang-undang atau adat masyarakat Anak Negeri Sabah kerana ianya hanyalah karikatur, mungkin kenyataan politik yang mengkritik kewujudan rasuah yang berleluasa di Sabah.

Beliau mengulangi pendiriannya bahawa karikatur Fahmi tidak menghina, tidak juga mencabul atau merendahkan adat dan maruah masyarakat Anak Negeri Sabah. 

"Sama ada atau tidak karikatur itu menghina keperibadian seseorang dan dianggap berniat jahat, mana-mana individu  yang berasa terkilan boleh mengambil tindakan undang-undang di bawah undang-undang sivil, bukan di bawah undang-undang Anak Negeri," kata Priskila. 

"Masyarakat belia Sabah seperti saya mempunyai perasaan yang kuat dan bimbang tentang kesan budaya rasuah terhadap ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masa depan Negeri dan rakyat Sabah."

"Rasuah yang melibatkan pemimpin politik dan pegawai awam yang korup bersekongkol dengan ahli perniagaan yang tamak dan bengkok selalu mengakibatkan ketirisan ekonomi akibat pembaziran besar aset awam dan sumber asli yang berharga"

Beliau berkata rasuah boleh menjelaskan mengapa ekonomi Sabah agak tidak stabil, mengapa Sabah mempunyai kadar kemiskinan tertinggi di negara ini, kadar pengangguran tertinggi, dan kegagalan melaksanakan projek infrastruktur luar bandar.

Beliau berkata rakyat Sabah marah kerana ketirisan ekonomi di mana berbilion Ringgit dana pembangunan yang diamanahkan kepada Kerajaan Negeri Sabah setiap tahun dibazirkan dan disia-siakan kerana rasuah.  

“Saya bersuara buat pertama kali dalam isu rasuah kerana saya ingin mengetengahkan isu rasuah untuk meningkatkan kesedaran politik anak anak muda Sabah.”

"Saya mahu menambah suara kecil saya kepada usaha memerangi rasuah di Sabah," kata Priskila yang merupakan penganjur komuniti Tempasuk dan seorang pemimpin wanita muda yang baru muncul dari Kota Belud.#

The English version:

KOTA BELUD : Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri (ANAK NEGERI) questioned the motive of the Keningau Native Court to file a case demanding compensation from Fahmi Reza, a controversial graphic designer, for allegedly publishing a caricature of a political figure allegedly to have insulted the Momogun native community. 

Ms. Priskila Akwila Sinem, who is the appointed Deputy Chief Coordinator for Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri Kota Belud, said she views the caricature resembling a known political figure as a mere political statement against corruption.

She said the people of Sabah, especially the younger generation, were tired and wary of the widespread corruption involving political leaders and civil servants in Sabah. 

According to Priskila, Fahmi's caricature actually represents the voice of all Sabahans who are not satisfied with the lack of action by the authorities on corruption in high places. 

She said ANAK NEGERI upholds the principle of freedom of speech and therefore defends Fahmi's right as an ordinary Malaysian to exercise his right to speak out against corruption.

"Fahmi has the right to make a political statement against corruption through caricature," she said. 

Priskila disagreed with the action taken by the Keningau Native Court which according to her can be considered as an abuse of the legal process under the Native Court Ordinance. 

"As a member of the Dusun Momogun community in Sabah, I am not influenced, nor am I offended by Fahmi's caricature which to me is just a political statement to fight corruption."

Priskila questioned whether or not the Keningau Native Court has jurisdiction over civil cases under the Native Court Ordinance.

Priskila also said she doubted the Keningau Native Court has the legal standing to represent the Momogun community in the matter which is clearly outside the jurisdiction of the Native Court Ordinance. 

Priskila who is a lawyer from Kota Belud said the legal suit against Fahmi Reza by the Keningau Native Court is clearly outside the jurisdiction of the Native Court Ordinance. 

He said Section 9 of the Native Court Ordinance 1992 states that the Native Court does not have jurisdiction over any power or matter within the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court or the Civil Court. 

She said the public also fully understood that Fahmi Reza's case had nothing to do with the laws or customs of the Sabah Native community because it was merely a caricature, perhaps a political statement criticizing the widespread existence of corruption in Sabah.

She reiterated her position that Fahmi's caricature does not insult, nor violate or degrade the customs and dignity of the Sabah Native community. 

"Whether or not the caricature insults someone's personality and is considered malicious, any individual  who feel aggrieved can take legal action under the civil laws, not under Native laws," said Priskila. 

"Sabah youths like me have a strong feeling and worry about the effects of the culture of corruption on the economy and the future wellbeing of the State and people of Sabah."

"Corruption involving political leaders and corrupt public officials in collusion with greedy and crooked businessmen always results in economic leakage due to the huge waste of public assets and valuable natural resources "

She said corruption could explain why Sabah's economy is relatively unstable, why Sabah has the highest poverty rate in the country, the highest unemployment rate, and the failure to implement rural infrastructure projects.

