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Speculations are rife that Chief Minister Musa Aman’s days are numbered and that Putrajaya may move him out as part of its ‘transformation’ programme |
Najib will first fly to Kuala Penyu and then Papar on the west coast of the state where a surging opposition has made Umno jittery in both the state and parliamentary seats.
There are three parliamentary constituencies – Beaufort, Kimanis and Papar – up for grabs here and Umno is facing a tough fight in all. The state seats in the immediate vicinity are Kawang, Pantai Manis, Bongawan, Membakut , Klias and Kuala Penyu.
Najib is expected to fly to Keningau and Tenom the following day to shore up support for the BN.
This has set tongues wagging as the east coast of the state, where a security alert is in place after an incursion by a group of armed Filipinos punched a hole in a state the BN calls its “fixed deposit”, is not on his schedule.
Najib’s itinerary also does nothing to silence the question on everyone’s lips about caretaker Chief Minister Musa Aman’s future and if his days in the top post are numbered.
With both the Malacca and Johor chief ministers moved, it isn’t beyond Putrajaya to include Musa in its transformation programme, sources said.
Musa has served as chief minister for more than nine years now and his critics both in and outside the state administration feel Sabah needs a breath of fresh air just like the other states.
His relationship with Shafie Apdal, one of the three vice-president of Umno and the incumbent MP for Semporna, has not been good.
He has also had uneasy ties with others in Umno as well as some BN parties, notably LDP (Liberal Democratic Party).
Salleh as CM?
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Will Salleh return as CM of Sabah? |
Former Umno strongman, Lajim Ukin, whom Sabah Umno is so worried now that he is in the opposition, blames Musa for forcing him out of the party.
Prior to the dissolution of Parliament earlier this month, there had been talk that Shafie could contest for a state seat which would pave the way for him to take over the chief minister’s post.
But that did not happen.
The return of Salleh Said Keruak, the Sabah Umno liaison deputy chairman, as the party’s candidate for the Usukan state seat has also added fuel to the rumours that he could be in line for another stint at the top.
With a number of senior Sabah Umno politicians qualified for and perhaps eyeing his post, it’s bound to make any chief minister nervous.
Though it is early days yet in the campaign period and it’s anyone’s guess how it will swing, election watchers say Putrajaya could spring a surprise by opting for a new face altogether if the BN wins – someone who will be able to unite the factions in Sabah Umno.
Salleh has already served as chief minister during the state’s quirky chief ministers-on-rotation programme from December 1994 to May 1996 when he handed over the baton to Yong Teck Lee.
A new man or perhaps woman at the helm would work to Najib’s advantage in case he is challenged in the Umno elections.
Others have, however, brushed aside such talk as daydreaming as most of those in Sabah Umno and in the BN component parties are already aligned to Musa.
If push comes to shove in Umno politics, Musa also has some clout at the national level as he maintains a cordial relationship with the various Umno factions there.
Rumours of shake-up
An election observer said that those spreading the rumour of a shake-up in the Sabah government should the BN win may be hoping to dent the performance of the coalition under Musa, who is hoping to do as well or better than the last election when it lost only one parliamentary and one state seat to DAP.
There has been a lot of talk that people aligned to the BN have sponsored candidates to add to the already crowded field of multi-cornered contests with the Pakatan Rakyat opposition front, SAPP, STAR and independents.
So far in the campaign the issue of who will be chief minister has not cropped although there are whispers that someone other than Musa could be in the running, especially if the BN does not win the state with the same convincing margin it did in 2008.
It may be too early to read anything into Najib’s visit to the west coast and the interior today and tomorrow as he has a long haul ahead traversing the country with campaign just begun.
He may come back and visit the east coast where Musa is contesting in Sibuga and Shafie in Semporna perhaps next week.
ReplyDeleteAnother speculation from the flow? Enough is enough man!
ReplyDeleteKalau banyak betul penghinaan diberi bagus blah aja la.
ReplyDeleteManifesto Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah pada pilihan raya umum ini merupakan kesinambungan usaha kerajaan selama ini, terutama dalam mengurangkan jurang ekonomi antara penduduk bandar dan luar bandar.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman berkata rakyat Sabah harus sedar negara memiliki pemimpin berwibawa dan berjiwa rakyat seperti Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang juga dihormati pemimpin dunia, selain wawasan yang jelas serta iltizam politik tinggi.
DeleteMusa turut mengingatkan agar tidak berlaku pertindihan dari segi gerak kerja
Deletedan jentera, sebaliknya kekuatan berkenaan perlu digembleng dan digerak
sepenuhnya di setiap kawasan.
Dalam manifesto bertema ''1Malaysia, Janji Ditepati Membawa Harapan'' yang dilancar Najib selaku Pengerusi BN, Sabah dan Sarawak mendapat perhatian dengan pelbagai projek infrastruktur dijanjikan untuk dibangun di kedua-dua negeri.
DeleteMenteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal yang mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen Semporna, berkata manifesto itu menumpukan aspek pembangunan fizikal dan insaniah bagi membantu menaikkan taraf ekonomi masyarakat luar bandar.
ReplyDeleteAntaranya menerusi pelaksanaan pelbagai program keusahawanan dan peruncitan bagi membantu mereka berniaga, katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan dewan terbuka Sekolah Kebangsaan Kabogan, Kampung Kabogan
ReplyDeleteSemalam Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman mengumumkan manifesto tambahan BN Sabah, antaranya penyertaan dalam ekonomi moden, merapatkan jurang pembangunan antara bandar dan luar bandar dan mengurangkan tahap kemiskinan kepada tiga peratus dalam tempoh lima tahun.
ReplyDeleteBarisan Nasional Sabah berada di landasan betul dalam membangunkan negara dan menjaga kepentingan rakyat, kata Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
DeleteMenurut beliau, BN tidak pernah lari dari landasannya dalam memikul tanggungjawab dan amanah yang diberikan rakyat sepanjang memerintah negara.
Delete"Kita berada di landasan yang benar dalam menjaga kepentingan rakyat dan ia termaktub dalam manifesto pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13) ini. Ia merupakan satu janji kepada rakyat.
Delete"Janji itu akan ditepati," katanya semasa berucap pada majlis Riang Ceria Perpaduan anjuran Jawatankuasa Permuafakatan Rukun Tetangga Sandakan di sini malam tadi.
DeleteManifesto tambahan bertema 'Kami Telah Tunaikan Lebih Banyak Lagi Akan Dilaksanakan', itu mengandungi 16 perkara utama, merangkumi hala tuju pembangunan dan kemajuan Sabah.
ReplyDeleteLim Kit Siang came to Sabah too. So, nothing weird if Najib came to Sabah.
ReplyDeleteasal Najib melawat Sabah, mesti ada saja spekulasi oleh puak-puak terdesak yang mahu merampas kerajaan. Ketika Anwar melawat Nur Misuari sehingga membawa kepada tercetusnya insiden pencerobohan di Lahad Datu, tidak ada pula dikalangan puak-puak ini yang tampil menimbulkan spekulasi..
ReplyDeletememandangkan pilihanraya umum hanya tinggal beberapa hari saja lagi, baik hentikan saja spekulasi murahan seperti ini. tunggu dan lihat saja apa yang bakal berlaku kepada lanskap politik sabah.. kita tunggu saja siapa yang turun dan siapa yang akan naik..
rekod cemerlang sepanjang pentadbiran Datuk Musa Aman terlalu sukar untuk dinafikan rakyat. Malah pemerhati politik, pakar2 ekonomi dan badan2 profesional turut mengakui bahawa hanya era Musa Aman barulah wujud pembangunan di negeri ini..
- Dana kewangan negeri terkumpul berjumlah lebih RM3 bilion berbanding RM100 juta pada 2001.
- Hasil pendapatan teringgi bernilai RM4.4 bilion pada 2011.
- Jumlah pelaburan RM10 bilion dalam bentuk pelaburan langsung.
- Pentauliahan ISO daripada Moody's International tiga tahun berturut-turut berkaitan pengurusan kewangan negeri.
- Penarafan "AAA" daripada RAM Rating Services kerana pengurusan kewangan negeri yang terbaik.
- Sijil bersih 11 tahun berturut-turut Ketua Audit Negara .
- Penurunan dua digit tahap kemiskinan secara keseluruhan kepada 8.1 peratus pada 2012 daripada 19.7 peratus pada 2009.
- Initiatif Pengeluaran Tanah Terancang (Geran Komunal) melalui landasan pantas dengan meminda Seksyen 76 Ordinan Tanah Sabah bagi melindungi hak anak negeri terhadap Tanah Adat Anak Negeri (NCR) seperti diwartakan pada Desember 2009.
- Mewujudkan perlindungan sepenuhnya kawasan Hutan Simpan (TPAS) meliputi kawasan seluas 1.3 juta hektar atau 20 peratus daripada keseluruhan tanah di Sabah yang melebihi piawaian 10 peratus seperti dikehendaki Pertubuhan Antarabangsa untuk Pemeliharaan Alam Semulajadi (IUCN).
- Menubuhan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang tanpa izin dan menunggu hasil siasatan.
- Membina 5,370 kilometer jalan berturap setakat ini.
- Menambah bekalan air bersih kepada 385,821 rumah di seluruh negeri.
- Memperluaskan penyediaan bekalan elektrik kepada 486,485 rumah di seluruh Sabah.
- Peruntukan RM10 juta dalam bentuk pertolongan dan bantuan kepada sekolah vernakular menerusi RMKe-10.
- Peruntukan RM19.4 juta untuk sekolah mubaligh di bawah RMKe-10.
- Bantuan RM168 juta kepada badan agama bukan Islam dari 2004 hingga 2012.
