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Deporting Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar was a big mistake, and Sabah authorities must explain. |
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah PKR secretary Dr Roland Chia Ming Shen has questioned the rationale behind the Immigration Department’s decision to bar PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar from entering Sabah yesterday.
“What has she done wrong to receive such a treatment? Is she a threat to the security of Sabah?
“The state Immigration Department certainly owes the people of Malaysia and Sabah in particular, an explanation on this. Failing which, they should immediately apologise to her,” he said.
Nurul was barred from entering Sabah at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) on Thursday evening and deported to Kuala Lumpur soon after.
Chia, who is also Inanam assemblyman, contended that he did not see any good reason to bar the Lembah Pantai MP from entering Sabah, as she was visiting on the invitation of Penampang MP Darell Leiking, in conjunction with the Harvest Festival.
Chia said while it was understandable if the state government issued orders to go all out to crack down on criminals and illegal immigrants entering the state, it was however stunning that a duly elected MP could be deported simply because she is from the opposition.
He reminded that in the past, the government had invited MPs from Peninsular Malaysia, including those from the opposition, to come to Sabah to celebrate such event.
Nurul arrived at Kota Kinabalu on Thursday evening, but was stopped at immigration.
Big mistake, says Umno MP
Leiking who was waiting for her at the airport, said he had been told there was a secret list of people who were barred from entering Sabah, and the Lembah Pantai MP was one of them.
Leiking who was waiting for her at the airport, said he had been told there was a secret list of people who were barred from entering Sabah, and the Lembah Pantai MP was one of them.
“There are other MPs who will be denied entry into Sabah. When (I) pressed for their names, denied access. Deemed to be secret.”
Nurul is the second PKR leader barred from entering Sabah after its other vice president Tian Chua, who was denied entry upon arriving at Kota Kinabalu, last April 6.
Nurul had hoped to attend the two-day Kaamatan celebration that ends today.
Meanwhile Umno’s Kinabatangan MP Bung Mokthar has described Nurul’s deportation as a” big mistake” and a “disaster”.
He tweeted that he believed “it was a big mistake… and it needs to be corrected”.
He also tagged Nurul Izzah and Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman in his tweet yesterday.
Bung, who is an Umno Supreme Council member also reportedly quoted as saying: “I don’t understand why Nurul was not allowed to enter Sabah. If it’s true, then this is a mistake and a disaster.”
Nurul meanwhile today said that she was mulling legal action against the Sabah government.
ReplyDelete- Lord Cobbold, Cobbold Commission
"Looking back on the day when the Federation of Malaysia was formally proclaimed on Sept 16, 1963 the people of North Borneo and Sarawak leaving Brunei to continue to remain a British ‘Protectorate’ may have mixed feelings of their independence with the merger. Added questions may linger as to why Singapore on Aug 9, 1965 left the Federation to be an independent state. The proclamation by the then Prime Minister of Malaysia however may or may not over rule all such sentiments as they continue to battle their own future within the concept of the Federation of Malaysia."
If Singapore can leave Malaysia why cannot Sabah and Sarawak???
Isu ini sengaja dimainkan.
DeleteIsu Nurul sengaja dipolitikkan.
ReplyDeleteits obvious this issue is being politicized.
DeleteTindakan kerajaan kali ini mungkin tersilap.
DeleteNurul bukannya penjenayah, kenapa pula bertindak terhadapnya?
ReplyDeleteNurul is not a criminal but she may pose a threat to sabah's security.
DeleteNurul’s intentions to visit Sabah this time round may not be as innocent as she or her fellow opposition members make it out to be.
DeleteTindakan ini mendatangkan kesan sampingan yang amat negatif.
ReplyDeleteApakah pandangan oragn awam terhadap kerajaan di Sabah.
DeleteMusa sudah memberi penjelasan, adakah benar diterima, masing-masing menilaikannya.
ReplyDeleteBanyak juga pembangkang disekat masuk ke Sabah.
ReplyDeletePATI pula dialu-alukan kemasukannya.
ReplyDeleteKami lebih teruk dari PATI sebenarnya. PATI lebih menikmati kebebasan dari kami sebagai warganegara tulen.
