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Musa calls Sabahans not to be swayed by religions exploitists

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Chief Musa Aman has reminded the people of Sabah not to be swayed by certain quarters who tried to instigate them by using religion as a tool.

He said that these instigators had their own agenda as religious issues did not arise in Sabah, where the people lived in peace and harmony regardless of race, religion or culture.

Build Sabah Pan Borneo Highway Without Malayan For Better Quality

Kota Kinabalu:    “The Sabah government should insist that the Sabah section of the Pan Borneo Highway be built without any Malayan companies as the main contractor to avoid skimming of the contract sum and ending with lower quality roads.   It should learn from the Sarawak road quality experience” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in commenting on Datuk Ghafur Salleh’s disclosure that UEM-MMC is to be the main contractor in Sabah unlike the Sarawak government’s insistence that no Malayan Umno companies or cronies be involved in the Sarawak section.

Ulu Sugut a perilous example on how the NCR is desecrated by developmentalist agenda” - Atama Katama

62% of the population of indigenous peoples in Sabah East Malaysia are generally not involved or consulted in planning processes and lack the resources and capacity to defend their land rights which has resulted in the further marginalization of the indigenous peoples by ‘development’ of which corporations and the wealthy elite are the main beneficiaries.

As a nation State that relies heavily on the exploitation of its natural resources for the development of its economy there is a clear tension between the rights of the indigenous to their ancestral lands and the government’s desire to utilize the natural resources.


Once upon a time there was in a small tropical nation, a ruler named Bijan. He wasn't particularly bright as a ruler, but he had a lot of distinguished advisors from the IMF and the World Bank to give him advice how to develop his country. In Bijan's country there were many nice fruit trees lining the paths leading to the fields where the people worked and to the rivers where they caught fish and bathed.

Patrol Boat Incident Poses Question over Naval Readiness to Protect Sabah

KOTA KINABALU: “The “lost and found” incident of the naval patrol boat CB204 clearly uncovers the non-readiness and unpreparedness of the Malaysian navy to protect Sabah and Sarawak in the event of any security threat.   It is a blessing in disguise and should serve as a wake-up call to the federal government to re-assess its commitment to protect Sabah and Sarawak” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in commenting on the patrol boat incident which was found after some 30 hours of loss of contact and with its 7-man crew already starving.

How Many Of 2 Million Poor Households Are in Sabah?

Kota Kinabalu: “After a rosy announcement of an average Malaysian household income of RM5,900 per month, the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of the Prime Minister’s Department drops a bombshell that there are 2 million or 28.7% of households earning less than RM3,000 per month. The question that begs an answer is how many of these 2 million households are in Sabah and Sarawak" said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the announcement by the Minister in the PM’s Department on Tuesday.

Will Federal Flood Aid Come This Time?

Kota Kinabalu: “Having suffered in silence during the last December and this January devastating floods, Sabahans particularly in Kota Kinabalu, Penampang, Papar and Tuaran, should open their eyes and see for themselves the treatment they will be getting or not getting for federal flood aid” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on whether there will be federal aid in the devastating floods that hit the 4 districts and closed 8 schools on Tuesday.

It is with deep regret that in the last floods, there were hardly any federal flood aid for the victims in Sabah. 

Build Tunnel Link to Tambunan and Interior

Kota Kinabalu: “It may be a bit late but the PM cum Finance Minister should make an effort to include in Budget 2015, a tunnel link to Tambunan and the Interior and the Sabah Chief Minister and JKR Sabah should make a concerted effort to plan and secure the necessary funds for the project” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in commenting on latest landslide at Upper Moyog, Penampang, that disrupted and brought traffic to a standstill after heavy rains.

Komen-Mengomen Bersama Fredolin E. Lojingki

Anggota Parlimen Kota Belud, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, jelaslah bukan suara dari Sabah tapi suara UMNO tulen berpaksi politik UMNO Malaya. 

Apa saja Malaya suruh cakap, dia mungkin akan cakap walaupun tidak disukai oleh rakyat Sabah sendiri. Namun kita tahu Rahman ialah Rahman - dia cakap saja apa yang akan pastikan dia disayangi oleh political master nya!

Politik cari makan dan cari pangkat bukanlah sesuatu yang asing bagi kita dalam dunia politik.

CAPS supports SHAREDA's call on MyHome Scheme

BY Ezra Haganez
KOTA KINABALU :  In conjunction with World Habitat Day yesterday, the Consumer affairs and Protection Society of Sabah (CAPS) has called on both the Federal and State Governments to pave for more affordable houses be built for locals, including the younger generation.

CAPS spokesman, Donny Yapp, in a statement said ways and means must be found to have more low-cost housing be developed instead of medium and high cost houses as the trend had been.

Actually there is no Malay race, says veteran writer

By Joe Fernandez
The Tamils in the peninsula are more Orang Asal than others except the Orang Asli.

Tamil schools in the Federation cannot be questioned because the first civilisation in the peninsula was Kadaram in Kedah which was a trading bridge between India and China.

The Kadaram people, Hindus from India, were the first to settle down in the peninsula after the Orang Asli. Kedah comes from kedai (Tamil for shop). There were many shops in Kadaram.

Komen-Mengomen Bersama Fredolin E. Lojingki

Saya ucap 'thank you' kepada Borneo Herald sebab bagi 'chance' orang tua buka cerita-cerita pengalaman sebagai orang tua di ruangan ini.

Saya ni sudah veteran pada umur menjangkau 74 saya sudah melihat segala-galanya sekurang-kurangnya di Sabah, bumi tercinta kita ini...

Badan yang sudah tua tetapi hati masih berkobar-kobar semangat ini umpama seorang jejaka melihat gadis melimpas pantang mesti mata kita melihat jua.

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