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Anwar to revamp his year-old cabinet, ministers to take oath before King later today

After decades waiting, Anwar took power about a year ago.

THE list that has been going round since this morning. Borneo Herald has no avenue to ascertain it :

1. *Finance Minister II - Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan*, chief executive officer of the Employees Provident Fund (EPF). Amir Hamzah joined the EPF in March 2021.

2. *Gobind Singh Deo*, Minister for a portion of the Communications and Digital Ministry to be split from Fahmi Fadzil's portfolio. 

3. *Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, Health Minister* replacing Dr Zaliha Mustafa.

4. *Steven Sim, Human Resources Minister* replacing V. Sivakumar.

5. *Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani* - full minister, portfolio unknown

6. *Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali*, current Minister in PMO, will continue to helm the *Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry*.

1. *DR ZALIHA MUSTAFA* - From Health Minister to the new *Federal Territories Minister*.

2. *DATUK SERI FADHILAH YUSOF* - From Plantation and Commodities Minister to a portion of Nik Nadzmi's Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Ministry split into two. 

3. *DATUK SERI MOHAMAD HASAN* From Defence Minister to *Foreign Minister*. 

4. *DATUK SERI ZAMBRY ABD KADIR* - From Foreign Minister to *Higher Education Minister*.

Higher Education Minister to *Defence Minister.* 

6. *FAHMI FADZIL* - His original Communications and Digital Ministry, will be split into two ministries. Fahmi is expected to helm one half that's focused on digital aspects while Gobind will likely take the communications aspect.

Malaysia fails to uphold the cores of universal human rights, says human rights group

By Peter John Jaban, 10-12-2023
HUMAN Rights Day which falls on, 10 December 2023, commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. For 75 years, the core thrust of the Declaration has been to infuse societies with principles of equality, fundamental freedoms and justice. The theme for Human Rights Day 2023 is “Freedom, Equality and Justice for All”.

Malaysia being a part of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for the term of 2022 – 2024, was elected on Oct 15, 2021. Unfortunately, Malaysia has failed to uphold the core Articles as enshrined under UDHR 1948, namely:

Article 1 - All humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

Article 2 - Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Article 7 - All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 18 - Everyone has the right to freedom of thoughts, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19 – Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Truthfully, where is Malaysia heading?
It has been a year now since the present ‘Unity Government’ under the stewardship of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was formed and the people of Malaysia are increasingly growing impatient, dissatisfied and perplexed over the uncertain roadmap of the government in leading the nation. Promises of ‘Reformation’ made during the GE15 campaign trails have yet to be delivered to the people and remain merely as yet another political speech. 

The recent announcement by the Prime Minister that an economic congress on Bumiputera would be held in January 2024 to establish a new direction and approach for a Bumiputera agenda empowerment. This is not the first time such congress was being held and not the kind of reformation we expected. This raised a question, isn't Anwar supposed to be the Prime Minister of a multiracial, multireligious nation? Isn't the economic improvement should be beneficial for all Malaysians without being bias. During GE15, campaign, Anwar claimed that the Indians and Orang Asli are among country's poorest. Hence isn’t it supposedly an economic congress for Malaysians.
Statistics reveals that the majority of non-Muslims voted and supported Pakatan Harapan, the coalition led by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, due to the simmering turmoil and unhappiness in the nation and hoped for a meaningful reformation of fundamental rights, economy, education, health and social welfare development.

However, till today, on this 75th commemorative day of World Human Rights Day, we Malaysians are still fighting an unresolved battle against racism, fanaticism, extremism, discriminations and double standard policies targeting the minorities in this nation. 

Take for instance the more recent incidents that impact and relate to religious persecution:
1. At the National Tamil Language Carnival on Nov 23 2023, participants were barred from reciting Tamil hymns to mark the start of the programme. Indian participants were not allowed to sing Kadavul Valthu (Praises to God) and Tamil Valthu (Praises to the Tamil Language) during the event which was held in a hotel in Kepala Batas. The carnival was a Tamil programme, that was organized to celebrate the advent and flourishing of the Tamil language over generations and restricting the two Tamil hymns was a gross and brazen infringement of participants' rights.

2. The refusal by TV Sarawak and the state’s UNIFOR (Unit for Other Religions in Premier Department) to play O Holy Night heralding the birth of Jesus Christ in a Christmas programme on Dec 3, 2023 at Padang Merdeka has shocked many non-Muslims (and even right minded moderate Muslims) throughout the country. It seems this rejection was due to religious elements as well as owing to the protocol from the Film Censorship Board. It is yet another case which is utterly ludicrous and discriminating. The matter was raised vigorously by the Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) and only after the Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Openg intervened and ordered that the hymn O Holy Night should be allowed did the matter get resolved.

3.  The controversial dismissal of a non-Muslim, non-Malay restaurant worker in the federal capital city, Bukit Bintang, simply because he wore a chain with a small crucifix pendant – an artifact that is commonly worn by Christians.

4. Cases related to unilateral, unethical and unlawful religious conversions can be heard almost every month, endlessly year after year. It has caused family members, spouses and children to become victims as many families are broken up in the process. Some of these cases are still actively on-going in courts waiting indefinitely for a just, fair closure.

The time for Human Rights to anchor is now or never.