DeleteJabatan Imigresen harus memberi penjelasan. Beliau bukannya penjenayah dan bukannya ada rekod yang tidak baik, hairan juga tindakan diambil.
ReplyDeleteNow we can see how bad the BN government against the people of Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteIni adalah tindakan terhadap parti pembangkang yang tidak sama haluan.
DeleteMalang sungguh nasib orang Lembah Pantai kerana mendapat wakil rakyat yang otaknya terputus wayar bumi.
ReplyDeleteDah lah si bapanya bodoh hinggakan sistem pilihan raya di Malaysia pun tak faham, si anak pula bebal kerana tak faham undang-undang negeri Sabah sepertimana yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
ReplyDeleteInilah politik Malaysia, demi mengukuhkan kuasa, mereka sanggup buat apa je.
ReplyDeleteJangan abaikan hak rakyat. Kami berhak dan bebas brgerak sana sini.
DeleteSebanyak 20 perjanjian yang telah dicapai antara Sabah dan Sarawak dengan Tunku Abdul Rahman sewaktu Sabah hendak menyertai Persekutuan Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteApabila semua pihak telah bersetuju, maka terbentuklah Persekutuan Malaysia pada 16 September 1963.Salah satu perkara (perkara 6) yang dipersetujui adalah kawalan imigresen.
ReplyDeleteDi mana dalam perjanjian itu telah dinyatakan bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak mempunyai kuasa imigresen sendiri untuk menghalang atau membenarkan orang dari negeri luar daripada memasuki negeri mereka.
ReplyDeleteKenapa pula prosedur dan undang-undang menyekat rakyat sendiri.
DeletePerkara ini sudah berjalan 50 tahun dan Kerajaan Persekutuan tidak pernah cuba untuk menghalang atau membatalkan perkara tersebut.
ReplyDeleteWhy now they attack their own people? Its certainly insulting.
DeleteUndang-undang harus bertindak terhadap PATI dan bukannya warganegara sendiri.
DeleteKerana itu adalah perjanjian dan hak Sabah. Jadi kerajaan pusat kena hormat walaupun gaji kakitangan imigresen itu dibayar oleh kerajaan pusat.
ReplyDeleteHari ini apabila si anak puaka tidak dapat memasuki Sabah dia melalak menyalahkan Kerajaan Sabah. Itu hak Sabah....itu kuasa mereka....siapa kau yang nak melalak-lalak ? Hormatlah sikit hak rakyat Sabah.
Rakyat Sabah telah memilih BN sebagai kerajaan untuk memimpin mereka. BN menang 48 kerusi daripada 60 kerusi yang ada. Maknanya rakyat Sabah bersetuju dengan peraturan atau perjanjian yang ada. Jadi kalau Kerajaan Sabah bertindak, kau terima sajalah.
ReplyDeleteMungkin tindakan kerajaan kali ini adalah kurang bijak.
ReplyDeleteJika bersalah, harus juga berminta maaf.
DeleteTak perlu untuk kita nak bincang jauh-jauh sebab apa dia dihalang masuk Sabah atau sebagainya. Cukup itu sahaja. Itu hak Sabah dan itu undang-undang mereka. Mereka boleh halang sesiapa dan mereka boleh benarkan sesiapa sahaja orang luar dari memasuki negeri mereka. Tolong belajar hormati hak orang. Jangan hanya fikirkan hak kamu sahaja.
ReplyDeleteUMNO menang lebih besar kali ini berbanding pada tahun 2008.
ReplyDeleteTo me, UMNO kalah besar kali ini.
DeleteUMNO harus kenal pasti kelemahannya. Kenapa pula rakyat semakin menolak khas pru13 terbuktinya.
DeleteIni adalah hakikat dan tiada siapa pun boleh sangkal! UMNO menang 88 kerusi berbanding Pakatan yang menang 89 kerusi.
ReplyDeletePenasihat PKR, Anwar Ibrahim telah meminta satu perjanjian diadakan untuk memastikan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menyerahkan kuasa sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat memenangi Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13
ReplyDeleteJikalau pembangkang menang, tidak lain tapi kena serah kuasa. Ini common.
