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Discrimination against Sabah by the federal government
in order to develop Malaya is a tragedy and worthy of
national attention, says a lawyer.
KOTA BELUD: Peter Marajin, the man under fire from irate Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman Dahlan for criticising him, stands by his claim that the MP is all talk and no action.
Speaking a day after Rahman hit out at him for negatively assessing his performance, Marajin reiterated that the MP had not done much in his constituency.
“He does not care about the padi fields in Mukim Kelawat but he keeps on telling people the district is Sabah’s “rice bowl” or “jelapang padi”.
“He didn’t even answer my contention that there are hundreds of acres of padi fields in Kelawat which are neglected as they are dependent on rain. His Umno-led Barisan Nasional has not provided proper irrigation for the area.

The politician, his son and the crony

“That is between my son and Michael Chia, its not
like he (Chia) is giving it to me… and I am the
minister, not my son.”
If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, then the way to an Umno politician’s heart, is through his spouse or children. In Malaysia, cronies beat a path to the politician’s door, to provide material goods for his family members.
Only the naïve would think their acts charitable. Cronies do it for personal gain: tenders for contracts, to avoid the law, a means to fleece the public through subsidies or when government projects are ‘outsourced” like the AES (Automated Enforcement System) aka “speed traps”.
Plum jobs and multi-million dollar government contracts are reserved for the offspring of Umno politicians, their cronies and pro-Umno civil servants.

MP Kota Belud diminta lawat kawasan

Sejak kebelakangan ini Rahman Dahlan
lebih gemar bercakap isu ekonomi
negara, pentadbiran persekutuan dan
kedaulatan bangsa lain sedangkan
kawasannya terbiar.
KOTA BELUD: Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud Dato’ Abdul Rahman Dahlan digesa membuat lawatan ke kawasan parlimennya daripada ‘berkokok’ dan ‘menyalak’ mempertahankan pelbagai isu yang menimpa partinya, Umno.
“Sejak kebelakangan ini Rahman lebih gemar bercakap isu ekonomi negara, pentadbiran persekutuan dan kedaulatan bangsa lain sedangkan kawasannya terbiar,” kata Anggota Majlis Tertinggi Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) yang juga pemimpin tempatan, Peter Marajin.
“Kerajaan sering mendabik dada kononnya Kota Belud adalah jelapang padi negeri Sabah tetapi ratusan ekar sawah padi di Mukim Kelawat tidak ditanami padi. Mana pergi Rahman?
“Pernahkah Rahman prihatin dan melawat para petani sawah di Kelawat?,” tanya Marajin ketika melawat kawasan itu hujung minggu lalu.

Rafizi dedah anak Nazri Aziz terima kenderaan mewah Michael Chia

KUALA LUMPUR, 1 Nov — Rafizi Ramli mendedahkan bahawa anak kepada Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz, iaitu Nedim Nazri Aziz mendapat manfaat daripada Michael Chia melalui sebuah kenderaan mewah jenis Hummer hitam dengan nombor pendaftaran WNX 9776.

“Kereta mewah Hummer WNX 9776 ini bernilai RM459,000 dimiliki oleh Michael Chia, dan ini boleh disahkan melalui carian saman di laman web MyEG,” kata Rafizi (gambar) dalam sidang medianya di Parlimen hari ini.

‘I did not get RM3m from Chia but the car…’

Nazri Abdul Aziz denies receiving RM3 million
from a timber tycoon 'friend' but is unsure
if the latter lent his car to his son.
KUALA LUMPUR: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz has denied receiving any money from timber tycoon Michael Chia over a purported RM40 million scandal involving Sabah Umno.
He was responding to Malaysia Today blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (also known as RPK) who claimed that Nazri and his son Mohamad Nedim received RM3 million and a sports car respectively from Chia.
“Oh no, it’s not true, it’s not true. Chia is a friend. I don’t know if he lent the car to my son. You have to ask my son,” he told FMT in his office this afternoon.
Although he did not directly criticise Raja Petra over the claim, Nazri said that he had no problem with this matter being raised.

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