For the past three years GHRF (Global Human Rights Foundation) has been voicing out on matters concerning the violation of human rights especially towards those affecting the non-Muslims and the minorities in this nation. Police reports and memorandums were also handed over to the relevant ministries and authorities for redress but over hopes and efforts were in vain.

NGOs and human rights activists are condemned and criticized and even branded as a security threat by politicians, whenever matters of public concern are raised involving the violation of rights and injustices inflicted owing to policies, statements and actions. 
GHRF registers its greatest disappointment towards the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM). Being a legitimate body established under the Malaysian Parliament in 1999, SUHAKAM has painfully failed to address all the critical issues pertaining to human rights and violations towards the minorities. Public opinion holds SUHAKAM as totally inefficient and inactive in speaking up for the minorities and the injustice shown as well as the double standard policies impacting non-Muslims and non-Malays in the country. For years over decades now, they were merely being a puppet to the government given the fact that they are politically appointed representatives.

Today NGOs and netizens are deeply concerned and increasingly disturbed over the level of racial and religious intolerance in the country, which is morphing into a threat to national unity and harmony. It is a widely held perception that the racial divisions in the Malaysian society is drifting further and faster and it cannot continue to be ignored if we regard patriotism as a vital ingredient for national peace and progress.  
GHRF currently has three active cases pending in the courts with regards to inflammatory speeches and postings in the public domain insulting and deriding non-Islamic religions in the country. It has always been either, the NGOs or the public who have to individually or privately seek justice as the law enforcement agencies and authorities who are supposed to act on the matter without prejudice or bias seem to be operating on double standards.
GHRF has called on the Government of Malaysia to table a Racial and Religious Hatred Bill in Parliament, which would ensure that those making any statements deemed as hate speech directed at a particular race or religion will be prosecuted. GHRF has also requested for the Government to set in place an independent body to oversee conversions into Islam, and for strict laws and guidelines to be drafted and enforced to avoid such conversions being done covertly, coercively and in a partial manner favoring the converted against the unconverted. 

GHRF’s objective is to uphold the Malaysian Constitution, the Principles of Rukun Negara, Parliamentary Democracy, Rule of Law and equality without discriminations or hints of apartheid. Towards this end GHRF deems that the enforcing and abiding by the 30 Articles as enshrined in UDHR 1948 is non-negotiable.#

Peter John Jaban is Deputy President of
Global Human Rights Federation (GHRF)

USLA supports call for return of English medium schools

TUARAN: The United Sabah Lotud Association (USLA) full-heartedly supports the call made by former minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Rahman Dahlan, for the return of English medium schools.

USLA's president, Datuk Raymond Tombung, in a statement said it’s high time the long-standing issue is seriously addressed by the state and federal governments in view of the substantial decline in English mastery among Malaysians since the abandonment of the medium in schools in the 1970s.

“Poor English mastery is even reflected embarrassingly among political leaders, giving Malaysia a poor image at the international level,” Raymond said. “Hence, this situation should have long awakened the federal government into taking drastic action to reverse the trend.”

Raymond, who is also an Advisor to StarSabah, is also worried for the Gen-Ys of the natives who are now realising the critical importance of the English language and struggling to master it but having no proper avenue to hone their English-speaking skill.

“Because of this lack of proper learning source they are now speaking in broken English with cringy topsy-turvy grammar, losing out to non-natives in the job market and unable to continue their tertiary education abroad,” he pointed out. “Only those whose parents can afford to send their children to private schools are able to proceed to go to universities abroad.”

“I would urge all native NGOs to wake up to this need and fight loudly for the return of English medium schools for the sake of out Gen-Ys. We need to veer off from the current obsessive focus on cultural activities and look forward into the future with academic, intellectual and socioeconomic development. There is a need for balance between cultural preservation and education in the new age which is fast being dominated by new technologies such as artificial intelligence.

“We need to fully recognise that English as the world’s lingua franca is the vehicle to socioeconomic progress to move the natives upward to the level of being world citizens and leaders,” he said. “What we need now is a high-powered collective pressure from the native NGOs to call for the state and federal governments for the return of English medium schools. Such a change would benefit us meaningfully in the long run and would hopefully turn Sabah into a respected English-speaking state.

“Let us in one voice turn this legitimate desire into a strong and consistent political demand from our leaders,” he said.