DeleteHamid Awaludin, bekas Menteri Undang-undang dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia, berkata oleh kerana tidak terdapat sebarang perkara yang boleh membatalkan perjanjian itu, yang dibuat menjelang PRU-13 atau pada hari pengundian, maka perjanjian berkenaan terus terpakai
ReplyDeletekeadaan berubah apabila Najib diisytihar sebagai pemenang, kata Hamid. Anwar meminta perjanjian itu diadakan kerana beliau "yakin akan mencapai kemenangan pada pilihan raya itu berdasarkan hasil pungutan pendapat yang sering menyebelahinya dan jumlah hadirin pada majlis ceramah anjuran Pakatan Rakyat.
ReplyDeleteLaporan media baru-baru ini menyebut Anwar menafikan beliau memungkiri perjanjian damai yang diatur Jusuf dan mendakwa bekas Naib Presiden Indonesia itu menemuinya untuk menawarkan bantuan bagi memastikan urusan selepas PRU-13 berjalan secara teratur.
ReplyDeleteAdakah laporan ini benar atau cuma rekaan semata-mata.
DeletePRU-13 menyaksikan BN, yang diterajui Najib, kembali berkuasa apabila memenangi 133 daripada 222 kerusi parlimen.
ReplyDeleteOleh kerana tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan itu, Anwar dan Pakatan Rakyat mengadakan perhimpunan di seluruh negara sejak 8 Mei dengan mendakwa berlaku penipuan pilihan raya.
ReplyDeleteAnwar tahu Najib tidak menandatangani perjanjian itu, tapi Najib memberi jaminan beliau akan mematuhi perjanjian.
ReplyDeleteCuma mereka berdua yang tahu apakah yang berlaku.
DeleteInilah mainan kedua hero negara.
Deletekata Hamid, sehari selepas kemenangan Najib, beliau tetap optimistik perjanjian itu akan terus terpakai dan kedua-dua pihak akan mematuhinya. Tetapi, Anwar memungkirinya
ReplyDeleteSaya rasa Anwar masih tidak dapat menerima hakikat politik
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman berkata beliau rasa ada niat yang lain pemimpin PKR mahu masuk Sabah, ini disebabkan mereka masih tidak menerima keputusan PRU-13.
DeletePRU13 sudah berakhir, tiada apa boleh dibuat lagi. Tunggu lagi 5 tahun.
DeleteLarangan ke atas pemimpin pembangkang Pakatan Rakyat Nurul Izzah Anwar daripada memasuki Sabah telah ditarik balik, kata pihak polis yang mengesahkan perkara tersebut hari ini.
ReplyDeleteTindakan kerajaan memang hairan. Ini telah mengancam kebebasan dan hak seorang waganegara tulen.
Deletebodoh la ko ni Zaidi yang menyamar..haha :D ko ingat sabah sarawak samakah dengan semenanjung. Ko tengok saja di sana keluar masuk negeri orang sesuka hati tidak ada imigresen yang berkawal di sempadan. Tapi jangan samakan Sabah dan sarawak. Sabah ada kuasa imigresen sendiri. Mereka ada kuasa menghalang sesiapa saja yang masuk. Itu juga ada dalam Perkara 20 Sabah. Setiap sempadan laluan utama ada imigresen masing-masing antara Sabah dan Sarawak.
DeletePesuruhjaya Polis Sabah, DCP Datuk Hamza Taib berkata tiada sesiapa lagi yang dilarang masuk ke negeri Borneo tersebut tetapi tidak memberikan sebab ia ditarik semula.
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Ketua Perhubungan Umno Sabah Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak menyokong penuh keputusan kerajaan negeri meminta Pengarah Jabatan Imigresen Negeri menghalang naib presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Nurul Izzah Anwar memasuki Sabah
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata kuasa menghalang seseorang daripada memasuki Sabah disebut dengan jelas oleh Seksyen 66 Akta Imigresen.
ReplyDeleteApakah kesalahan Nurul? Adakah beliau membawa senjata?