ReplyDeleteBeginilah keadaan orang kita sekarang. Oleh kerana orang-orang bawah BN yang kurang bertanggungjawab, Musa Aman yang working hard yang kena. Oleh kerana khabr-khabar angin yang orang dengar dari pihak pembangkang maka dilupakanlah segala jasa, pencapaian dan pengorbanan beliau
Sesungguhnya Musa Aman The Politician, the Brand, The Man
There are a total of 358 candidates representing the Barisan National the Pakatan Rakyat, Sabah Star, SAPP and Independents going for 60 State and the 25 Parliamentary seats, all up for grabs in Sabah for the 13th GE on May 5. The interest and the buzz that Sabah elicits when it goes to polls – both from the common people and the media – is obviously unprecedented.
While a state like Sarawak which went to the polls in 2011 attracts attention for its sheer size and the fact that it is politically volatile, Sabah on the other hand has captured the imagination of the people for a decade now due to one very shining personality – Musa Aman. The hype that has been generated as far as the May 5th 13th general elections are concerned has become manifold because these polls are virtually being seen as a referendum for Musa to continue as chief minister.
So the question being asked now is not whether Musa will win or not and hold CM-ship for a record third time in a row, but how big a margin of victory would it be for Musa. The central leadership has to seriously work on the development plank so that Sabah regains its past glory of being the richest state in Malaysia including settling once and for all the “Mother of All Problems” – the influx of millions of illegals and they gaining Malaysian identity.
ReplyDeleteBeginilah keadaan orang kita sekarang. Oleh kerana orang-orang bawah BN yang kurang bertanggungjawab, Musa Aman yang working hard yang kena. Oleh kerana khabr-khabar angin yang orang dengar dari pihak pembangkang maka dilupakanlah segala jasa, pencapaian dan pengorbanan beliau .
Sesungguhnya Musa Aman The Politician, the Brand, The Man
Yes, for Musa, these Assembly elections are not just about winning a third straight term (though Musa becoming CM for fourth time seems just as inevitable). For the Sungai Sibuga seat where Musa the incumbent is contesting, its a five-corned fight as he faces PKR, SAPP, Star Sabah and an Independent candidate. Upon careful analysis of his speeches and poll campaign, it is evident that he left no stones unturned to stake his claim to be chief minister again and winning the Sungai Sibuga state seat is a foregone conclusion.
While on the one hand he has been unresponsive as far as accusations of the state opposition leadership are concerned on the issues of development, illegals, drop in palm oil prices and so on, he has been relentlessly working hard with Najib Tun Razak at the Centre – be it the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Illegals, security, poverty reduction, price rise or inflation. The message that he obviously wants to send to Sabahans is apparent – he is the right man to lead Sabah.
People who have followed the incumbent Chief Minister of Sabah for years can vouch for the major personality change he has undergone – Musa has gone from being a politician to a BRAND. From his well deliberated speeches to his carefully tailored suit and to his social media savviness (Facebook, Twitter or the blogosphere), Musa and his managers have managed to carve a larger-than-life image of him. So much so that when one thinks of Sabah the first thing that comes to mind is Musa Aman. Think about it – a decade back when one talked of Sabah, the first thing that would come to mind was the Sipadan Island kidnappings by the Abu Sayyaf .
ReplyDeleteBeginilah keadaan orang kita sekarang. Oleh kerana orang-orang bawah BN yang kurang bertanggungjawab, Musa Aman yang working hard yang kena. Oleh kerana khabr-khabar angin yang orang dengar dari pihak pembangkang maka dilupakanlah segala jasa, pencapaian dan pengorbanan beliau .
Sesungguhnya Musa Aman The Politician, the Brand, The Man
With an apparent lack of emotive issues in the present edition of the polls, Musa has made a bid to woo the so called “neo-middle class”, promising security and peace and houses and made them central to his game plan. He also promised urban housing for low income groups and jobs for youths with an eye on the 30 percent population which lives in urban Sabah. This was also aimed at neutralizing similar proposals made by the Pakatan Rakyat Sabah and local opposition parties. Clearly Musa is out for the kill in the run-up to the most keenly watched elections in recent times and what was being described as his toughest electoral battle till now.
The reduction of poverty rate from 19.7 per cent in 2009 to 8.1 per cent in 2012 which is the biggest reduction in Malaysia is one of the biggest achievement of Musa. We need to acknowledge this.
The man’s personal integrity is said to be above board, having said to have no tolerance for corruption, be a workaholic and made development and progress his mantra throughout his governance. His subordinates have also claimed he is not arrogant and not dictatorial and one who can accept dissent and disagreement in his scheme of things. Musa has been infallible from the start and had an air of self-confidence around him, there were no setbacks in the run-up to the polls. The man may leave many exasperated at times, be it members of his own party or the fragmented opposition in Sabah but his demeanor remains unflinchingly calm.
Post Script: Musa Aman may project himself as an administrator par excellence with sharp political skills who appears to be a superman. But at the end of it all he is also a human being with his own worries and fears though he may not show it. The foremost apprehension that must be on his mind is whether he can retain two-thirds of the assembly seats successfully and fulfill his next ambition.
There are a total of 358 candidates representing the Barisan National the Pakatan Rakyat, Sabah Star, SAPP and Independents going for 60 State and the 25 Parliamentary seats, all up for grabs in Sabah for the 13th GE on May 5. The interest and the buzz that Sabah elicits when it goes to polls – both from the common people and the media – is obviously unprecedented.
ReplyDeleteThere’s something obscene about the opposition commentariat’s obsession with the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman. That obsession has nothing to do with the awe-inspiring work he has done over the past decade, converting Sabah into the most developed State of Malaysia with spectacular achievements in many fields. Sabah today is a model economy that generates both envy and aspiration among the people of other States. Rare, if any, is the State Government that does not ask itself: If Sabah can achieve the seemingly impossible, why can’t we?
True, Sabah’s amazing success story has been made possible, in large measure, by hardworking Sabahans. What stifled it was bad governance, absence of leadership and rampant corruption, which has proved to be the undoing of the best of intentions of many a Government, both at the Centre and in the States. This is where Musa Aman’s contribution has made a qualitative difference, recasting the role of Government: He has demonstrated that maximum governance is possible with minimum Government.
ReplyDeleteTo achieve that goal, he adopted a policy of zero tolerance towards corruption, reduced the role of the Government to that of a facilitator and placed a premium on the hallmark of quality in everything that was done to create the right conditions. Hence, roads and highways were built conforming to global standards, emphasis was laid on creating infrastructure that would cater not only to current and emerging demands but also needs of the future, and social development was given its due prominence on the Government’s ‘To Do’ list.
Meanwhile, Musa Aman did what any visionary leaders are supposed to do: He kept on coming up with ideas that were at once big and creative. He placed the people at the centre of his projects, making them the ultimate beneficiaries. If investors were encouraged to invest their money in Sabah, it was not merely to enable them to reap profits but also create wealth through income for the everyday Sabahan.
But there’s more to the Sabah story than just securing investments. Just as Musa Aman has encouraged investors to look at Sabah as their preferred destination, he has also encouraged the people of Sabah to make the maximum use of the opportunities created by such investment. He has constantly played up Sabah’s ‘pride’, which in turn has instilled a tremendous sense of self-confidence in all Sabahans. Barack Hussein Obama’s winning slogan, “Yes, we can”, could well have been Sabah’s contribution to the 2008 US presidential campaign.
ReplyDeleteYet, none of this and more has ever found mention in the non-stop outpouring of criticism and rebuke directed at Musa Aman by the opposition commentariat which just can’t see anything right, leave alone good, about the Government he heads and its enviable governance record. The criticism and rebuke could have been ignored but for the fact that electronic media is controlled by those who love to hate Musa Aman and a sustained campaign of calumny does tend to influence opinion, especially among those who have little or no knowledge of what transpired back in the 80′s and 90′s, in which they were still in infancy I’m sure.
As Musa Aman said during the State Legislative Assembly sitting in response to Luyang assemblywoman Melania Chia’s queries regarding the alleged hundreds of million of ringgits in his Swiss bank accounts, ” You can ask me… you can even repeat it outside the house. I won’t sue you because I am not worried at all. To me there is no such thing. You think if I am wrong I would be standing here. I am open anytime to be investigated. I am ready to face it anytime.” They were indeed true. Any other Chief Minister would have broken-down, but not Musa Aman, who chose to tell the truth.
Then when the story about Micheal Chia got detained at the HK International Airport in August 2008 with S$16 million (RM40 million) in cash on him came out, many blogs played this to the maximum and said Micheal Chai was an ally of Musa Aman and that the money belonged to Musa Aman.
There is one key demographic that has changed the tide for Sabah before and one that PKR has wilfully ignored, every single time. That group is the non-Muslim Bumiputeras.
Musa Aman has got no time for a young punk like Micheal Chai, who doesn’t even have formal school education. Michael Chai is a drunkard, a gambler, a womaniser and the only thing he has is a rich father who happens to own a stevedoring company and a friend call Nazri Aziz. Besides, Micheal Chai was never caught in the Hong Kong International Airport over currency trafficking and laundering with S$16 million cash in Singapore currency in his luggage before boarding a flight to Kuala Lumpur as I have written in the past, see here. In fact the money was found in a hotel room in Hong Kong were Micheal Chai was staying.
Even the Prime Minister last month (Oct. 19) denied that there was any attempt to smuggle the RM40 million “donation for Sabah UMNO” into the country. It was Musa Aman’s foes, self-appointed, self-righteous activists, who instigated a slew of cases seeking to implicate him in some way or the other with Micheal Chia’s RM40 million scandal. With more than a little help from a conniving electronic media, they almost succeeded in their mission to tar him. But as the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz told Parliament last month that the cash Micheal Chia was carrying was not meant for Musa personally but was a donation to Sabah Umno. That statement in Parliament by the Minister last month shows, the truth does prevail over jaundiced lies.
I personally believe that there was huge propaganda against Musa Aman, and in a case where there is a criminal investigation, propaganda can never be hard evidence. I do believe that there wasn’t a shred of evidence against him. It was all propaganda, a fact which is now coming to be established even further.