*USLA sokong seruan Dahlan untuk kembalikan medium Inggeris.*
TUARAN: Persatuan Lotud Sabah Bersatu (USLA) memberikan sokongan penuh gesaan menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Rahman Dahlan agar dikembalikan sekolah medium bahasa Inggeris.
Presiden USLA, Datuk Raymond Tombung, dalam satu kenyataan berkata sudah sampai masanya isu lama ini diambil perhatian serius oleh kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan memandangkan penurunan ketara dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggeris di kalangan rakyat Malaysia sejak pengabaian penggunaan bahasa ini di sekolah-sekolah sejak tahun 1970-an.
"Kurangnya penguasaan bahasa Inggeris turut tercermin secara memalukan di kalangan pemimpin politik, yang memberi imej buruk kepada Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa," kata Raymond. "Oleh itu, keadaan ini sepatutnya sudah lama menjadi kebimbangan kerajaan persekutuan untuk mengambil tindakan drastik untuk menebalikkan trend ini."
Raymond, yang juga seorang Penasihat kepada StarSabah, merasa bimbang mengenai keadaan generasi muda pribumi yang kini sedar akan kepentingan kritikal bahasa Inggeris tetapi menghadapi kesukaran untuk menguasainya kerana tidak ada sumber pembelajaran yang betul untuk meningkatkan kemahiran mereka bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris.
"Kerana kekurangan sumber pembelajaran yang betul, mereka kini bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris yang tidak sempunra dengan nahu yang menyedihkan. Maka mereka ketinggalan dalam pasaran kerja berbanding mereka yang bukanpribumi dan tidak mampu untuk meneruskan pendidikan tinggi di luar negara," katanya. "Hanya mereka yang ibubapa mereka mampu menghantar mereka ke sekolah swasta dpat melanjutkan pengajian ke universiti di luar negara."
"Saya menggesa semua NGO asal agar bangkit keada keperluan ini dan berjuang dengan lantang untuk pengembalian sekolah bermedium bahasa Inggeris demi kepentingan generasi muda pribumi. Kita perlu berpaling daripada terlalu fokus kepada aktiviti kebudayaan dan melihat ke hadapan ke arah pembangunan akademik, intelektual, dan sosioekonomi. Kita perlu memperseimbangkan usaha antara pemuliharaan budaya dan pendidikan dalam zaman baru yang semakin dikuasai oleh sains dan teknologi lebih-lebih dengan timbulnya kecerdasan buatan atau artificial intelligence (AI).
"Kita perlu mengakui sepenuhnya bahawa bahasa Inggeris sebagai lingua franka dunia adalah kenderaan kepada kemajuan sosioekonomi untuk memajukan pribumi ke tahap menjadi warga dan pemimpin dunia," katanya. "Apa yang kita perlukan sekarang adalah tekanan kolektif yang berkesan dari para NGO pribumi untuk meminta kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan agar segera dikembalikan sekolah medium bahasa Inggeris. Perubahan seperti ini akan memberi faedah yang bermakna jangka panjang dan diharapkan akan mengubah Sabah menjadi sebuah negeri bertutur bahasa Inggeris yang dihormati.
"Marilah kita bersuara bersama-sama demi mengubah impian yang cukup berasas ini menjadi tuntutan politik yang kukuh dan konsisten kepada para pemimpin kita," katanya.

NGOs say Prof James Chin's "10-Point Agreement" Reflects Failure of the Federation to Honour MA63

Prof James Chin proposed a "10-Point Agreement".

NGOs do not see any future for Sabah & Sarawak to remain in Malaysia

3rd December 2023

This is a joint statement by Sabah, Sarawak NGOs - namely Borneo Plight in Malaysia Foundation (Bopimafo), Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ), Saya Anak Sarawak (SAS) and Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK):

Mssrs Daniel John Jambun, Robert Pei and Peter John Jaban, the respective presidents of the 3 NGOs and PBK President Voon Lee Shan have issued a joint statement commenting on Professor James Chin’s “10-point Agreement” calling for “re-affirmation” of Sabah and Sarawak secular and pluralist rights under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) on the occasion of the 60 anniversary of the shaky federation.

“Chin’s 10-point agreement calls for the dream and promise of the Federation of Malaysia for the people of Sabah and Sarawak to be fulfilled without delay; reaffirm Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners with Malaya in the formation of the Federation of Malaysia; and reaffirm the unique status of the Borneo states under Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution, distinct from the 11 states in Peninsular Malaysia, as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement of 1963.

It also seeks to reaffirm that Sabah and Sarawak each possess exclusive territorial rights over the resources that are within their own territorial boundaries; reaffirm that every community in Sabah and Sarawak has the right to their distinct unique cultures and ceremonial expression, identity and language; reaffirm that Sabah and Sarawak as secular states, multi-religious society as promised by our forefathers; and reaffirm that all Sabahans and Sarawakians are equal citizens, and reject all forms of racism, religious intolerance, and supremacist ideology.” (quote: Borneo Post 30/11/23)

They noted that the Professor had summed up the widespread dissatisfaction of the people with the multiple and continuing violations of their fundamental MA63 rights by the Malaysian Federal government over 60 years. These have remained unfulfilled “dreams” and illusions.

They include the illegal alteration of the MA63 secular, pluralist and multicultural concept of Malaysia, Borneonisation, autonomous self-government, religious freedom, denial of citizenship and failure to develop and advance Sabah and Sarawak as agreed. This is starkly heightened by the lopsided economic development whereby Malaya has been developed with Sabah and Sarawak resources particularly oil and gas, while they have been left backward and impoverished with little progress even in basic structures and amenities.

The unhappiness recently flared up over the TV Sarawak’s Christmas Carol programme which rejected the Association of Churches in Sarawak’s (ACA) request to include the song “O Holy Night” in the programme because of official policy excluding “religious elements”. The ACA declined to join the celebration and issued a statement strongly criticising the censorship and asserting the religious freedom and secular nature of Sarawak society. This received popular support throughout Sarawak and the TV station management quickly backed down on the exclusion of the song.