Deleteperuntukan undang-undang berupa rayuan, sentiasa ada bagi Nurul Izzah. Saya percaya keputusan ini bukan bersifat politik, tetapi untuk menjaga kepentingan dan kestabilan Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSabah perlu menyekat kemasukan mana-mana ahli politik dari luar negeri ini tanpa mengira kecenderungan politik mereka, yang datang ke negeri kami dengan niat untuk menanam perasaan curiga dan benci dalam kalangan rakyat kami," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.
ReplyDeleteKenyataan Hamza hadir selepas laporan awal hari ini mendedahkan surat dari Pejabat Ketua Menteri Sabah kepada Jabatan Imigresen yang menyenaraihitam beberapa pemimpin pembangkang daripada masuk ke negeri tersebut.
ReplyDeleteSambil menegaskan bahawa rakyat Sabah tidak mahu mengamalkan budaya politik 'pecah dan perintah' seperti yang terdapat di tempat lain,
ReplyDeleteBudaya politik pecah dan perintah tidak sesuai untuk Sabah, kita tidak akan menerima manipulasi seperti ini.
DeleteSabah merupakan sebuah negeri yang sentiasa aman serta harmoni dan "kami berbangga dengan perpaduan dalam kepelbagaian kami".
ReplyDeleteKeharmonian harus dipelihara bukan sahaja di Sabah malah seluruh negara.
DeleteKita tidak seharusnya membenarkan orang luar merosakkan keharmonian di Sabah. Perpaduan ini haruslah dipelihara untuk kebaikan kita semua.
DeleteKami tidak boleh membiarkan kepentingan Sabah dipermainkan oleh ahli politik tidak jujur dari Semenanjung Malaysia yang ingin memburu kemegahan politik peribadi," katanya.
ReplyDeleteKepentingan rakyat Sabah hanya boleh diperlindungi oleh kita sendiri.
DeleteSurat bertarikh 21 Mei itu yang menggunakan kepala surat dari pejabat Datuk Seri Musa Aman juga mengatakan senarai itu diluluskan oleh Kabinet Sabah selepas mesyuarat pertama mereka bulan lalu pada 15 Mei, 10 hari selepas pilihan raya umum ke 13.
ReplyDelete“Setakat ini polis berkata, tidak ada individu lain yang dilarang kecuali Nurul. Tetapi larangan itu pun telah ditarik balik.
ReplyDelete“Bagi pemimpin-pemimpin yang lain jika mereka mahu datang tidak ada masalah asalkan mereka mematuhi undang-undang,” kata Hamza yang dipetik berkata kepada Astro Awani.
ReplyDeleteKetua Pengarah Jabatan Imigresen, Datuk Alias Ahmad tidak dapat mengesahkan bahawa senarai hitam baru yang dikatakan melarang 10 individu daripada parti pembangkang dan pemimpin masyarakat sivil daripada memasuki Sabah.
ReplyDeleteLaporan tersebut menyenaraikan beberapa individu yang tidak dibenarkan masuk...
ReplyDeleteAntaranya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Mohd Rafizi Ramli, Datuk Ambiga Sreenavasan, Mohamad Sabu, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noor, Wong Chin Huat, Maria Chin Abdullah, Ong Boon Kiang dan Hishammuddin Rais.
ReplyDeleteDari halaman tunggal, tempoh senarai hitam atau sebab mengapa disenarai hitam tidak dinyatakan.
ReplyDeleteKhamis lalu, Nurul Izzah telah disekat untuk masuk ke Sabah sebaik sahaja mendarat di Kota Kinabalu.
ReplyDeleteMusa dilaporkan berkata mereka yang memberikan ancaman dan merosakkan keharmonian Sabah tidak dialu-alukan untuk ke negeri itu.
ReplyDeleteBeliau menambah, negeri itu tidak pernah menghalang pemimpin pembangkang sebelum pilihan raya.
ReplyDeleteMenjelaskan pada Sabtu, beliau percaya Nurul Izzah mempunyai niat lain kali ini.
ReplyDeleteNaib Presiden PKR Chua Tian Chang turut dihalang masuk ke Sabah pada April lepas.