She said the people of Sabah were angry because of the economic leakage where billions of Ringgit in development funds entrusted to the Sabah State Government every year were wasted and squandered due to corruption.  

"I am speaking out for the first time on the issue of corruption because I want to highlight the issue of corruption or raise the political awareness of young people in Sabah."

"I want to add my small voice to efforts to fight corruption in Sabah," said Priskila who is a Tempasuk community organizer and an emerging young woman leader from Kota Belud.#

Borneo's activists tell UiTM not to force Islam on non-muslim students

Joint Press Statement 
14th January 2025

"Stop Forcing Our Faith: Sabah and Sarawak Demand Respect for Religious Freedom"

We are outraged and deeply appalled by the allegations against Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) regarding the coercion of non-Muslim Bumiputera students from Sabah and Sarawak to attend Islamic dawah-related events, allegedly aimed at forcing religious conversions.

What makes this situation even more disturbing is that UiTM’s written instructions reportedly require all students, regardless of their religion, to attend these religious sessions.

This is not just an attack on the religious freedom of our people—it is an affront to the dignity, identity, and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak.

Let us be clear: Sabah and Sarawak were induced to relinquish their independence and join Malaysia with numerous guarantees of rights, including the fundamental secular terms of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63). 

These terms were meant to safeguard our religious and cultural freedoms. Yet, what we are witnessing now is a blatant betrayal of that promise. .

These allegations—if true—prove that the federal government and institutions like UiTM have no regard for the beliefs or dignity of the indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak.

Since the 1970s, Sabah has been subjected to the disturbing and ongoing issue of forced conversions, a practice that has undermined the religious freedom of our people. 

The very idea of forcing non-Muslim students to participate in religious programs or adhere to a conversion agenda is abhorrent. UiTM was created to support Bumiputera students, not to impose religious conformity. 

Non-Muslim students should not be subjected to dawah programs or any form of forced religious indoctrination. The notion of a “conversion quota” is repugnant, unethical, and a direct insult to the diverse communities of East Malaysia. It is deeply offensive to the followers of other religions in Sabah and Sarawak, who are now being treated as second-class citizens in their own homeland.

How dare the federal government allow this kind of disrespect to persist? 

Have they forgotten that Sabah and Sarawak are equal partners in Malaysia, not colonies to be manipulated? 

Do the leaders in Putrajaya not understand that whatever trust and goodwill our people may have in the protection of their rights are being shattered by such actions?

We demand an immediate and public explanation from the Minister of Education. You must answer:

1. Why are non-Muslim students at UiTM being forced to attend religious programs?
2. Is there an official or unofficial policy to push religious conversions on our students?
3. What are you doing to protect the constitutional rights of non-Muslim Bumiputera students?

Enough is enough. The people of Sabah and Sarawak will not stand by while our cultural and religious identity is systematically undermined. 

If the federal government cannot honour the principles of MA63 and the basic respect for our diversity, then you are forcing us to reconsider our trust and place in this federation.

This is not just about religion—it is about respect, fairness, and the future of Malaysia as a multicultural nation. 

We demand justice, accountability, and an end to this blatant disregard for the feelings and rights of other religious communities in Sabah and Sarawak.

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Peter John Jaban Founder Saya Anak Sarawak (SAS)

Moses Anap President Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB)

Alim GA Mideh
Bulang Birieh Dayak Civil Movement Sarawak

Jovilis Majami President Persatuan Pembangunan Sosial Komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

Cleftus Stephen Mojingol President Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)

Ricky Ganang Penasihat Forum Adat Dataran Tanah Tinggi Borneo (FORMADAT)

Versi Bahasa Malaysia

Kenyataan Media Bersama
14 Januari 2025

"Hentikan Pemaksaan Agama: Sabah dan Sarawak Menuntut Hormat terhadap Kebebasan Beragama"

Kami amat marah dan terkejut dengan dakwaan terhadap Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) yang didakwa memaksa pelajar Bumiputera bukan Islam dari Sabah dan Sarawak menghadiri program berkaitan dakwah Islam, yang dikatakan bertujuan untuk memaksa penukaran agama.

Ini bukan sahaja serangan terhadap kebebasan beragama rakyat kami—ini juga merupakan penghinaan terhadap maruah, identiti, dan autonomi Sabah dan Sarawak.

Kami ingin tegaskan dengan jelas: Sabah dan Sarawak bersetuju untuk menyertai Malaysia melalui Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) dengan jaminan hak yang jelas, termasuk syarat asas sekular.

Syarat ini bertujuan untuk melindungi kebebasan beragama dan budaya kami. Namun, apa yang sedang berlaku kini adalah satu pengkhianatan terang-terangan terhadap janji tersebut.

Dakwaan ini—jika benar—membuktikan bahawa kerajaan persekutuan dan institusi seperti UiTM tidak menghormati kepercayaan atau maruah masyarakat peribumi Sabah dan Sarawak.