In Sabah, there is a similar dissatisfaction over the failure to honour MA63 founding terms such as the MA63 stipulated payment of (Art 121D) 40% entitlement to annual tax revenue among many other issues especially lack of development, poverty and the “illegals” issue.

The NGOs and PBK presidents said, however, that it is doubtful that the re-affirmation would have any impact on the Malayans who have evaded honouring the MA63 for 60 years as exemplified by the denial of Sabah’s MA63 40% entitlement.

They said that the concept of a secular, pluralist and multicultural political system was one of several key basic or foundational terms for Sabah and Sarawak to give up real independence for Malaysia. However, this concept has since the implementation of the New Economic Policy in 1971 been altered and replaced with an institutionalised race religion supremacist (Ketuanan Melayu) apartheid.

Further, it is unlikely that even if the Unity government agreed with the 10 Points, it would be able to gain any support from the Opposition which is made up of committed race religion fundamentalists sworn to dismantle the secular concept and replace Malaysia as an Iranian or Afghanistan style Islamic Caliphate and Constitution. The same people have declared that “Malaysia belonged to the Malays”.

Mr Voon the PBK president said that it was ironic the Professor had previously criticised PBK for seeking legal advice from a foreign lawyer who declared that Malaysia was a fraud. 

He said that the professor's 10-point call for re-affirmation of Sabah Sarawak rights in reality confirmed that Malaysia was created with promises which never fulfilled or have been removed and therefore were misleading and a fraud. 

He cited the British colonial office as having commented with concern in 1963 that the Malayans' promise that SS would have "accelerated development" in Malaysia was a "false prospectus". 

Mr Voon who filed a suit in the High Court of Borneo in 2021 to declare MA63 invalid, said the process of making MA63 was riddled with illegalities and deceit. 

Legal analysis of the making of MA63 has proven that it was, in fact, a null and void agreement from the beginning. This was because Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak were still British-controlled colonies and not sovereign states with the legal capacity or competence to make international agreements. This view is supported by the International Court of Justice decision in the Chagos case 2019 and affirmed by the Mauritius vs. Maldives case iin 2021.

If MA63 was a validly made international treaty, it would have been terminated under International law, by the multiple violations of foundational and basic terms of the agreement and rendered it no longer binding. Either way, Sabah and Sarawak have the opportunity to seek independence which would free them to determine their own political destiny and social and economic development without foreign control.

The joint statement pointed out that the 20 and 18 Points were not binding agreements but just an expression of the people's desired terms for the federation. They said that there is no evidence of the agreements being signed with the UK or Malayan governments. According to the British colonial officials, the Sarawak 18 Points were never provided to them. They noted some of Sabah's Points like the "No State religion" stipulation was included in the Federal Constitution.

They questioned whether it was realistic to re-affirm the unfulfilled promises and prolong a union without meaning and benefit when it is so obvious that the agreed objectives of MA63 were never fulfilled but in fact, abandoned for 60 years. They said Sabah and Sarawak should look at the alternative solution of seeking an exit from the failed union.

They called on the respective Sabah and Sarawak state governments to seek a review of SS's position in Malaysia after the PAS party repeatedly rejected the concept of Malaysia as a secular country and the federation's failure to honour what was promised. It is widely anticipated that the PAS fundamentalist party will implement its Islamic Caliphate when it wins power and controls the Malaysian Parliament in a couple of elections time. The NGOs said the review of MA63 (if valid) would be timely and it was essential since it has already long been terminated by multiple breaches of fundamental terms for federation.

Sabah and Sarawak must seek lawful and peaceful means to Decolonise itself and work towards sovereign Independent nations. 

End of Statement  
Signed by 
Daniel John Jambun  Bopimafo President 
Robert Pei SSRANZ President
Peter John Jaban SAS founder
Voon Lee Shan PBK President

3 December 2023

SSPR sokong tindakan MP Sabah yang menegur Perdana Menteri tidak mengembalikan 40% cukai sebaliknya memberi tawaran lain lebih kecil

Jalibin Paidi (kiri), aktivis masyarakat yang juga Presiden SSPR

Oleh Jalibin Paidi, 3-12-2023
1. Tahniah kepada semua MP Sabah yang berani dan komited menuntut perlaksanaan hak-hak dan kuasa merdeka Sabah dalam Persekutuan Malaysia.

2. Selepas setahun, nampaknya PMX sebiji sama dengan semua PM sebelum ini yang menidakkan hak-hak Sabah.

3. Malah, DS Najib jauh lebih baik dalam beberapa perkara apabila berkaitan Sabah.

4. Kegagalan PMX mematuhi keperluan Perlembagaan berkaitan hak 40% benar2 mengecewakan.

5. Kita tunggu pula kesudahan tuntutan Sabah Sarawak supaya 35% kerusi MP diperuntukkan buat dua Wilayah ini.

6. GPS dan GRS perlu buat ketetapan bersama mendesak ditunaikan hak 40% dan 35% dalam tempoh tertentu.

7. Kegagalan PMX memenuhi tuntutan bermaksud GPS GRS perlu tarik sokongan dan memilih PM yang mematuhi Perlembagaan.

Sabah Sarawak boleh.
Sabah Sarawak bukan milik Malaya.

