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(From left) Sidil Tangkangau (with cap), James Bagah, Suwah Buleh, Dr Jeffrey Kitingan and Rubin Guribah. |
Sidil Tangkangau, 54, PBS branch chairman for Ulu Kukut, Tempasuk, handed over his membership application form to Star Sabah chairman, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan during a Star function at Kampung Ulu Kukut in Tempasuk near here today.
Sidil who claimed to have been leading the PBS branch since 1985, told a crowd of about 200 that he finally decided to quit PBS because PBS seemed to have reached a dead-end in Tempasuk.
"There is no more to PBS struggle, we can see for ourselves what happened to our people. It is time for change," said the father of five.
Earlier, in his speech, Dr Jeffrey said Star now has youthful support everywhere and this was further manifested in the Ulu Kukut function where its organising chairman was a 23 year old young man.
"The youths are supporting us because they can see our agenda is in sync with their aspiration to recover our rights and that we are committed to deliver them a good government..." he said.
Also present were Star Sabah secretary, Guandee Kohoi, Star Kota Belud head, Rubin Guribah, Consumer Affairs and Protection Society of Sabah (CAPS) James Bagah, and Star Tempasuk co-ordinator Suwah Buleh who is the likely Star candidate for Tempasuk.
Tan Sri Pairin,
ReplyDeletePls hear the voices on the ground.
Leave BN and bring PBS to team up with STAR and Usno.
Fight for Sabah as what you did in 1985.
Just do it before it is too late.
There is no good in Umno anymore.
Umno has become a party for leaders and cronies.
It has forgotten the rakyat.
PBS has forgotten the rakyat.
Change before it is too late.
Join forces with Star and Usno.
Correct the mistake when Usno was left aside.
Bring Sabah forward as an equal partner.
Don't let Malaya, Umno and others dictate Sabah.
DeleteThis is a good news for STAR.. The grasroots have long gone to Star, it is the leaders with benefits and all the comforts that are sticking with UMNO, for reasons you all know best.. So dont pray for PBS to leave UMNO and BN, that will only prolong PBS leaders stay in power for which they have failed so miserably in defending Sabahans rights.
ReplyDeleteEnough is enough ! Vote for STAR, make PBS candidates lose their deposits at the coming general election.. .
Personally I think he has made his own mind, nothing to do with the other people.
DeletePBS masih kuat dan relevan...Star baru muncul di sabah...bukan lawan PBS..
DeleteIt is not the party but the individual that has to see the light. Example I would work for BN if they offered me a good income and perks but if I am a better person, I would work for STAR even if the offer was less and the perks satisfactory. At the end of the day, as long as I am happy at myself and I am doing whats right for the community. Remember it's the individual and their beliefs.
ReplyDeleteVery much indeed. He made his mind and his choice after all. Why make big fuss over it? Dumb.
Deleteitu pilihan individu...terpulang kepada mereka..
Deleteinilah peluang yang ada pada kita untuk perubahan, biar pembangkang disabah bekerja sama dalam pilihanraya memenangi semua kerusi parlimen dan adun,agenda borneo menjadi keyataan, barulah kita bebas membangunkan negeri kita yang ketingalan 50 tahun yang dijajah melaya.
ReplyDeleteTolonglah, pembangkang hanya pandai berbelah bagi.
Deletemasalahnya pembangkang di sabah belum lagi dapat bekerjasama antara satu dengan lain terutama berhubung dengan pembahagian kerusi...masing2 tamak...pembangkang di sabah hanya mementingkan keinginan diri mereka..
DeleteSemangat star ambil hati rakyat. Bagus jugalah tapi soal rakyat nak sokong ka tak hanya akan diketahui next GE nanti.
ReplyDeletekita tgk ja nnti berapa ramai akan sokong star.
DeleteStar Sabah mungkin sama saja dengan Star di Sarawak sebelum ni..
DeleteApa boleh buat la kalau pembangkang memang suka nak buat tu.
DeleteStar tidak akan menjadi kerajaan negeri...
DeleteSidil Tangkangau, kenapa saya tidak pernah dengar nama ini? Mungkin walaupun lama berkhidmat tapi prestasi kurang menonjol.