Sabah was an opposition state before, under Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) headed by maverick leader Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan. Pairin is often rubbished by PKR and opposition leaders in west Malaysia because they do not understand how he works or how the tribal elements in Sabah have an influence, especially among rural voters.
ReplyDeleteThe Leader of Party Bersatu Sabah outside the Sabah State Assembly recently, was eloquent in his response, describing Musa Aman’s ‘investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Hong Kong’ and trialed by the electronic media as a trial by fire, from which he had emerged unscathed. The PBS’s senior leader, reiterated the indisputable fact that “never in the history of this country has a leader been a victim of a sustained misinformation campaign”. Sadly, neither the MACC’s and ICAC’s verdict nor the elaboration by Najib Tun Razak what is known and established will serve to halt the ‘sustained misinformation campaign’, the peddling of ‘propaganda as evidence’ by those who are not impressed by the long and arduous investigation to which Musa Aman has been subjected. In fact in a recent statement that he released yesterday, Musa Aman expresses regret over the fact that the ” Opposition is not willing to accept the truth. What more do they want? They are trying again to use the same complaint to gain political mileage. They are rehashing the same old story.” Musa also says that he is “entitled to conclude that the Opposition is political bankrupt” and to “to treat their recent rehashed allegation with the contempt it so richly deserves”, an opinion that I stand behind.
Many Malaysians, do not necessarily subscribe to the constant barrage of accusations against Musa Aman by the raucous voices of those stuck in the past and for whom manufactured lies is a useful tool to mobilise rakyats opinion.
This is where Musa Aman’s innovation can make a difference. He has ensured, as he says, “peace, unity, social harmony and brotherhood”, which have collectively given “further impetus to the process of development”. That peace, unity, social harmony and brotherhood now need to be made into permanent features. It’s not easy for a person who has been vilified for so long to say this, but Musa Aman has, reaching out to all Malaysians: “No state, society or individual can claim to be perfect. I am grateful to all those who pointed out my genuine mistakes during last 10 years. I seek your blessings to serve the people of Sabah with devotion free from all human shortcomings.”
At present, I can say that no one could have been more honest, sincere and human about the State of Sabah. No one could have reflected courage and dedication in a more convincing manner. No one apart from Musa Aman.
Pairin is perhaps the last of the few visionary politicians Sabah has produced in the last 50 years, among them the late Tun Fuad Stephens.
ReplyDeleteBoth Pairin and Fuad were conferred the title “Huguan Siou” or paramount leader, by the Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association (KDCA), an organisation that is the de facto body that upholds the cultural traditions and spirit of a people. It is a title not given easily; one that, unlike datukships, cannot be bought but must be earned by deed and merit.
ReplyDeleteUnlike Fuad, however, Pairin has struggled to appeal across voter factions as BN has consistently used religious sentiments to paint Pairin as a threat to Muslim influence in the state.
ReplyDeleteThe Chinese in Sabah are a group that, unlike the Chinese in the Peninsula, are not as alienated from the local Bumiputera. Intermarriage between Chinese and local natives is so prevalent, they have become their own demographic ― the “sinos” or half-Chinese. This demographic is one that can swing either way as unpredictable as the winds that gave Sabah its nickname of “land below the wind.”
ReplyDeleteOnly in Sabah, should a Chinese man marry a Bumiputera woman, his child will still be entitled to Bumiputera status on condition that the parents apply for a Sijil Anak Negeri for the child. As long as one parent has native rights, the child retains those native rights.
ReplyDeletePKR’s greatest mistake is the assumption that Sabah’s non-Muslim Bumiputeras do not matter enough. It has instead focused only on Muslim Bumiputeras, alienating the few influential non-Muslim Bumiputeras it had attracted which was the main drive behind Jeffrey Kitingan’s move to the Sarawak-based STAR.
ReplyDeletePairin’s open rebellion enraged Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the latter was unable to accept a non-Muslim heading Sabah, as in his mind Sabah should only be led by a Muslim head of state.
ReplyDeleteDr Mahathir’s “Project IC” was no accident. It was a calculated move to weaken the non-Muslim Bumiputera bloc’s political influence and create a reliable “vote bank” to keep Barisan Nasional in power.
ReplyDeleteWith all Sabah’s “new” citizens and the erosion of power of the non-Muslim demographic, BN has nothing to fear from the opposition.
ReplyDeleteOf the two states, Sabah is actually the far easier bet for votes compared to the locked-down, insular, geographically-challenging state of Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteIf only PKR had worked harder to secure the non-Muslim Bumiputeras, then the Chinese would be easier to win over. As it is, the state will see multi-corner fights in nearly all the constituencies.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to say that for the opposition in Sabah, GE13 “bukan ini kali-lah.”
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Barisan Nasional government has proved to be capable of bringing about development in Sabah, and this is all recorded in the state government’s ‘record card’. “We have brought positive changes to Malaysia, and have done so through the various transformation programmes which have changed the landscape of Malaysia and Sabah.
ReplyDelete“These transformation and changes are supported by the report card from Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, which is highlighted through the Sabah BN’s bulletin, launched together with the supplementary manifesto. It shows the government’s good track record,” he told some 10,000 people during the launching of the RM60 million worth Kuala Penyu bridge and the Sabah Foundation Roadshow here yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThe BN chairman cum Umno president said Sabah government had shown an outstanding performance and the most obvious was through the ability to bring down the poverty rate in the state. “In 2009, the poverty rate was at 19.7 per cent but it went down to 8.1 per cent last year, which also marked the highest decrease in poverty rate nationwide.
ReplyDeleteMusa had done much for the peoples of Sabah through his moderate capable and able leadership, through which, Sabah has and is still experiencing vast and massive development since 2003.With his proven track record of relentless service to the peoples of Sabah and with the united support of all the BN Component leaders, he should be the right person to continue as the Chief Minister of Sabah.We're fully and strongly supporthim!
ReplyDelete“This is not impossible because we have the transformation programme. It is a meaningful approach unlike the opposition who are only good at making empty promises and telling lies. “We have made our promise and it is for keep. The BN’s manifesto is not just lie any ordinary manifesto … it is our Aku Janji to the people.”
ReplyDeleteNajib also expressed confidence that the people in Sabah are matured enough to think what is best for them. “The opposition has always been shouting for ‘reformasi’ and it brings nothing but destruction, which would not benefit the people. There is no reason to be influenced by their lies. BN has shown that we are true to our words and it is seen through the transformation programmes carried out.
ReplyDeleteIn line with the Prime Minister’s concept of 1Malaysia ”People First Performance Now” Musa had shown tireless and sincere care and concern for the interest of peoples of Sabah irrespective of race culture and religion, such as continuously giving financial assistance and aids to various communities and organisations such as churches, temples, mission schools, community associations and NGOs.We know Musa not bias and always fair to all races.
ReplyDeleteMusa has set a vision for Sabah under the Halatuju and Sabah Development Corridor Blueprint, to be a develop state. Under his able and capable leadership, he is able to get more funding from federal government to bring development to various part of Sabah. Sabahan should thanked him for these.
ReplyDeleteMusa has also strengthen the state reserve, to the tune of more than 3 billion Ringgit Malaysia and presented the commendable 2013 state budget of more than 4 billion Ringgit Malaysia.The auditor general also recognized the state financial management by awarding triple A certification. Thumb up for his leadership!
ReplyDeleteHistory Grants Musa Aman An Opportunity in Sabah
ReplyDeleteMalaysia is looking at Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman. Will he take the reins that history has graciously given him to change the future of one of the most poorest state in Malaysia? Some analyst have conducted polls on the popularity of states run by Barisan National state governments and Musa Aman is one of the best. If he wants a place in the history of Malaysis’s fractured politics, he can bid for it. But it is not going to be easy.
One cannot help feeling tickled with the poll predictions that the media toyed with before the results of the Batu Sapi Parliamentary elections came pouring in. Most of them were far off the mark. Sometimes, the media would do well to look into the mirror and accept how poorly prepared it is. Even in Sabah where the majority is illiterate, unemployed and poor, voters can vote for change and hold out a candle of hope for democracy. The golden rule in old-fashioned journalism of yesteryear’s was that if a journalist had his ear to the ground, he would hear the tremors. But in the age of Google and Facebook, the way most journalists get information has changed.
More than anything else, the Batu Sapi Parliamentary election screams at journalists asking them to see beyond stereotyped valuations of sociology, race prejudices and ideology. Politics can often teach us simple truths about how truth is what someone somewhere wants to hide and the rest is all advertising. But journalists went around quoting Anwar Ibrahim and Taiko Yong Teck Lee and pretended it to be analysis. After all, both had mastered the art of offering unsolicited election arithmetic in the last twenty years.
Taiko Yong Teck Lee, the rich kid from Lahad Datu who kept talking of how he was just a lawyer, learnt new lessons when the results came pouring in. He could not use “Sabah for Sabahan” battle cry anymore to win elections as the poor wanted change. They wanted development, roads, schools, employment, law and order. Taiko Yong Teck Lee gave them none of these when he was Chief Minister. The investment that he started with his buddy Datuk Ambrose Lee for Sabahans – ‘Saham Amanah Sabah’ or SAS – got him into international headlines as he advertised himself as so caring for the needs of Sabahans, has been in shambles. Once the ink dried on the headlines, he was not bothered, the shares became worthless papers. When he was out as Chief Minister because of the rotation, he was out because of the Likas Election Petition, foisted his friend, Tham Nyip Shen, within minutes. There are many miracles in Sabah politics, but this had no parallel.
History Grants Musa Aman An Opportunity in Sabah
ReplyDeleteThere is no politician in Sabah who used the media like Taiko Yong Teck Lee did. With his typical buffoonery, he attracted both the print and electronic media who ate out of his hands. His shirt, his “stylized” hair cut, his sideburns, his deliberate regional accent, all were lapped up. His rustic jokes and pranks were blown up by the media showing him up to be a lovable people’s leader. The media almost showed him as a social engineer whose only passion was social justice for Sabahans.