Jalibin Paidi,
Satu Semangat Perjuangan Rakyat (SSPR), dan
Aktivis Masyarakat

Govt should allot some fund for cultural documentation in Budget 2024, says USLA

TUARAN: The United Sabah Lotud Association (USLA) here is making an urgent appeal to the state government to set aside part of the Budget 2024 for an urgent cultural documentation.

USLA’s president, Datuk Raymond Tombung, said the need to record the cultural heritages of the original peoples of Sabah is paramount in view of the fast disappearance of their practitioners.

“The most urgent of these is the recording down of the chants of the traditional priestesses or bobohizans or tantagas in Lotud,” he said. “There are so few of them who are still alive that soon they will none left to recite the chants that have been part of native life since time immemorial. The new generation may have  different spiritual adherences and beliefs but the priestesses deserve respect and consultation for their connection to our distant and forgotten past.
”While the younger generations now have converted to new religions, the ancient linguistic and spiritual proficiency of the priestesses are fertile sources of knowledge for people in the modern age,” he added. “Specifically, the chants of the priestesses are languages containing a massive amount of obscure and magical words which, if studied, will definitely enrich the modern mother tongues.“.”

Raymond pointed out that since the native mother tongues are now disappearing due to being supplanted by Malay and English, the effort to preserve them should be enhanced by adopting many beautiful words and expressions from the chants.
“The revival of traditional arts and crafts, music and dances is easy, but languages when lost is almost impossible to revive,” Raymond said. “Hence there is an urgent need to document the chants to strengthen the sporadic language revival efforts going in some places in Sabah.

“The problem is that documentation work is tedious, taking many years and very expensive to undertake, especially by non-professionals. This is the reason why this important work has been done only intermittently and neglected since a long time,” Raymond pointed out. “Because of this, the role of the government, maybe through the state Cultural Board, is critical in launching a full state-funded, and long-term, research project for cultural documentation.”

Versi Bahasa Malaysia:


TUARAN: Persatuan Lotud Bersatu Sabah (USLA) di sini merayu kepada kerajaan negeri untuk memperuntukkan sebahagian daripada Bajet 2024 bagi dokumentasi budaya yang kini sangat mendesak.

Presiden USLA, Datuk Raymond Tombung, menyatakan keperluan untuk merakam warisan budaya orang asal Sabah adalah penting memandangkan para pengamalnya semakin cepat hilang.

"Yang paling mendesak adalah merakam mantera tradisional atau rina’it para bobohizans atau dipanggil tantagas dalam budaya Lotud," katanya. "Sudah tinggal sedikit sahaja mereka  yang masih hidup, dan tidak lama lagi tiada daripada mereka yang tinggal untuk menzikirkan mantera kuno yang telah menjadi sebahagian daripada kehidupan pribumi  sejak zaman purba. Generasi baru mungkin mempunyai agama dengan kepercayaan rohani yang berbeza tetapi para tantagas tersebut layak mendapat penghormatan dan penghargaaan kerana ilmu merek dan pertalian mereka dengan masa lampau yang sudah jauh di belakang dan dilupakan oleh kita.

"Walaupun generasi muda kini telah menukar kepada agama baru, kecekapan bahasa dan spiritual yang kuno dari para tantagas tersebut adalah sumber pengetahuan yang kaya bagi kita orang di zaman moden," tambahnya. "Secara khusus, rina’it mereka adalah bahasa yang mengandungi banyak perkataan yang indah, luarbiasa dan mistik, yang jika dikaji dan direkodkan, pasti akan memperkayakan bahasa ibunda moden."

Raymond menekankan bahawa kerana bahasa ibunda kini semakin lenyap kerana digantikan oleh Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris, usaha untuk mengekalkannya perlu diperkukuhkan dengan mengambil banyak perkataan dan ungkapan yang indah dari rina’it tersebut.

"Penghidupan semula seni tradisional seperti kraftangan, muzik dan tarian adalah mudah, tetapi bahasa, apabila telah hilang hampir mustahil untuk dihidupkan semula," kata Raymond. "Oleh itu, terdapat keperluan yang mendesak untuk mendokumentasikan rina’it tantagas bagi memperkukuhkan usaha-usaha pemuliharaan bahasa yang sedang berjalan di beberapa tempat di Sabah.

"Masalah besarnya ialah, kerja mendokumentasi memerlukan banyak tenaga, mengambil masa bertahun-tahun, dan sangat mahal untuk dilakukan oleh orang-orang bukan profesional. Inilah sebabnya mengapa kerja penting ini telah dilakukan hanya secara tidak konsisten, malah terabai sejak begitu lama," jelas Raymond. "Oleh kerana itu, peranan kerajaan untuk mendokumentasi warisan budaya, mungkin melalui Lembaga Kebudayaan Negeri, adalah penting dalam melancarkan projek penyelidikan penuh yang dibiayai oleh kerajaan negeri, secara jangka panjang.”#

Profesor dari Sabah berjaya daftarkan Sabah International University (SIU) di US dan bakal ambil pelajar pertama tahun depan

Oleh Jayden Lisando, 30-11-2023
PUTATAN : Siapa kata anak tempatan Sabah tidak boleh menubuhkan pusat pengajian tinggi antarabangsa? Prof Dr Ariffin Willie Muhamad, tokoh pendidikan Sabah sukses mendaftarkan Sabah International University (SIU) di Amerika Syarikat !