ReplyDeleteMalah, pemimpin PR berkata mereka akan mengambil tindakan perundangan terhadap larangan ke Sabah yang dikenakan kerajaan negeri Borneo tersebut terhadap mereka atas alasan mengancam Sabah.
ReplyDeleteDr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteNURUL’S visit to Sabah was NOT only to celebrate Pesta Kaamatan. There is more to Nurul Izzah’s visit to Sabah than meets the eyes. Contrary to reports, Nurul Izzah was not just planning to celebrate Pesta Kaamatan with the Kadazandusun community in Penampang, Sabah.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteThe state immigration department, based on tip off from the police special branch, denied entry to Nurul Izzah because she was slated to meet 2 individuals (trusted East Malaysian lieutenants of Anwar, one of them from DAP) to help facilitate the inflow of funds for the party in Sabah.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteOne of these two individuals had previously worked closely with sacked Alliance Bank CEO Bridget Lai. (Bridget Lai is claimed to have played an important role in helping PKR convert millions of US dollars into Ringgit to be channelled for the 2008 General Elections but was subsequently removed over office renovation issues in 2010).
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteNow, these funds will play a crucial role in helping Pakatan Rakyat stage several rounds of rallies and conduct other activities similar to the Black 505 rallies in Semenanjung.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteWhy Anwar sent in Nurul? Because she has the image of a sweet, young and honest politician and no one will doubt her motives. Two set of envelopes were carried by Nurul when she arrived at the KK International airport via Air Asia AK5118 at around 7.00pm on Thursday.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteBased on information received by the special branch, the sealed envelopes contained, among others, payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for this 2 trusted lieutenants.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteShe was supposed to meet these two lieutenants at a hotel in KK on Friday to pass them the envelopes. In simple terms, Nurul’s presence in Sabah was as to act as a ‘facilitator’ between Anwar and the party’s operatives in Sabah for the staging of an uprising.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteAfter all, Anwar knows better that he can't send in any other senior party officials such as Azmin, Sivarasa, Surendran or Tian Chua, because they would have been barred immediately.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteJudging from her expressions at the airport, Nurul was completely surprised to learn that she could not get past the immigration counter. Surprised that someone knew what she was up to.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteAttending Pesta Kaamatan was just a clever disguise. It will not be wrong to say these funds will also play a crucial role if Anwar was to carry out a defection exercise or a MPs’ buying spree.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteWhile Section 67 of the Immigration Act 1959 allows Nurul he right to enter East Malaysia to carry out political activities, it does not allow her the right to fund political uprisings to overthrow the existing government.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeletePenampang is considered the stronghold of the Kadazandusun community and the main centre for their political and cultural development.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteA small group of people from this community infamously made Anwar Ibrahim the ‘Huguan Siou’ in February 2013. Among the culprits was PKR Ranau Chief Jonathan Yassin. Officially, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan is the ‘Huguan Siou’ for life.
Dr Roland should ask Nurul why she carried two set of envelopes containing payment & transaction details and a set of instructions assigned for 2 trusted lieutenants??
ReplyDeleteAnwar, the ''Paramount Leader' tends to forget that Sabah is a BN stronghold and there are many moles within his party twho will spoil his plans for a song and a dance.
ReplyDeleteThe Prime Minister's proposal to set-up a bipartisan committee to review the Election Commission is the right idea at the right time. In the wake of GE13, giving MPs from all parties a public forum in which to reshape the EC is fair to everyone – especially the voters.
So Najib's move to reach across the political divide seems like a no-brainer. But the real test of this initiative is surely how it would be received by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. After all, for a month he has been crying foul over his "stolen" election and at his worst has called on the entire EC to resign en masse. The negativity and self-pity seem to have no bounds.
But amazingly he has apparently accepted Najib's proposal as a way of strengthening the integrity and credibility of the EC. Could this be a sign that Anwar is now willing to accept the fact that BN won GE13 and that his campaign to discredit the outcome of the poll is futile? One would hope so.