But, fifteen years down the road, the state of Sabah was appalling, until Musa aman came into the picture when he was Sworn-In As Sabah’s 13th Chief Minister 27 Mar 2003. It is the poor who have no say while the rich and the politically connected, run a diktat. So do illegals who have gotten Malaysian identity cards compliments to Mahathir, criminals, timber thieves, gangsters and political touts. Sabah’s per capita GDP in 2009 was just RM. 14830 when it is RM. 29569 for Penang. Musa needs to do all he can to get the Federal Government to give him more funds. He will have to reform public administration and insulate the bureaucracy political interference. Only then will he be able to insulate himself from daily governance and concentrate on the larger picture of salvaging his state from the depths it had fallen since joining Malaya, Singapore and Sarawak in 1963.
It is certainly not going to be a cakewalk for Musa Aman. Today, he heads one of the most poorest states of Malaysia that is caught in a whirlpool of political depravity. The state had crumbled before he took over, even Yayasan Sabah could not pay wages to its staff, quasi government bodies like KPD and SLDB were milked dry by top officers. Kidnappings for ransom continued in the east-cost around the seas in Semporna by Abu Sayafs. But after Musa Aman took over the state everything changed, its better now a world of difference. Even the annual real per capita income of Sabah of RM 14000 is about halve of the national average of RM 22000 and its improving.
It is not that Kuala Lumpur ignored the reality of Sabah. There were reports, but not enough. Unless KL politicians travel and live in the interior with the natives, there will only be superficial reports that are basically hearsay of planted stories by vested interests.
Musa Aman’s assurance that he will change the focus in Sabah from politics to economics and development, is heart warming to say the least. He has raised millions of hopes not only in Kota Kinabalu but every corner of Sabah since 2003. He will now have to work against all odds to get to change the way we all see and feel about Sabah.
What the voters in Sabah were looking for is governance. Voters told themselves that it was pointless to waste their votes on anyone or any party that would not give them anything in return. So they voted for change. It is now pointless for political pundits to sit in air-conditioned office and proclaim that the phantom voters and illegals was responsible. Or some ridiculous analysis. We must accept this truth.
The reduction of poverty rate from 19.7 per cent in 2009 to 8.1 per cent in 2012 which is the biggest reduction in Malaysia is one of the biggest achievement of Musa. We need to acknowledge this. We know so many effort done by government to eradicate the poverty in Sabah.By keep supporting their administration, sure they will keep giving their very best.
ReplyDeleteHistory Grants Musa Aman An Opportunity in Sabah
ReplyDeleteAnd that is the greatest hope for Sabah. The Batu Sapi Parliamentary elections showed us what the poorest of the poor could do when in an election booth. They wanted Musa assurance not so much the PBS which was contesting the seat.The electorate was actually desperate and wanted someone who would rescue them from a present, which seemed to be heading towards a bleak future. They no more wanted to be a part of a failed state. I remember how on one of my visits to shoot news stories in Sekong, I had my cab driver telling me to pack up early as he would not drive at night as the night belonged to the illegals. The bridge I was walking was falling apart.The clinic had no medicines and patients were lucky if they had doctors attending to them. But hundreds of poor people were being transported for a rally in Sandakan. The visual of a poor emaciated woman trying to pick up plastic bottles strewn in a ground after the “ceramah” haunts me as if I saw it yesterday.
I had interviewed Late Pitting Ali just outside his sprawling house and he asked me counter questions to every question asked. There was arrogance in his voice as he mocked every question that came from the feeling that an illiterate and poor populace would never have the courage to stand up and show him the door. Typical USNO mentality.
Musa now has to put the fear of law into those who thought it was land that was created for illegals. He will have to inspire the bureaucracy that has been numbed by years by the Federal. They have to be allowed to get back their self-esteem and pride in building a state and infusing it with their commitment and vision. He will have to seduce industrialists into investing and that is not going to be easy either but so far he has done a fantastic job. There is just too much of cynicism. He will have to sweep in literacy although its in the hands of the federal, as that is one great hope for Sabah. It is just that it will take a decade for the results to show and its showing. Development indices have to start climbing the graph which is climbing from the time he took over, glad to say that.
Musa has to learn how to humor the coalition. The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is silently waiting in the wings. It is desperate for more power in the state as it wants to pull Musa down. It knows that its base in the state is slowly eroding and openly criticizing the Chief Minister, stating they did not have confidence in and cannot work with the State leadership. Its president Datuk Liew Vui Keong openly criticized Chief Minister Musa Aman when Liew said that Musa is obliged to look after the interest of Barisan Nasional component parties in exercising his prerogative power, as though Musa does not know this. Liew knows that Musa, as the BN chairman and Chief Minister had the prerogative to chose who he wanted to appoint into his cabinet but Liew ignores this fact because of his dissatisfaction following the appointment of my good friend PBS deputy president Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai as the deputy chief minister on March 23. Sure this appointment paved the way for PBS to have two deputy chief ministers in the cabinet, but what else can Musa do, these two were the best, Pairin and Dr Yee. Desperate for tasting power, LDP will want its own agenda addressed and it might not go well with Musa’s plans to run the state. If Musa is not careful, sooner or later, the LDP in its typical style will try to dominate the bureaucracy and other potent centers of power and undermine his leadership in the state.
History Grants Musa Aman An Opportunity in Sabah
ReplyDeleteMusa can look towards Penang chief minister, Lim Guan Eng, who is rapidly changing the face of Penang bringing in investment, creating employment, infrastructure and also working on improving the poor development indices. Guan Eng never even seemed like a politician when he took reins over the state and critics said that he was lucky that his father, Lim Kit Siang, was there for him. But the son has done far better than the father ever did though he was such a seasoned leader and politician.
Musa knows that he carries a heavy weight on his shoulders. He has to tame a bureaucracy that has forgotten how to work. He has to bring in fiscal discipline. He has to take unpopular decisions. He has to be tough in implementing law and order. He has been in power for many years now, and the honeymoon period with the electorate is over. Now, it is time to act with courage and determination.
And with courage and determination he manage to talk to Premier Najib to scrap the plans to build a coal-fired power plant near a Borneo wildlife reserve, a move environmentalists praised as a landmark effort to curtail projects that threaten rain forests sheltering endangered animals. Musa Aman, announced that the federal government had decided not to construct the 300-megawatt coal plant, which many feared would be a major source of pollution.
If not for Musa, the RM 1.7 billion ringgit plant would have been built on the site of an oil palm plantation, about 12 miles from the Tabin Wildlife Reserve, home to Borneo pygmy elephants, rhinoceros and orangutans.
Musa knows very well that Sabah needs to increase its power supply to meet the increasing development, but he also knows that the state cannot afford to put its natural environment at risk. Now he has to seek other ways to fulfill Sabah’s energy demand, which is expected to increase by up to 8 percent annually.
There could be a new dawn in Sabah. Musa has got a chance in a lifetime. If he loses this, history will never forgive him.
For Musa, the elections are not just about winning a third straight term. For the Sungai Sibuga seat where Musa the incumbent is contesting, its a five-corned fight as he faces PKR, SAPP, Star Sabah and an Independent candidate. Upon careful analysis of his speeches and poll campaign, it is evident that he left no stones unturned to stake his claim to be chief minister again and winning the Sungai Sibuga state seat is a foregone conclusion.
ReplyDeleteI'm very sure he will win and continue his term as Chief Minister.
Datuk Seri Najib Razak has suggested the opposition was involved in the recent Sulu incursion into Sabah, and urged voters in the state to defend their sovereignty against Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
ReplyDeleteOn the stump today in Bongowan some 70 kilometres from the state capital Kota Kinabalu, the Barisan Nasional (BN) chief said the opposition must be rejected for questioning the integrity of security forces during the incursion of Lahad Datu.
ReplyDelete“Even until today, they have kept quiet about their suspicious (overseas) meetings. Who they met we do not know,’’ The Star Online quoted him as saying in a speech while on the hustings in the state.
ReplyDelete“Sabahans should make a statement in no uncertain terms on May 5. This (Sabah’s sovereignty) must be defended for it is bigger than the question of development, greater than bitumen roads that had been constructed.
ReplyDelete“It’s not about seats (constituencies), but the question of Sabah’s dignity and sovereignty within Malaysia which the BN has promised to defend even with our lives,” national news agency Bernama quoted Najib as saying.
ReplyDeleteA group of over 200 gunmen, claiming to be the “royal army” of the Sulu Sultanate, landed in Lahad Datu on February 9 to lay claim over Sabah, using the loosely guarded 40-minute sea passage between the Philippine Muslim south and the coastal district in northern Sabah.
ReplyDeleteTheir landing has resulted in nearly scores of deaths, including eight policemen and two soldiers, and forced thousands of villagers out of their homes in remote areas of the eastern-most Malaysian state.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the allegations, the incursion was linked to the opposition’s campaign to award autonomy to Sabah should it win in Election 2013.
ReplyDeleteThe claims surfaced early last month when Umno-owned Malay daily Utusan Malaysia and TV3 both picked up a news report from the Philippine Daily Inquirer, titled “Philippine govt intel eyes 3 groups abetting Sulu sultan’s claim”.
ReplyDeleteThe Philippine news report had cited unnamed intelligence sources there when reporting that the Malaysian opposition here was allegedly one of three groups that could have backed the Sulu rebels’ claim on Sabah.
ReplyDeleteIt said that a Philippine intelligence officer pointed to an unnamed individual from the opposition allied to Anwar, adding that the figure was looking to contest a Sabah seat in Election 2013.
ReplyDeleteUtusan also cited a February 14 report from newswire Reuters, where a Philippine military officer reportedly said a Malaysian opposition politician had invited the Sulu men to discuss land matters.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Najib Razak told Sabahans that only BN can defend state from danger.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman Monday launched the Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) manifesto which consisted of 16 main thrusts on the state's development and progress.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what kind of speculation.