SIU yang berpejabat di California ini beroperasi sebagai universiti yang mengaplikasi "blended pedagogy", milikan sepenuhnya syarikat Sabah, dijadual mula menawarkan beberapa kursus peringkat Sijil dan Diploma sehingga Master tahun depan.

Prof Dr Ariffin anak kelahiran Sandakan memberitahu Borneo Herald baru-baru ini, SIU ditubuhkan di Amerika Syarikat kerana Malaysia tidak lagi membenarkan pendaftaran sebarang universiti atau kolej sejak 15 tahun ini.

"Apa yang saya buat adalah untuk masa depan generasi kita. Kita akan menawarkan kursus yang relevan kepada orang Sabah dan industri di sini seperti pelancongan, pengurusan perniagaan, perladangan dan juga sains politik.

"Institut Kemahiran Sabah (IKS) yang saya terajui selama ini akan menyambut kursus SIU di Sabah dan kita akan menjalankan kombinasi pembelajaran dalam kelas, secara online dan juga praktikal," katanya ketika ditemui di pejabat IKS di Putatan dekat Kota Kinabalu.

Menurut Prof Dr Ariffin, pihaknya berjaya mengenal pasti barisan pasukan yang mantap dan bersemangat untuk pengurusan universiti, komiti akademik dan komiti senat.

Katanya penubuhan SIU disambut baik oleh beberapa rakan akademiknya dari Sabah dan juga Semenanjung yang telah menyatakan kesediaan mereka untuk menyumbang pengalaman dan kepakaran mereka sama ada sebagai pasukan pengurusan, penasihat mahupun tenaga pengajar.

"Saya juga memanggil rakan-rakan termasuk aktivis Sabah terutama mereka yang memiliki idea-idea menarik untuk pembangunan awal SIU. Saya yakin dengan sokongan ramai, SIU akan berjaya sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi Sabah yang boleh dibanggakan nanti," katanya konfiden sambil menambah kos penubuhan SIU sejak 2022 ditanggungnya sendiri setakat ini.

Prof Dr Ariffin Willie Muhamad (kanan) turut memanggil aktivis Sabah seperti Kanul Gindol, dalam sesi percambahan idea untuk Sabah International University. Kanul adalah salah seorang pelajar PhD Sains Politik kendalian Prof Ariffin dari sebuah universiti Amerika.

Menurut Prof Dr Ariffin, SIU pada tahun-tahun permulaan akademiknya dijadual menawarkan kursus peringkat sijil kemahiran yang mengambil masa hingga enam bulan dan diiktiraf oleh kerajaan Malaysia sebelum menawarkan kursus peringkat Diploma dalam enam bidang iaitu pengurusan perhotelan, pentadbiran perniagaan, teknologi komunikasi dan informasi, pendidikan awal, sains politik dan pentadbiran awam.

Enam kursus ini akan dikendalikan menerusi empat sekolah atau jabatan iaitu sekolah perniagaan, sekolah pengurusan (hotel dan pelancongan), sekolah kemanusiaan dan sains sosial, serta sekolah teknologi maklumat.

"Saya yakin SIU akan berkembang dari setahun ke setahun kerana kita juga mengenal-pasti rakan kolaborasi dengan agensi kerajaan dan pemain industri atau pihak swasta yang bersedia bekerjasama dengan SIU dalam menyediakan atau memperkasa tenaga kerja di Sabah," katanya lagi.

Prof Dr Ariffin menaruh harapan SIU sebagai pusat pengajian jarak jauh dan terbuka, pada suatu hari nanti mengeluarkan graduan bermutu tinggi, dan akan membuka laluan kepada lebih ramai pelajar bukan saja Sabahan tapi dari pelbagai negara untuk mendapatkan pendidikan.#

Malay writer lambasts at the cocooned life of his fellow spoilt Malays

      Syed Akbar Ali with Dr Mahathir Mohamad

By Syed Akbar Ali
FOR the past 40 years or more the Malays have been cocooned away from the real world. A friend who used to be Chairman of a very large Malay corporation that survived almost completely on government handout projects and concessions said that the skill sets and the work ethics inside his organisation "have nothing to do" with the real world outside.

The entire Malay ecosystem was carefully nurtured to keep them away from mixing with the real world. Be it in business, education, social interactions, RELIGION, politics, language, sports, art and just about anything human beings do everyday.

The common theme in all these areas of "endeavour" were lower standards. Lower the bar.

For over 40 years the Malays have been dumbing down - at a time when the other non Malay communities have been making better strides and when other countries have been making giant strides.

Vietnam has announced that they will be manufacturing their own car the Vinfast. But it is a private sector effort with no taxpayers funds involved. The CEO and top managers are American, ex General Motors. The Vietnamese have already displayed the car at the Paris Auto Show.

Hiring American CEOs, displaying their cars in Paris - what does that mean? The Vietnamese are seeking out the outside world and saying "We are coming to join you". And they are doing this without taxpayer funding - meaning it is market driven.