ReplyDeleteDespite his increasingly shrill rhetoric when he speaks in public the fact remains that Anwar is an intelligent man. He will have noticed, as he repeats his charges against BN and the EC, that other members of the Pakatan Rakyat leadership have not echoed or even publicly endorsed his wild allegations. In fact the rest of his coalition accepted the outcome of GE13 weeks ago.
Then there is the delicate matter of his gentlemen's agreement with Najib, via former Indonesian vice president Jusuf Kalla, to accept the election outcome. The revelation that Anwar welched on that deal further damaged his reputation, especially inside Pakatan.
ReplyDeleteSo Anwar has multiple reasons to grudgingly accept reality. He will have finally realised that his personal campaign is causing him more harm than good and making him look like he is stuck in the past .
It should be pointed out that Anwar's acceptance of the bipartisan panel is not without its caveats – it never is with Anwar. He is still, according to The Star, calling on the EC to "start afresh" which means he is still clinging to his call for mass resignations. But for someone as stubborn as Anwar, any conciliatory gesture must be viewed as at least a minor breakthrough and a win for common sense.
ReplyDeleteAll this means that Najib's proposal is taking hold.
ReplyDeleteEMBARGO against you to entered Sabah was nothing when compared to the 23 years that I have gone through to commute to the Immigration Department to get a pass out every time you want to deal to return to Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah: even my family gets Entry Permit (PR) Sabah in 1974, two years after the period promised by the State Government expired.
ReplyDeleteAlthough our family gets PR Sabah, it was rather unfortunate because the Registration Department is negligently insert the letter 'H' in my identity card, while all my brothers and sisters, my parents have a sacred letter 'H' on their identity cards.
ReplyDeleteFinally, after 23 years of fighting, JPN agree insert the letter 'H' in my MyKad and freely in and out of Sabah and Peninsular by just showing MyKad.
ReplyDeleteThe shocked that you had on May 30, 2013, should you consider as a paradigm leap and as an excuse to start reviewing the Sabah Constitution framework that has been overlooked by the 222 Members of Parliament of Malaysia which has been 'conspiring' to downgrade Sabah as an independent and sovereign country to a "Colonial states of Malaya".
The public are advised to refrained from making any wild speculations over the recent banning of Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice- president Nurul Izzah Anwar from entering Sabah.
ReplyDeletePuteri Umno chief Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin in disclosing this said there must be a valid reason on the decision to issue a ban for her to enter the state, and it should be evaluated for the sake of protecting the existing peace and harmony.
She was commenting on Nurul Izzah who was denied entry into Sabah upon arriving in Kota Kinabalu on Thursday. She had intended to attend a party event as well as celebrating Pesta Kaamatan, or the Harvest Festival, on a personal capacity.
ReplyDeleteShe was stopped by Immigration Department officers and was ordered to return home on the advice from the CMD.
Last April, PKR vice-president Chua Tian Chang was similarly barred from entering Sabah. PKR supreme council member R Sivarasa was also once denied entry.
ReplyDeleteRosnah said the people should also view the situation from a different angle such as the opposition’s tactic to purposely create tension and denying unity, peace and harmony which has long existed in the country.
When asked to comment on the call by Kinabatangan member of parliament Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin for the CMD to issue a statement with regards to the matter to avoid confusion, Rosnah said it was up to the department to decide.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, not many Malaysians, especially Members of Parliament of Malaysia, including you, who know nothing about Sabah's concept and political landscape; as if you had forgotten that your father has been the Deputy Prime Minister who was a 'political bookie' in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteYou (Nurul Izzah) might forget that Article 7 of the 20 points / PR Promise as stated In Sabah Orange Book reaffirming that;
"7. Strengthening Sabah autonomy to revise things enshrined in Article 20 to ensure that any action in contravention of Article 20 be stopped immediately."
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm happy to say that this promise should be implemented by you because Autonomy matters has been ignored since Sabah gained independence on 16 September 1963.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Article 6: Immigration (20 points)
"The control of migration from rural to any place in Malaysia should be located under the power of the Federal Government but entry into North Borneo should also require the consent of the State Government.
ReplyDelete"The federal government should had no power to cancel anyone's entry into North Borneo if it relates to the business of state government except for security reasons only.