ReplyDeleteApa pula angin bertiup kuat sangat ni?
ReplyDeletePerdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang meneruskan lawatan pada hari kedua ke beberapa daerah di negeri ini berkata Sabah masih menjadi simpanan tetap Barisan Nasional (BN).
ReplyDeleteNajib yang juga Pengerusi BN telah melawat Kuala Penyu, Beaufort, Kimanis dan Bongawan pada Selasa.
ReplyDeleteCuaca buruk menghalang beliau daripada terbang ke Kota Belud tetapi perkembangan teknologi menyelamatkan keadaan.
ReplyDeleteBeliau bercakap melalui telefon dengan calon BN Kota Belud Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan dan mesejnya disampaikan untuk faedah 10,000 orang yang menantinya di sana
Sabah tetap simpanan tetap BN. Anggota gabungan menerima sokongan menggalakkan termasuk daripada rakyat di kawasan pedalaman.
ReplyDeleteNajib berkata kerajaan BN masih berupaya dan kukub untuk terus kuat dan mampu untuk terus memajukan Sabah bagi mengimbangi pembangunan antara negeri ini dan semenanjung.
ReplyDeleteIn the recent decade, there has been continuous allegations and abuses hurled at him. No invective has been left unused while abusing him. The Pakatan Rakyat and its major and minor cohorts in the media have carefully indulged in a systematic campaign of Musa’s character assassination. Despite this, their efforts have gone in vain because he’s won election after election with a two-thirds majority. That’s not all. In the ensuing 2013 13th general elections, there’s every indication that he is likely to be the Barisan National Sabah’s Chief Ministerial candidate again. This is a positive sign and Sabahan should keep on supporting Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteSabah tetap simpanan tetap BN
ReplyDelete- Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata keputusanrakyat Sabah menyertai Persekutuan Malaysia, yang merintis jalan mencapaikemerdekaan pada 16 Sept 1963, adalah tepat dan kini rakyat Sabah boleh melihatperubahan besar yang berlaku di negeri ini.
ReplyDeleteManifesto Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah pada pilihan raya umum ini merupakan kesinambungan usaha kerajaan selama ini, terutama dalam mengurangkan jurang ekonomi antara penduduk bandar dan luar bandar.
ReplyDeleteMenteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal yang mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen Semporna, berkata manifesto itu menumpukan aspek pembangunan fizikal dan insaniah bagi membantu menaikkan taraf ekonomi masyarakat luar bandar.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman comes across as an introvert. It’s hard to predict when he speaks or when he doesn’t. By himself, he’s a great strategist. In the 2008 Sabah assembly polls, he steered the Barisan National to more than two-thirds majority winning 59 of the 60 seats contested, without calling in any central leader from the party to the campaign trail. This is because of the confidence that comes from demonstrating performance and delivering clean governance. Thus, it’s clear that he’s the only leader in Malaysia who can mount an effective opposition to Anwar Ibrahim becoming Prime Minister.
ReplyDeleteKetua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman mengumumkan manifesto tambahan BN Sabah, antaranya penyertaan dalam ekonomi moden, merapatkan jurang pembangunan antara bandar dan luar bandar dan mengurangkan tahap kemiskinan kepada tiga peratus dalam tempoh lima tahun.
ReplyDeleteberdasarkan sokongan masyarakat akar umbi dan kerjasama padu antara komponen BN, ia akan menaruh keyakinan Sabah akan mengulangi kejayaan cemerlang dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 dan Ke-13. Sabah akan terus mencatatkan rekod cemerlang dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 dengan menjadi kubu kuat Barisan Nasional (BN).
ReplyDeletekerajaan BN telah membuktikan selama ini telah melaksanakan banyak perubahan kepada kehidupan rakyat. Sebelum ini banyak agensi kerajaan mengalami kerugian. Namun selama beliau menjadi Ketua Menteri Sabah, pendapatan kerajaan Sabah telah bertambah berkali ganda dan kini mempunyai RM 4 bilion untuk membangunkan ekonomi Sabah.
sekiranya rakyat berniat untuk menukar kerajaan yang mempunyak rekod cemerlang maka ianya akan merugikan negara dan rakyat sendiri.
rakyat tidak harus memperjudikan kesejahteraan dan masa depan negara kepada sebuah kerajaan baru yang belum pasti mampu mentadbir dengan baik seperti apa yang telah dibuktikan oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) selama ini. “Kerajaan yang ada sekarang mempunyai rekod pentadbiran yang cemerlang dan telah berjaya membangun negara serta sentiasa prihatin untuk menjaga kebajikan rakyat secara berterusan. Kerajaan BN menunaikan tanggungjawab terhadap semua penduduk tanpa diskriminasi. Biarkan rakyat itu tidak menyokong kerajaan namun bantuan tetap dihulurkan tanpa ada sebarang rasa pilih kasih.
ReplyDeleteThe Opposition's promise to increase Sabah's oil royalty from the present 5% to 20% would kill off interest in developing the offshore petroleum industry, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
ReplyDeleteThe Prime Minister said under the current arrangement, petroleum companies were keen to tap into marginal fields that would eventually mean an increase in revenue for Sabah.
ReplyDeleteNajib said although Sabah gets 5% of petroleum revenue now, the state receives more in terms of development funds and numerous special financial allocations from the Federal Government.
ReplyDeleteCaretaker prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, continuing his whirlwind tour of Sabah districts on the second day today, said Sabah was still the Barisan Nasional’s (BN) “fixed deposit”.
ReplyDeleteNajib cast doubt on the ability of the Opposition to ensure the security and protect the sovereignty of the country.
ReplyDeleteonly with a strong and united government like Barisan would Malaysia be able to defend its sovereignty and bring economic growth.
ReplyDeleteSabah is still the BN’s fixed deposit. The 13-member coalition receives overwhelming support, including from people in interior areas
ReplyDeleteBN government was strong and has the capacity to propel Sabah to greater heights and to balance the development between the state and Peninsular Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteStirs what kind of speculation?
ReplyDeleteNajib said the opposition would not be able to capture Sabah.
ReplyDeletethe opposition pact had spoilt the true meaning of manifesto to merely a blank piece of paper.
ReplyDeleteShafie Apdal, the Minister of Rural Development is very much jealous of his counterpart in Sabah, Musa aman and is repeatedly attacking Musa and opposing his candidature for the continuation as Chief Minister. Shafie was responsible for undermining Musa Aman’s leadership by instigating Lajim Okim to call for the removal of Musa as chief minister by appeasing Lajim with a RM150 million road project from his Rural Ministry. Shafie also helped form KDM Malaysia to divide the Kadazan Dusun Murut (KDM) community, politically weakening Pairin Kitingan and PBS, hence forming a wedge between Pairin and Musa. Now, Shafie Apdal is masterminding the return of Yong Teck Lee (SAPP) into the BN fold and claiming he has the tacit approval of Najib Tun Razak to negotiate the return, despite word of the Sabah BN components distrusting Yong. Yong Teck Lee, Shafie Apdal and Joseph Ambrose Lee were partners in crime, taking over the RM30-billion timber wealth of Yayasan Sabah through share-swap, in a time when Yong Teck Lee was Sabah chief Minister and Shafie Apdal was Directer of Yayasan Sabah. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteLike it or not, it was Musa Aman who was the then state finance minister who rejected this share-swap deal, saving Yayasan Sabah from a pending doom. Shafie Apdal’s intention of bringing Yong Teck Lee back into BN will weaken Musa Aman’s leadership among BN followers in Sabah due to Musa and Yong’s bitter relationship. At this moment of time Musa Aman and all the other BN component parties have got a fantastic working relationship.
ReplyDeleteSO the big question is: Why is Shafie so jealous of Musa Aman? Obviously Shafie dreams of being the top dog, for sure, but I firmly see it envy forming due to Musa’s many achievements which has catapulted Sabah to the top position among the States in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteIt is wrong to say that Sabah has registered improvement in one or two areas. In fact there is no area in which Sabah has not progressed. Education, law and order, good environmental practices, forest protection, clean water supply, electricity, agriculture, industrial progress, urban development, rural development, exports, solution to Sabah’s illegal immigrant problem, increase for oil royalty – in whatever angle you look at, Sabah attracts deeper attention in every area, registering a surplus in many areas. But Sabah is not satisfied with this achievement. It is not resting on its laurels but is focusing on earning more surpluses. The reason for this attitude is that Sabah does not think only about itself. It thinks for the whole of Malaysia. Sabah is the locomotive engine of Malaysia and is keen to contribute more for Malaysia’s growth. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteWhen Sabah attained independence in 1963, Malaysia was born. Right from independence in 1963 to 1985, Alliance- Barisan National ruled Sabah. After 1985, Datuk Harris Salleh was defeated, Pairin Kitingan from Party Bersatu Sabah became the Chief Minister. But even at that time Sabah was ruled by the Barisan National until 1986 when PBS pulled out from BN. In 1994, BN wrested control of the power from PBS when Lajim defected from Parti Bersatu Sabah which won the Sabah election, and his action opened a floodgate of defections from PBS and saw the collapse of Pairin’s PBS government. Sakaran Dandai became the first Umno Chief Minister in Sabah in 1994.
ReplyDeleteIn 2003, Musa Aman was appointed chief minister. Musa Aman faced crisis after crisis immediately on assuming office. First the state treasury was nearly negative, Yayasan Sabah was on the verge of going bust, state agency were negative and the financial situation of the state was in shambles. Musa Aman had to prudently turn around the mess he inherited. In 2004, Musa Aman faced assembly elections and captured more seats than in 1999 and became the Chief Minister again. He won again in 2008 with a thumping victory winning 59 out of the 60 state seats. Musa Aman has earned the title as the longest serving Chief Minister of Sabah. Musa Aman is facing elections again expected within the next six months. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteSabah registered remarkable progress in the last ten years of Musa Aman’s rule. Nobody including his opponents can deny this.