In Malaysia we went the other way. We wanted to develop our country 'in our own mould'. This was a misnomer. What it really meant was 'We want to develop the Malays in their own mould'.

The mould had a very simple design. It was an all encompassing Malay / Muslim cocoon. No other light, sound, smells, taste and even fresh air could get into the Malay / Muslim cocoon from the outside. This has been going on for over 40 years.

The others, especially the Chinese and some Indians (not all) did not want to be part of this cocoon system. They have been clever and more fortunate. From very early on the Chinese caught on that the national education system will be going into the cocoon mode. Hence they invested heavily in their own education ecosystems.

They have held on tightly to the 1300 Chinese language primary schools in the country. And it has been successful. When compared to the government's "cocoon system" Chinese education has been much more successful in that they produce young people who can become productive citizens in the economy.
Since the beginning of time, there are only 61 Chinese language secondary schools in Malaysia ("independent" Chinese schools offering the UEC certificate). Which has always been politicised.

But there are bigger elephants than independent Chinese schools being born everyday. For example the Chinese have gone big into private schools which offer the O and A levels, etc. They are known as "international schools". There are now a sizeable number of these "private international schools" in Malaysia offering primary to secondary level school education. Many of these schools are run by the Chinese folks. The majority of the students, teachers and principals at these private schools are all Chinese. They are doing a good job, serving the country's needs quite well. Non-cocoon education system.

There is another huge side effect to this "Malay / Muslim cocoon". Which is what I want to talk about today. And that is about leadership.
Anywhere in the world, in any system of government whether a democracy, monarchy, communist dictatorship, socialist dictatorship, authoritarianism, Islamic theocracy, Hindu monarchy etc the leaders and the leadership WILL and MUST reflect the value system of the people or the society in that country.

1. Societies that are prone to violence and do not do much to curb anger and violence will produce leaders who will rely on violence to rule. Because that is what they understand.
2. Societies that do not like to listen to different points of view (especially about religion) will produce religious charlatans who will exploit the "no thinking zone".
3. Societies that have cocooned themselves away from the outside world or from people other than their own kind will produce leaders who will manipulate their "fears of the outside". This is NO rocket science.
4. Societies that do not compete will produce leaders who will frighten them with the "dangers of competition".

I can keep on going but the leaders of any society will and must reflect what goes on inside their own society.

Their leaders will and must be fully soaked to the skin and bone with that society's norms and value systems.

Kalau value system bagus, pemimpin pun bagus. Kalau value system tak bagus, pemimpin pun tak bagus.

They might have been born cerdik but they will never become pandai. Cerdik is the intelligence that you are born with. Pandai is the learning that you acquire.

In a cocooned environment, their cerdik people grow up to be 'tidak pandai' leaders. Because they have been denied an environment where they can compete and learn. They grew up inside a cocoon.

So can we expect 40 years of cocoon indoctrination to produce 'world class' ledership? Not likely.

Look at this screen grab here. Its an old Tanzanian folk tale. There was a flood and the river overflowed. The fish were swept into the submerged grass. A group of monkeys decided to "save" the fish. They picked up the fish carefully and placed the fish on high, dry ground.

This is what we are seeing in Malay society today. After over 40 years of being cocooned and growing up in a religious and racial slum, where ALL the standards have been lowered, we are now seeing their leaders who exactly reflect the lower standards of Malay / Muslim society.

This is the nail in the coffin. After 40 years of the airtight and watertight cocoon, now they really and honestly think that the rest of the world outside the cocoon is wrong. That indeed life inside their cocoon is the best in the world.

Their religion is the best despite its violence, hate, ignorance and poverty.

Their social norms are simply the best despite very strange aberrations in behaviour and the looming breakdowns in Malay society. (This is a very serious issue - please do not dismiss this lightly.)

They can ignore everything else (and even despise everything else) because it is outside their cocoon. Those who do not agree 'can leave the country'.

So you see the miserably failing Minister of Education Maszlee saying unbelievably dumb things like the "Chinese should watch Upin and Ipin to learn Malay". This is too stupid to even comment about.

In Port Dickson, the Brader spoke about using his own car to send his daughter to the university. That is all he has to offer. There is not much else going on inside his cocoon.
Rafizi kept playing up personal issues (where is your dasar / vision bro?)

By the way, can Rafizi show some audited accounts for all the money collected by Invoke? Some transparency would be good brader Rafizi. Talk is you have some difficulty showing an audit of what happened to all that money you collected.

Asyraf Wajdi once said (I was present) that Islamic banking can still function because the Malays do not know High Court Judge Justice Abdul Wahab Patail's ruling "against" Islamic banking.

Asyraf Wajdi has also just lost the elections. Their collective incompetence has seen UMNO being kicked out of government after 63 years.
And the religious cocoon Pis-Pus guys are kissing up to the Malay cocoon UMNO guys. As you can see in this montage:
At our government hospitals, water is leaking into the oxygen lines in the wards.
In government departments the cafeteria is still the center of the universe - not the work desk.

Soon after being appointed, the new Mayor of Kuala Lumpur visited the hawkers (warong folks). To show solidarity? The tikus population in Kuala Lumpur will certainly rejoice. They will continue enjoying the endless supply of food scraps thrown into the longkangs and the drains by the warong hawkers. Indonesian warong operators will also be very happy.
Government "seminars" / conferences still begin with long winded introductions, 10 am pisang goreng breaks, 12 pm lunch breaks and 3 pm curry puff breaks.