ReplyDelete"North Borneo should have unlimited power over the movements of a person, except for those working under the federal government than other places in North Borneo Malaysia."
Community Development and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Jainab Ahmad has lambasted the opposition for talking too much about PKR's Nurul Izzah Anwar's ban to enter Sabah but, at the same time, keeping quiet on the alleged rape of an underage girl.
ReplyDeleteShe finds it unreasonable for the opposition to make so much noise on the Nurul Izzah case as they know fully well immigration lies under the State jurisdiction and it is something to do with the State autonomy which they all have talked about before.
Jainab was referring to the on going case involving a restaurant minager who was accused of raping a 13-year-old and then marrying her.
ReplyDeleteThe 40-year-old man has also been charged with bribing her father into withdrawing the , police report lodged against-him in the Sessions Court here Monday.
Riduan Masmud, 40, however, pleaded not guilty before Sessions tourt Judge Caroline Bee Majanil to three charges against him, involving a sum of RM5,000.
The rape, which allegedly took place in a parked car in Inanam around 10am on Feb 18, was not brought to light until the 13-year old's aunt filed a Police report.
Riduan, who has two daughters and two sons with his first wife, was charged with the crime 10 days later but married the girl in the Syariah court soon after.
On another development, Jainab also hoped for a much closer cooperation between her Ministry and the department, which is under the Prime Minister's DePartment, for the benefit of all in the State.
ReplyDeleteFor strengthening national integration and understanding among Malaysians, she hoped people from the Peninsula who had or are working in Sabah would share more information and experiences with families and friends there about the State because "I find there are still many people in the Peninsula who do not know about Sabah and our people".
True liberation for people of Malaya lies in decolonisation of Sabah, Sarawak
ReplyDeleteKotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan
Selamat Pesta Kaamatan
Happy Kaamatan Festival
Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai
Salamat Ari Gawai
Selamat Gawai Dayak
Happy Gawai Dayak
True liberation for the people of Malaya will come when Sabah and Sarawak are no longer colonies and free of a Malaya masquerading as Malaysia.
There was no Referendum on Malaysia in Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei or Malaya.
There was only a Yes or No vote in Singapore on independence of the island through merger with Malaya through Malaysia, a new Federation, facilitated by Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei.
Cobbold Commission was not a Referendum.
Also, refer to the amendment on "Federation" in the codified Constitution of Malaya --- being passed off as the codified Constitution of Malaysia --- in violation of the Malaysia Agreement after the departure of Singapore in 1965. The amendment was unconstitutional, thereby unlawful and therefore illegal. The codified Constitution of Malaya is one of the many constitutional documents which would have made up the uncodified Constitution of Malaysia had there been a Referendum.
Read ... http://fernandezjoe.blogspot.com/2013/05/parallels-between-east-timor-and-sabah.html
I think you should focus on something else.
ReplyDeleteFocus on something that is relevant and useful
ReplyDeleteLike free Sabah from Malayan colonial rule?
DeletePRU13 telah berakhir dan pelantikan Kabinet baru telah selesai namun demam pilihan raya masih belum reda. Isu-isu berhubung ketidakpuasan hati segelintir ahli-ahli politik khususnya pembangkang berhubung keputusan pilihan raya masih membara sehingga membawa kepada beberapa siri perhimpunan haram.
ReplyDeletePersoalannya sampai bila akan berakhirnya drama politik pembangkang ini? Hari demi hari, siri-siri ceramah dan perhimpunan haram diadakan bagi menyemai rasa benci rakyat terhadap Kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteSituasi ini jika tidak dihentikan akan mendatangkan natijah yang amat buruk kepada perpaduan dan keharmonian rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini. Pihak berkuasa harus lebih tegas untuk mengambil tindakan ke atas politik songsang yang cuba diterapkan pembangkang.
ReplyDeleteNegara kita mempunyai undang-undang yang jelas. Rasa tidak puas hati terhadap sistem pilihan raya ini boleh disalurkan menerusi saluran undang-undang.
ReplyDeleteSetiap parti politik mempunyai tempoh masa selama 21 hari untuk mengemukakan petisyen masing-masing selepas keputusan pilihan raya diwartakan oleh SPR.