ReplyDeletenama pun tidak dikenal.. orang ni tk memberi kesan sgt pun.
DeleteMaksudnya tiada sumbangan pun dalam PBS.
DeleteJust one simple member and make a huge headline about it.
DeleteLol. You've got your point there. Who is Sidil Tangkangau? Even if he jumps to Star, maybe it will not give any significant impact on PBS.
Deletememang tidak akan memberi kesan kepada PBS...apa sumbangan beliau? mesti tiada..
DeleteMereka yang tidak lagi ada hati untuk berjuang bersama PBS lebih baik pergi sajalah supaya tidak menjadi batu penghalang kepada parti.
ReplyDeleteHak mereka untuk memilih mana parti yang ingin mereka sertai.
DeleteYou have to considerate the bad and good impact to yourself when making a decision.
ReplyDeleteMake sure no regret after making any decision.
DeleteBut it is your right to choose what is good for you.
ReplyDeleteWhat they think its good for them may not be good for them. Members should choose party wisely if they intend to jump.
DeleteSa tak sabar nak tunggu PRU tapi seronok juga nak lihat karenag para pemimpin yang nak tunjuk hero ni. Ada saja yang mereka buat.
ReplyDeletesemua pun mahukan kemenangan pada pru akan datang..mungkin sengit ini nanti.
DeleteBagaimanapun, harap rakyat bijak menilai perkara ini.
ReplyDeleteguess PBS truly needs Pairin's magic touch this time...
ReplyDeletetentu ada sebab tertentu mengapa beliau keluar dari PBS
ReplyDeletebiarlah asalkan beliau puas hati dengan keputusan sendiri
ReplyDeleteits his decision to jump. This is not a big matter at all .
DeleteEntah apa yang menghairankan sangat. Lainlah jika nama2 besar yang lompat parti.
Deleteapa yang penting sekarang ialah PBS kena kerja keras untuk menyakinkan rakyat bahawa parti masih utamakan suara rakyat
ReplyDeleteThere is still hope for PBS till election comes. Prove to the people that they are still worth voting for.
Deletekita tunggu sahaja parti mana yang berhak menjadi pemimpin di PRU13 nanti
ReplyDeleteMay the best man win.
DeleteSaya yakin, pasti yang terbaik juga akan menang tu:)
Deletemore on more members are jumping from one party to another. With the election coming, there is no wonder that many members are facing dilemma whether their party is the winning team.
ReplyDeletebertukar parti ni macam sering berlaku dalam politik.
DeleteRajin pembangkang berusaha... Pedulilah, biar rakyat yang putuskan bila tiba masanya nanti.
ReplyDeleteRakyat saja yang boleh membuat keputusan, parti yang bertanding perlulah berusaha untuk mendapatkan keyakinan rakyat.
DeletePBS masih relevan lagi..
ReplyDeleteI am a PBS supporter and I support Datuk Pairin and Datuk Yee. PBS is still relevant, just keep on fighting for the people's rights.
DeleteDiharapkan pemimpin PBS akan terus berkhidmat kepada rakyat.
DeleteIt is up to them if they wanted to quit the party, we should respect their decision.
ReplyDeleteBalik-balik kita dengan yang mana ahli BN keluar menyertai Pembangkang seperti STAR, PAS dan PKR. Tapi tidak pula ada berita yang mana ahli PKR yang keluar menyertai STAR.
ReplyDeleteTidak hairanlah perkara ini berlaku. Setiap orang ada pendirian sendiri.
ReplyDeletepilihan masing-masing parti mana yang mahu disertainya.
ReplyDeletesetiap orang ada parti pilihan sendiri.
ReplyDeletedalam politik ada yang keluar dan ada yang masuk. itu lumrah..
ReplyDeletetapi ada yang berkira2 mau keluar tapi masih juga tidak keluar.. itu bukan lumrah tu.. itu hipokrit dan opportunist..
Deletemana2 pemimpin BN yang masih menyimpan niat untuk meninggalkan BN, baik contohi sidil.. keluar terus tanpa berdolak dalik di media..