So how does the cocoon deal with these obvious failures, the obvious non performance and the increasing criticism?
Thats easy. Just shout louder, make more threats, show more anger, the so called tough language. More racist and religious posturing. Its just sad camouflage, a weak cover up for the cocoon's failure.

I strongly and firmly believe the Malays can be turned around. In about 15 years max.
Before that can happen, we must crack that cocoon.


Parti Sedar Rakyat (SEDAR) lancar jelajah Sabah di DUN Gum-Gum, menjelaskan matlamat Parti tersebut...

Dari kanan, Prof Dr Ariffin, Datuk Othman, Encik Bahri, Setiausaha Negeri Puan Julia Ongkili dan seorang pegawai parti.

GUM-GUM, Sandakan : Parti Sedar Rakyat (SEDAR) hari ini mengorak langkah memberi pencerahan mengenai matlamat parti itu di Sabah di kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Gum-Gum di sini.

Hadir pada majlis itu ialah Presiden SEDAR, Datuk Othman Abdullah, Pengerusi Perhubungan Negeri, Prof Dr Ariffin Willie Muhamad, Setiausaha Perhubungan Negeri, Julia Ongkili dan pimpinan kanan Sedar Sabah.

Berikut gambar-gambar pada majlis yang diadakan di pekarangan kediaman Ketua Bahagian SEDAR Gum-Gum, Haji Jasni Badali tersebut :

Dibuang kerja kerana pakai rantai salib, apa mahu jadi dengan Malaysia?

Oleh Kanul Gindol, 20-11-2023
1. Satu laporan berita dari Kuala Lumpur hari ini yang memetik pengurus sebuah restoran Cina Muslim di ibu negara yang memberhentikan seorang stafnya atas sebab memakai rantai salib, menyedihkan dan tidak patut berulang.

2. Malaysia semakin menakutkan bagi orang yang berfikiran sederhana. Adakah orang bukan Islam tidak boleh bekerja di premis yang "dihebahkan" sebagai halal atau patuh syariah?

3. Bagaimana dengan pejabat-pejabat kerajaan atau pemimpin tertentu? Mereka tidak lagi akan mempertimbang mengambil staf yang memakai rantai salib pada masa ini?

4. Adakah ini sebabnya amat sukar bagi lepasan sekolah atau kolej dari kalangan Kristian mendapat pekerjaan di jabatan kerajaan sekarang? Sekarang bukan lagi menghairankan sesuatu pejabat atau unit jabatan kerajaan, semua stafnya hanya dari satu kumpulan masyarakat saja ! 

5. Ke tong sampah sudahkah semua formula perkongsian kuasa atau peluang kepada masyarakat berbilang bangsa di Malaysia?, termasuk di Sabah dan Sarawak yang selama ini konon terkenal dengan politik multi-rasial dan toleransi agama.

6. Sudahlah hampir kesemua jawatan tertinggi negara dimonopoli oleh satu golongan masyarakat saja, ini peluang-peluang di sektor swasta kawalan masyarakat tertentu juga semakin rasis.

7. Sudah tiba masanya Parlimen Malaysia dan DUN-DUN memperkenalkan akta dan enakmen bagi mengawal penindasan kaum dan agama terutama dalam peluang-peluang serta mengenakan penalti terhadap setiap perlakuan perkauman yang tiada justifikasi.

8. Adakah situasi semakin berkurangnya Ahli Parlimen beragama Kristian telah menyumbang kepada keadaan semakin menebalnya prasangka negatif terutama orang Islam terhadap bukan Islam. Saya teringat pada 2017 timbul isu kedai laundry di Johor yang melarang bukan Islam mencuci kain di laundry itu, sehingga Sultan Johor sendiri memberi titah teguran pedas kepada golongan Islam berfikiran begitu.

9. Dikepilkan ialah pecahan Ahli Parlimen Sabah mengikut agama pada 2023, di mana dari 26 MP Sabah (termasuk 1 dari Labuan), hanya enam MP Kristian dan tiga Buddhist, yang lain 17 lagi Muslim..

26 MP dari Sabah & Labuan 
(3 Buddhist, 6 Kristian & 17 Islam)

1. Kudat - MP Muslim
2. Kota Marudu - Muslim
3. Kota Belud - Muslim
4. Tuaran - Kristian 
5. Ranau - Kristian 
6. Sepanggar - Muslim
7. Kota Kinabalu - Buddhist
8. Penampang - Kristian 
9. Putatan - Muslim
10. Papar - Muslim
11. Kimanis - Muslim
12. Beaufort - Muslim
13. Sipitang - Muslim
14. Tenom - Muslim
15. Keningau - Kristian 
16. Pensiangan - Kristian 
17. Beluran - Kristian 
18. Batu Sapi - Muslim
19. Libaran - Muslim 
20. Sandakan - Buddhist
21. Kinabatangan - Muslim
22. Lahad Datu - Muslim 
23. Semporna - Muslim
24. Tawau - Buddhist
25. Kalabakan - Muslim
26. Labuan - Muslim


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