Sejak tahun 1970-an, Sabah telah menghadapi isu penukaran agama secara paksa yang mengganggu kebebasan beragama rakyat kami.

Idea untuk memaksa pelajar bukan Islam menghadiri program agama atau mengikuti agenda penukaran agama adalah menjijikkan. UiTM ditubuhkan untuk menyokong pelajar Bumiputera, bukan untuk memaksakan keseragaman agama.

Pelajar bukan Islam tidak seharusnya dipaksa menghadiri program dakwah atau mana-mana bentuk doktrinasi agama secara paksa. Konsep “kuota penukaran agama” adalah tidak bermoral, tidak beretika, dan penghinaan langsung terhadap komuniti pelbagai agama di Malaysia Timur. Ia juga sangat menyakitkan hati penganut agama lain di Sabah dan Sarawak, yang kini dilayan seperti rakyat kelas kedua di tanah air sendiri.

Bagaimana kerajaan persekutuan boleh membenarkan ketidakadilan seperti ini berlaku?

Adakah mereka lupa bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak adalah rakan setara dalam Malaysia, bukan koloni untuk dimanipulasi?

Adakah pemimpin di Putrajaya tidak memahami bahawa kepercayaan dan kesetiaan rakyat kami terhadap perlindungan hak mereka sedang dimusnahkan oleh tindakan seperti ini?

Kami menuntut penjelasan segera dan terbuka daripada Menteri Pendidikan. Anda mesti menjawab:

1. Mengapa pelajar bukan Islam di UiTM dipaksa menghadiri program keagamaan?

2. Adakah terdapat dasar rasmi atau tidak rasmi untuk mendorong penukaran agama terhadap pelajar kami?

3. Apakah langkah yang diambil untuk melindungi hak perlembagaan pelajar Bumiputera bukan Islam?

Cukup sudah. Rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak tidak akan berdiam diri sementara identiti budaya dan agama kami terus dicerobohi.

Jika kerajaan persekutuan tidak dapat menghormati prinsip MA63 dan kepelbagaian kami, maka anda memaksa kami untuk mempertimbangkan semula kepercayaan dan kedudukan kami dalam persekutuan ini.

Ini bukan hanya tentang agama—ini adalah tentang hormat, keadilan, dan masa depan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara berbilang budaya.

Kami menuntut keadilan, akauntabiliti, dan penghentian segera terhadap ketidakadilan yang mencabul perasaan dan hak komuniti agama lain di Sabah dan Sarawak.

Daniel John Jambun
Presiden Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei
Presiden Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Peter John Jaban
Pengasas Saya Anak Sarawak (SAS)

Moses Anap
Presiden Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB)

Alim GA Mideh
Bulang Birieh Dayak Civil Movement Sarawak

Jovilis Majami
Presiden Persatuan Pembangunan Sosial Komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

Cleftus Stephen Mojingol
Presiden Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)

Ricky Ganang
Penasihat Forum Adat Dataran Tanah Tinggi Borneo (FORMADAT)

Sabah PKR made blunders, claims former leader

                        Richard Libun Adou

TUARAN : A former Sabah leader, Richard Libun Adou, has called on Sabah PKR to accept the reality that it has lost the confidence of its partners in Pakatan Harapan.

"What is there left for Sabah PKR to be upset about? The decision has already been made..." he said in a statement here.

Richard, who was Tuaran PKR Information Chief, was commenting on the on-going tussle for the post of PH state chairman between PKR and Upko, which was decided for Upko's Ewon Benedick, through a vote recently.

"What truly matters now is for us to focus our efforts on securing victory in the upcoming Sabah election," said Richard.

He said in the past, PKR Sabah held the crucial position of Head/Chairman of Sabah Pakatan Harapan, but that its leaders made blunders.

"Under Christina Liew's leadership, a catastrophic blunder was made in the Kiulu state constituency (DUN). 

"The seat was handed over to Parti Warisan, despite all logic pointing to the fact that it should have rightfully remained a PKR seat," he said, arguing that in the previous election, PKR came within a whisker of winning the seat, losing by a mere 44 votes to the PBS candidate. 

"By contrast, when Parti Warisan contested, they only managed to secure around 2,400+ votes. This clearly demonstrates that PKR had a far stronger chance of winning in the KadazanDusun-majority area of Kiulu. 

"Christina's decision to relinquish the seat was nothing short of disastrous and has caused a significant setback for PKR. It was an indefensible mistake, and to be blunt, Christina is a hopeless leader.

"I remember this situation all too well because, at the time, I was deeply involved as the PKR Coordinator for Kiulu Constituency and the PKR Information Chief for the Tuaran PKR Division, P.170 Tuaran. I witnessed firsthand the repercussions of that catastrophic decision.

"Mustapha Sakmud, who was the Deputy Chairman of Sabah PKR at the time, failed in his duty to speak up and oppose this disastrous decision. 

"He should have challenged his superior, Christina, and prevented such a reckless move," Richard further said.#

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