ReplyDeleteLast year Musa Aman unveiled a RM4.09bil budget the largest in the history of Sabah which is a RM40mil increase over last year’s budget of some RM4.05bil. Of this RM2.07bil would go towards the economic sector, RM988.23mil for public utilities, including water supply, rural electrification and sewerage projects, RM764mil would be spent on infrastructure including the construction of roads and bridges as well as ports and harbours and the upgrading of Borneo’s only rail service, Sabah Railways. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteMusa also announced a special RM1mil allocation and the RM500,000 sentuhan kasih (touch of compassion) funding for each state constituency be continued next year. So we see the expenditure is aimed at eradicating poverty and improving the quality of life of the people by improving basic infrastructure and public amenities while at the same time developing high quality youth and human capital and not ignoring to strengthen Sabah’s financial position. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteIt is worth every cent UMNO is paying for these spams!
Or are these bad jokes posted by the opposition to make Musa and UMNO look black and BAD? Huh????
Make my day!
Heh heh heh!
Under Musa Aman, Sabah has even earned praise from Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang for demonstrating sound financial management and for maintaining its record of efficient and prudent handling of its finances over the last 12 years. One hundred and six departments and agencies were audited last year and each showed that its financial management was at a very good level. This places Sabah among the best states in Malaysia in terms of accountability and financial management efficiency. This has given Sabah a positive image as it proves that the state has succeeded in managing its resources well, efficiently and in an orderly manner. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteThe auditor-general’s positive assessment should erase the allegations from certain quarters, who always question the state government’s capability and efficiency in managing its finances. In fact, the auditor-general was so impressed with Sabah’s financial management that he wants it to be a role model for other states. Even Moody International has certified the Sabah government for efficient and proper budget management for three years running and RAM has given it a triple-A rating for its finances. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteSure there were problems in the past. Sabah’s problem of good drinking water would be an example of such an issue. Due to this, dry taps were a norm often in the past. In the kampongs, women and children had to walk far to fetch drinking water to their homes. There was scarcity of electricity and even the quality of electricity supplied was not up to the mark. Sabah lagged behind in girls’ education. Road facilities were not adequate and their quality was also not sound. But under Musa Aman, all these defects faded away in the last ten years. Now there are separate facilities for ground water and drinking water.
ReplyDeleteThere is still some shortage of electricity in Sabah but has improved tremendously from the past where power failures and power cuts were a common thing. Now in most towns electricity is supplied for 24 hours a day. Electricity is supplied for agriculture through a separate feeder. What is even more praiseworthy is that the electricity is available with good quality. No Sabahans purchases stabilizers along with television or refrigerators. Sabah has registered remarkable progress in education as well. Native children and girls are attending school and receiving proper education at an increasing number. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteNow you ask: How were all these feats achieved? It is simply Musa Aman’s focus and dedication. After reading the above facts, I think one can understand the reason for Shafie Apdal’s jealousy. Even though Shafie Apdal was MP for Semporna for 4 terms since 1995, he has done nothing much to improve the livelihood of the Semporna folks although he has got a huge budget at his disposal now from his Rural Ministry, his achievements pale into insignificance compared to that of Musa Aman’s. To add to this, word on the street is that Musa Aman is set on becoming the Finance Minister of Malaysia in 2017. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeleteThere are over 3 million people living in Sabah. This forms 10% of Malaysian population. Sabah has an area of 73620 sq km. This is 60% of total land surface of Peninsular Malaysia. In oil palm production, Sabah’s share is 40%, Sabah contributes 25% in cocoa production, 27% in rubber production, 40% in natural gas, 55% in petroleum, 70% in tiger prawns production about 9000 metric tons, 60% in ginger production and 35% in cabbage production. If Musa Aman remains in power for another ten years uninterrupted, Sabah will be the most prosperous and peaceful place in the whole world. But unfortunately for the Sabahans, Musa Aman will be the Chief Minister only for the next five years. He is likely to be elevated as the Finance Minister of Malaysia. But Sabah’s loss is the rest of Malaysia’s gain. This is because Musa Aman will ensure Malaysia’s prosperity with his rich administrative experience, involvement, focus, dedication, concentration, sincerity and sense of purpose. VOTE FOR MUSA AMAN
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yesterday expressed the hope that Malaysians will give a chance to the Barisan Nasional’s (BN) new candidates, who represent the new generation of the country’s leaders, to serve them.
ReplyDeleteNeither Shafie nor Salleh, both should not be the CM
ReplyDeleteThe opposition's promise of increasing Sabah's oil royalty from the present 5% to 20% will kill off interest in developing the offshore petroleum industry
ReplyDeleteBN tatap menang!
ReplyDeletethe list of BN candidates for the May 5 general election was a balanced list incorporating experienced individuals and those who were young and had new ideas in implementing the government’s transformation policies.
ReplyDeleteBarisan Nasional (BN) will achieve victory if the component parties remain united, says Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) president Datuk Liew Vui Keong.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the federal government enjoyed good ties with the Sabah Government and praised Datuk Seri Musa Aman’s leadership
ReplyDeleteThe Barisan Nasional (BN) government under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is the best as proven by the numerous successes of the transformation programmes implemented
ReplyDeletekeamanan dan keselamatan adalah dua elemen utama yang diperlukan bagi mewujudkan sebuah persekitaran perniagaan yang kondusif.
ReplyDeleteBarisan Nasional (BN) adalah satu-satunya kerajaan yang dapat menjamin kedua-dua elemen itu dalam mengekalkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
ReplyDeleteSatu undi bagi BN adalah satu undi bagi keamanan dan keselamatan Malaysia
ReplyDeleteBN telahpun membuktikan keupayaannya sebagai kerajaan dengan membawa lebih banyak kekayaan untuk diagihkan kepada masyarakat pelbagai kaum.
ReplyDeleteThe Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KKCCCI) is confident that Sabah will continue to prosper under the present leadership.
ReplyDeleteIts newly elected President, Michael Lui Yen Sang, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj Aman was a capable and effective leader of the state.
ReplyDelete“He has entrepreneurial qualities due to his business background. The state’s financial position is stronger than ever with significant state reserve,” he said.
Sabah was on the right track in terms of its state’s administration, socio-economic development and its overall economic development.
ReplyDeleteMusa who is also Finance Minister, said the state had managed to attract foreign investment over the years including last year, which saw the first quarter pulling in RM10 billion worth of investments, the highest in the country.
“More and more foreign investors are showing interests, including those from the US, Eastern European countries, Korea and of course China, which is a significant eonomic force now,” he said.
ReplyDeleteHe said the growing interest to invest in Sabah was due to its social, economic and political stability, important pull factors for any country.
“Nobody would want to visit your country, let alone invest, if they deem it politically unstable or there is social unrest. Fortunately, we in Sabah are blessed not only with natural wonders and a rich cultural heritage but also with hospitable people who value peace and harmony in spite of our religious and racial diversity,” he said.
ReplyDeleteMusa is doing an excellent job leading the party and the state government and the prime minister himself has complimented Musa’s leadership.
ReplyDelete“Sabah Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) are fully behind Musa to continue leading the state,” said Masidi.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman showed the firm, uncompromising side of his character when he refused to let extremist break the racial harmony in Sabah which has been around for hundreds of years and a trademark of Sabah, and the West Malaysians will never understand this.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan Pimpinan Najib Terbaik Untuk Dipilih Rakyat - Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteKUALA PENYU, 23 April (Bernama) -- Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman menyifatkan Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) di bawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai yang terbaik melihat pada kejayaan pelbagai program transformasi.
Musa berkata kerajaan BN juga telah mengubah keadaan dan nasib rakyat Sabah kepada kehidupan lebih baik.
"Pelbagai rancangan dan pelaksanaan telah menampakkan hasil dan impak positif di seluruh Malaysia termasuk di Sabah, di Beaufort, Kilas dan Kuala Penyu," katanya.
Beliau berucap pada majlis 'road show' Yayasan Sabah bersama rakyat yang disempurnakan Najib di Pekan Kuala Penyu.
Musa, yang juga penyelaras BN negeri, berkata di Beaufort khususnya di Kuala Penyu, rakyat menikmati pelbagai pembangunan termasuk Jambatan Kuala Penyu merentangi Sungai Sitompok sepanjang 1.1 km bernilai RM60 juta.
Sehubungan itu, beliau menggesa pengundi menerima calon-calon BN yang akan mendokong perjuangan membela nasib mereka dan sekali gus menunaikan aku janji BN yang menjamin masa depan lebih cerah.
"Kita harus berterima kasih kepada kerajaan Pusat yang banyak menyalurkan peruntukan termasuk dalam membina sebuah pusat konvensyen antarabangsa bernilai RM250 juta dan loji air untuk rakyat Beaufort bernilai RM200 juta," kata Musa.
Musa menarik perhatian komitmen perdana menteri yang sanggup turun padang untuk menemui seluruh rakyat termasuk di Kuala Penyu, menunjukkan keikhlasannya dalam memperjuang nasib mereka.
Kuala Penyu, antara kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) di bawah kawasan Parlimen Beaufort, dimenangi Teo Mau Sing (BN) dengan majoriti 257 undi pada pilihan raya lepas.
Pada pilihan raya kali ini, BN menampilkan calon muka baharu Limus Jury yang berdepan empat calon termasuk dua Bebas.
Musa Aman masih lagi relevan bagi sesetgah pihak namun ada juga yang anggap dia patut ditukar. Jadi apa pula kata anda?
ReplyDeleteSaya konpom TATAP BN!!! Sebabnya saya yakin jika BN diberi mandat lagi maka pembangunan di negeri ini akan semakin berkembang.
ReplyDeleteKekurangan yang ada pula pasti mampu ditambah baik dari semasa ke semasa. Apapun, semuanya dari kita juga.
ReplyDeletePerdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, berkata Sabah masih menjadi simpanan tetap Barisan Nasional (BN) berikutan sokongan padu diterima daripada rakyat negeri itu.
ReplyDelete"Saya datang ke sini (Sabah) kerana dulu saya pernah cakap Sabah adalah 'fixed deposit' BN, kalau kita simpan dalam bank sekali sekala kena tengok juga.
ReplyDelete"Semalam saya ke Kuala Penyu, Kimanis dan Bongawan...hari ini ke Tenom, saya boleh beritahu simpanan tetap kita (Sabah) masih kukuh lagi.
ReplyDelete"Siapa kata simpanan tetap kita sudah cair? Tidak," katanya berucap pada Majlis Pemimpin Bersama Rakyat di Padang Pekan Tenom
ReplyDeleteketika pemimpin2 BN yakin dengan rakyat Sabah akan memilih mereka, pembangkang di Sabah pula masih lagi berpecah.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Yeoh secara terbuka sokong Najib dan BN
ReplyDeletePelakon antarabangsa Datuk Michelle Yeoh menolak bidasan pembangkang yang mengkritik Perdana Menteri dan meminta rakyat untuk memberi sokongan padu kepada Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
"Beliau seorang pemimpin yang banyak berjasa dan akan melakukan banyak lagi perkara yang baik," katanya kepada kira-kira 60,000 hadirin pada majlis makan malam yang dianjurkan oleh Persekutuan Keturunan Cina Selangor.
ReplyDelete"Saya, setulus ikhlas berharap bahawa beliau akan kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri dan saya minta anda semua untuk memberinya mandat yang kukuh," katanya.
Yeoh menjadi sasaran bidasan oleh penulis blog pro pembangkang selepas bintang 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' itu menerima jemputan untuk menghadiri majlis makan malam semalam.
ReplyDeleteBagaimanapun, beberapa pihak, termasuk bapanya, Datuk Yeoh Kian Tiek, mempertahankan tindakan Michelle itu, sambil mengingatkan bahawa anaknya seperti semua rakyat negara ini berhak untuk menyokong mana-mana parti politik.
Sambil menggesa pembangkang supaya lebih terbuka, Kian Tiek berkata anaknya berhak untuk menghadiri mana-mana majlis makan malam atau acara.
ReplyDelete"Kita perlu menghormati hak setiap pengundi, bukan mengkritik mereka dan mendakwa bahawa mereka tidak patut mengundi BN. Itulah semangat demokrasi," tulis seorang blogger Jovis Low pula.
Pada ucapannya, Perdana Menteri meminta rakyat supaya menolak pembangkang.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata, sesetengah ahli-ahli politik membicarakan "Ubah" tetapi rakyat tidak mahu perubahan yang akan menjadikan malaysia sebuah negara yang aman sekarang kepada negara yang penuh dengan konflik dan keganasan.
"Malaysia mencapai pertumbuhan 5.6 peratus pada tahun lalu - antara yang tertinggi di dunia.
"Adakah anda mahu menukar semua kejayaan ekonomi yang telah kita capai?
"Saya tahu jawapannya tentu tidak," katanya kepada hadirin.
Masing-masing ada pilihan sendiri tapi pastikan kita tetap mengutamakan keharmonian negara. Jangan kerana terlalu taksub tukar kita bermusuhan pula.
ReplyDeleteJangan terlalu emosi tetapi fikirlah secara matang dan elakkan diri daripada menimbulkan apa-apa hal yang mampu mencetuskan pergaduhan.
ReplyDeleteTidak lama lagi kita akan tahu keputusannya, jadi apapun yang berlaku nanti terimalah seadanya :)
ReplyDeleteBelum bertanding, Belum tau lagi bah
ReplyDeleteStop speculating. The answer is on the 5th May. Period
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has urged the people of Sabah to turn the 13th general election (GE13) into a battlefield to reject the opposition for making a farce of the state’s peace and security.
ReplyDeleteThe Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman said only the Barisan Nasional (BN) was capable of ensuring the state’s security and sovereignty.
Delete“Sabahans should make a judgment in no uncertain terms on May 5. This (Sabah’s sovereignty) must be defended for it is bigger than the question of development, greater than bitumen roads that had been constructed.
Delete“It’s not about seats (constituencies), but the question of Sabah’s dignity and sovereignty within Malaysia which the BN has promised to defend even with our lives,” he said at the Yayasan Sabah roadshow here yesterday which was attended by over 8,000 people.
DeleteAlso present were Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, Community Development and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun, who is BN candidate for the Beaufort parliamentary seat, BN candidate for Klias state seat Isnin Aliasneh, and BN candidate for the Kuala Penyu sta te seat Limus Jury, who is a newcomer.
DeleteNajib said Sabahans should not spend too much time evaluating the opposition for they are wise when it come to making a choice.
DeleteThe Lahad Datu (terrorist) intrusion, he added, should be a lesson where an individual lusting for power and questioning the country’s sovereignty should not be allowed to succeed.
The Prime Minister also said the BN government managed to bring prosperity to the people through its transformation programmes which were more meaningful than the opposition’s cries for reform, but hardly resulted in any progress.
DeleteReiterating that the BN manifesto was a pledge to ensure the people’s prosperity, Najib praised the Sabah BN manifesto which also laid out the state’s report card.
DeleteHe said based on the report card, the state government under the leadership of Musa had implemented various development programmes, including poverty eradication, for the benefit of Sabahans.
Najib also said the federal government would ensure that development allocations for Sabah would exceed the amount of the payment of its oil royalty.
DeleteUpon completion of the Kimanis oil and gas terminal project, Sabah’s oil production will increase.
And the government will give back a bigger development allocation to Sabah, much bigger than the 20 per cent oil royalty promised in the opposition’s manifesto.
DeleteIn the meantime, he urged members of BN component parties to remain loyal to their party.
DeleteNajib, who is also Umno president, urged party members to love the party more than individuals for its objective and principle were greater than that of individuals and those who betrayed the party would be penalised by the people.
DeleteAt the event, Najib opened the 1.1 km Kuala Penyu Bridge spanning over Sungai Sitompok costing RM60 million.
Meanwhile, about 200 PKR members led by Beaufort division head Abdul Jarih Ukin, who is also the younger brother of incumbent Beaufort Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin, announced that they quit the party to join the BN.
DeleteLajim, who left Umno and now heads Pertubuhan Pakatan Perubahan Sabah, will defend the Beaufort parliamentary seat and contest the Klias state seat on PKR tickets.
This is the kind of behaviour that opposition party supporters do when the leaders of BN visit the Sabahan supporters. On the 19 April, 2013 Deputy Prime Minister Muhyddin Yassin had visited Beluran and this week on the 24 April, our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun razak visited Kuala Penyu to support the BN candidate there. There is nothing wrong for leader like Najib to go and see his people. That is why BN is strong as ever.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak launched the Sabah Foundation with the people road show in Kuala Penyu today. The road show is a programme to disseminate information on its Transformation Programme for 2013 to 2023. Our PM very committed to bring transformation in Sabah, Go for BN!
ReplyDeleteMany achievement in Sabah that resulted in the reduction the poverty rate from 19.7% in 1999 to 8.1 in 2012. Datuk Seri Najib added that Sabah received much in terms of development funds and numerous special financial allocations from the federal government.That right our CM have done a lot to help reduce the poverty in Sabah and recently Najib cited that there are allocation of RM250 million grant from the federal governemtn fro an international standard convention centre costing RM500 million and a RM230 million water treatment in Beaufort. Our government continuing to support the development and promise to reduce the poverty rate within the next 5 years.
ReplyDeleteThink of a strong, stable and capable governing not petty issues state by PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Musa Aman also state that many of the transformation programmes including the Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) and many more have successfully changed the lives of the people for the better. Besides that Musa also praised Najib, saying that Prime Minister keeping his promises, and thus all promises made under the BN Manifesto will surely be fulfilled under his leadership.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman have contribute to the decreased of poverty in Sabah. Based on the EPU Director's report on February, it is proven that the state’s poverty rate was successfully decreased from 19.7 per cent in 2009 to 8.1 per cent in 2012 while household income has increased to RM4,013 in 2012 from RM3,102 in 2009
DeleteThe Government Transformation Programme (GTP) increased the socio-economy and income of the people development of basic infrastructure in the rural areas, the rapid growth of the industrial sector, including oil and gas and tourism as well as poverty eradication. The government truly in the right track to help people in Sabah
DeleteMusa believe that with the record and achievement report from Government Transformation Programme, the BN government will continue to spark off our spirit resolve and commitment towards ensuring the development and success will be on par with the country’s development and transformation agenda. The BN will continue serve the Sabahan for better life i am sure.
DeletePrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the federal government enjoyed good ties with the Sabah Government and praised Datuk Seri Musa Aman’s leadership. His comment on the Musa Aman's report card that he was impressed and recommend people to read it. One of the achievements of Musa is had a big hand in the issuance of communal titles that involved over 192,000 villagers while tourism earnings hit the RM5.17bil mark last year. If you want more of this, vote for BN, there is more coming i am sure as stated in BN manifesto. They promised that there is more development in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has urged Sabahans to turn the 13th general election (GE13) into a battlefield to reject the opposition for making a farce of the state’s peace and security. Upon completion of the Kimanis oil and gas terminal project, Sabah’s oil production will increase. And the government will give back a bigger development allocation to Sabah, much bigger than the 20 per cent oil royalty promised in the opposition manifesto. Continue your good work BN!
ReplyDelete“Musa is doing a good job for Sabah and there are leaders who are power-crazy and jealous of his achievement,” Salleh had told FMT, echoing Pairin’s earlier heaping of praises on Musa as one the best Chief Ministers Sabah ever had. These among the content of Pairin specia ltribute for 61st Musa birthday celebration, he said that Musa ahead of his time when he launched the Sabah Development Corridor in 2008. It is to bring 105 billion ringgit ($ 34 billion) of investments and create 900,000 jobs over 18 years. In this coming GE-13 Musa prove his commitment on Sabah when launched the 16 BN Sabah manifesto.
DeleteDatuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has urged Sabahans to turn the 13th general election (GE13) into a battlefield to reject the opposition for making a farce of the state’s peace and security. Najib opened the 1.1 km Kuala Penyu Bridge spanning over Sungai Sitompok costing RM60 million. Supporter BN in Kuala Penyu must be grateful because their needs are look after the government and surely give their loyalty for BN forever.
ReplyDeleteNajib says Sabah remains a stronghold for Barisan Nasional, as proven by the supporters in Tenom. Thousands of Tenom folks greeted Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, as he arrives at the town field here at 9.45am for a meet the people session. He said that he came to Sabah because Sabah is a BN fixed deposit, and like banks when you keep money, you need to check on them once in a while. Keep the good work PM!
DeleteThe SDC has thus given Sabah a head start when Prime Minister Najib Razak launched his massive 1.4-trillion ringgit economic transformation programme in 2010 that will make Malaysia a high income nation in eight years. Average income by 2020 will be about 48,000 ringgit compared to 26,500 ringgit now. This is the leader that we need for better future, think about five years ahead.
DeleteIn the GE-12, Musa led Sabah BN to resounding victory by sweeping 59 of 60 state assembly seats and 24 of 25 parliamentary seats. For the GE-13, the Sabah Barisan Nasional once again counting on the 'magic touch' of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman to steer the transformation on team to vis\ctory in the May 5 general election. Vote for BN!
ReplyDeleteAntara manifesto yang digariskan dalam 16 perkara utama oleh BN di bawah kepimpinan Musa adalah akan memastikan memastikan peluang saksama dalam perkhidmatan negeri, meneruskan bayaran tunai khas dan pemberian dana untuk perbelanjaan operasi dan pembangunan melebihi 20 peratus daripada perolehan minyak dan gas kepada Sabah. Satu usaha yang perlu diteruskan.
ReplyDeleteThe 16 manifesto of Sabah Barisan Nasional indeed manifesto that is announced by our CM Datuk Seri Musa Aman is actually very realistic and grounded in the real world can be implement like the roles of women. Women was not forgotten when the manifesto was also involved empowering women and ensuring gender equality, improving human capital development, participation in the modern economy, bridging the development gap between urban and rural areas as well as the effectiveness of state bodies.
DeleteWith the coming GE-13 many speculation toward Musa Aman, but looking at the situation that right now, our Prime Minister so far had not comments anything regarding Musa. Yesterday PM and Sabah Cm seen together to support the BN candidate in Beaufort for example. Whoever that become the CM of Sabah under BN one thing that important is that the continuity of good leadership is a must.
ReplyDeleteSabah has spent RM1.971 billion or 45.1 per cent of its allocation to implement and finance projects in the state under the Second Rolling Plan (2011-2012) of the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP). According to Musa who also Finance Minister state that based on briefings by the state Federal Development Office (SDO), the RM1,971 billion was part of the RM4.376 billion allocation to implement 743 projects in Sabah for 2012
ReplyDeleteSabah has spent RM1.971 billion or 45.1 per cent of its allocation to implement and finance projects in the state under the Second Rolling Plan (2011-2012) of the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP). According to Musa who also Finance Minister state that based on briefings by the state Federal Development Office (SDO), the RM1,971 billion was part of the RM4.376 billion allocation to implement 743 projects in Sabah for 2012. In the coming GE, BN have highlighted the 16 important manifesto. They truly want to serve and bring more development in Sabah.
DeletePerdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang meneruskan lawatan pada hari kedua ke beberapa daerah di negeri ini berkata Sabah masih menjadi simpanan tetap Barisan Nasional (BN).
ReplyDeleteNajib yang juga Pengerusi BN telah melawat Kuala Penyu, Beaufort, Kimanis dan Bongawan semalam. Cuaca buruk menghalang beliau daripada terbang ke Kota Belud tetapi perkembangan teknologi menyelamatkan keadaan.
ReplyDeleteBeliau bercakap melalui telefon dengan calon BN Kota Belud Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan dan mesejnya disampaikan untuk faedah 10,000 orang yang menantinya di sana.
“Sabah tetap simpanan tetap BN. Anggota gabungan menerima sokongan menggalakkan termasuk daripada rakyat di kawasan pedalaman.
ReplyDeleteNajib berkata kerajaan BN masih berupaya dan kukub untuk terus kuat dan mampu untuk terus memajukan Sabah bagi mengimbangi pembangunan antara negeri ini dan semenanjung.
“Sabah tetap simpanan tetap BN, kalau kita simpan simpanan tetap (wang) dalam bank sekali sekala kita kena tengok juga.
“Semalam (Selasa) saya pergi banyak tempat di Kuala Penyu, Beaufort, Kimanis Bongawan dan saya tak dapat sampai ke Kota Belud tetapi saya diberitahu 10,000 orang menanti saya di Kota Belud.
ReplyDelete“Hari ini (kelmarin) saya di Tenom dan saya diberitahu simpanan tetap kita masih kukuh,” katanya pada majlis pemimpin bersama rakyat di padang pekan Tenom di sini, kelmarin.
Turut hadir Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman dan calon BN Parlimen Tenom Datuk Raimee Unggi, calon BN bagi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Melalap Datuk Radin Malleh dan Senator Dr Lucas Umbul.
Sambil menolak tanggapan bahawa simpanan tetap Sabah sudah ‘cair’, Najib berkata pembangkang tidak akan dapat menguasai Sabah.
ReplyDeleteDi hadapan kira-kira 8,000 hadirin, Najib berkata BN telah membentangkan aku janji “Janji Ditepati, Membawa Harapan” yang lebih terjamin bagi tempoh lima tahun akan datang berbanding pembangkang yang merosakkan erti manifesto berikutan tindakan mereka tidak menunaikan janji dan menjadikan manifesto bersifat sekadar atas kertas kosong.
“Dalam tempoh empat tahun semua boleh kita lihat dan rasai, BN telah membawa perubahan termasuk dari segi pengurusan ekonomi kita menongkah arus. Badan IMF (Bank Dunia) Ketua Eksekutifnya Christine Lagarde bila berjumpa saya tahun sudah (menyatakan) bahawa Malaysia satu-satunya negara di dunia di mana IMF terpaksa semak kadar pertumbuhan lebih tinggi dari apa yang dijangkakan,” katanya.
ReplyDeleteMerujuk perkembangan positif dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi negara, Najib berkata kejayaan itu antara testimoni kerajaan dalam mengurus dan mengembangkan ekonomi dan seterusnya memulangkan hasil kepada rakyat berbanding unjuran ekonomi pembangkang yang membankrapkan negara.
Dalam pada itu, Najib turut berjanji untuk terus memakmurkan Sabah termasuk menyuarakan sokongan kepada konsep geran komunal hasil inisiatif kerajaan negeri Sabah yang memberi jaminan masa depan kepada masyarakat luar bandar di sini.
ReplyDelete“Kalau soal tanah bagi pada rakyat Sabah saya sokong 100 peratus. Bagi tanah pada orang Tenom, Pensiangan kerana kawasan ini subur, kawasan ini kita boleh jadikan hab pertanian jaminan bekalan makanan negara.
“Kita buat geran komunal agar hak milik tanah kekal kepada mereka yang mendapat tanah,” katanya merujuk pemberian 500,050 hektar tanah kepada penduduk pedalaman Sabah.
ReplyDeleteOleh yang demikian, Najib mengingatkan rakyat Sabah khususnya di kawasan pedalaman supaya membuat keputusan yang bijaksana menyokong calon BN pada pilihan raya umum ini bagi menentukan hala tuju masa depan negeri ini.
Pada majlis itu, Najib mengumumkan manifesto tambahan BN Sabah dengan peruntukan RM11 juta bagi menaik taraf persekitaran pekan Tenom dan pelbagai kemudahan asas serta infrastruktur di daerah ini.
ReplyDeleteDaerah Tenom yang mempunyai keluasan kira-kira 2,238km didiami lebih 35,000 penduduk dengan 70 peratus daripadanya terdiri daripada kaum Murut.
Pada pilihan raya umum ini, calon BN Datuk Raimee Unggi ditentang Masdin Tumas daripada PKR, Jaineh Juaya Jimmy Jawatah (SAPP), Hasmin Azroy Abdullah (STAR) dan Mutang @ Selvester Dawat (KITA).
Berikan Mandat Pertama Kepada Najib
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mengajak rakyat memberikan mandat pertama kepada Perdana Menteri kerana dasar cetusan Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak terbukti berkesan menjaga kebajikan rakyat hinggakan pembangkang berhasrat meneruskan program kerajaan Barisan Nasional seperti Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia, BR1M jika diberi kuasa.
Justeru itu, rakyat perlu mempertahankan dasar BN melalui peti undi.
Katanya, Perdana Menteri sendiri turun padang bagi memahami kehendak rakyat.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin berucap merasmikan Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Perak Tengah di Seri Iskandar.
Pembinaan pejabat ini yang membabitkan kos RM8.3 juta merangkumi enam buah Klinik Kesihatan, sebuah Klinik Kesihatan Ibu dan Anak serta 33 buah Klinik Desa.
Kemudahan itu bagi menampung keperluan lebih 116,000 penduduk di sekitar daerah Perak Tengah.
Tun Daim: 'Uji Najib, berikan beliau mandat'
ReplyDeleteKUALA LUMPUR - Bekas Menteri Kewangan Tun Daim Zainuddin menyatakan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak melaksanakan tugasnya dengan begitu baik dan patut diberikan mandat untuk menerajui negara dan meneruskan dasar-dasar transformasi beliau.
Menggesa pengundi agar memberi peluang kepada Najib untuk lima tahun lagi, veteran Umno itu berkata: "Uji beliau. Berikan beliau mandat.