ReplyDeleteKenapa saluran ini tidak digunakan sepenuhnya? Kenapa pula ia dicanangkan dalam perhimpunan haram?
ReplyDeleteRakyat harus sedar dengan hasutan dan politik kotor sebegini. Ahli-ahli politik pembangkang juga harus lebih matang dan tidak terikut-ikut dengan keinginan serta kegelojohan manusia yang mengejar cita-cita menjadi Perdana Menteri.
ReplyDeleteTakkan kita mahu negara kita sentiasa dalam situasi pilihan raya? Kita mahukan pembangunan. Kita mahukan kemajuan. Kita menuntut parti-parti yang bertanding untuk memenuhi manifesto atau aku janji yang dibuat semasa kempen.
ReplyDeleteBagaimana pembangunan, kemajuan dan aku janji ini dapat dipenuhi sekiranya ahli politik sentiasa berpolitik dan tidak menjalankan tugasnya.
ReplyDeleteBelajar cara politik negara-negara maju, di mana kempen-kempen politik hanya berlangsung semasa musim pilihan raya sahaja.
ReplyDeleteSebaik sahaja keputusan calon yang menang dibuat dan perdana menteri dilantik maka calon-calon yang kalah akan menyeru penyokong-penyokongnya untuk berhenti berkempen dan menyokong kerajaan yang ada.
ReplyDeleteSemua yang dibuat adalah atas dasar kepentingan negara. Mengambil contoh Australia, sebaik sahaja Julia Gillard dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri maka Ketua Pembangkang Tony Abbot akur kepada kekalahan dan menyeru rakyat menyokong kepimpinan Julia Gillard.
ReplyDeleteKau pun sama asyik fokus berita tu je
ReplyDeleteMasyarakat luar bandar digesa supaya melibatkan diri secara aktif dengan pelbagai program yang dianjurkan oleh agensi kerajaan dan swasta bertujuan yang meningkatkan taraf hidup dan masa depan yang lebih terjamin.
ReplyDeletePembantu Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, Datuk Dr. Joachim Gunsalam, berkata, ini termasuk penglibatan masyarakat terutama pelajar dan ibu bapa dalam program perkongsian pintar, anjuran Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) yang mengadakan program pendidikan luar sejak beberapa tahun lalu di seluruh daerah di negeri ini.
ReplyDeleteprogram yang bertujuan memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat dan pelajar terhadap kepentingan pendidikan dalam membuat perubahan masa depan sesebuah masyarakat, terutama generasi pelajar.
ReplyDeleteselaras dengan usaha kerajaan melalui Kementerian Pelajaran dalam memastikan generasi hari ini dan akan datang mempunyai tahap minda kelas pertama, bagi membolehkan masa depan negara diwarisi oleh golongan berpendidikan tinggi serta berintegriti.
ReplyDeleteMasa depan negara kelak akan diwarisi oleh generasi hari ini yang sudah tentu akan berhadapan dengan cabaran yang cukup hebat dan memerlukan ilmu pengetahuan, kemahiran serta nilai patriotisme yang tinggi
ReplyDeleteGolongan belia di negeri ini bukan sahaja diseru memartabatkan budaya bangsa malah perlu mempelajari bahasa ibunda suku masing-masing agar tidak luput ditelan zaman.
ReplyDeletepenguasaan bahasa ibunda perlu dipelajari agar keunikan kepelbagaian suku dan bahasa di negeri ini dapat dikekalkan.
ReplyDelete“Jangan sehingga bahasa kita dilupakan kerana bahasa melambangkan bangsa, hilang bahasa keturunan kita turut hilang identiti, maka bangsa menjadi tidak bermaya lagi."
ReplyDelete“Kita perlu memberi perhatian serius terhadap perkara ini kerana ianya mempunyai implikasi terhadap bangsa kita di masa akan datang sekiranya tidak ditangani lebih awal,’’
ReplyDeletesudah dijelaskan oleh Musa bahawa larangan terhadap Nurul bukanlah bermotif politik.
ReplyDeleteOrang ramai diingatkan tidak terpengaruh dengan tindakan pembangkang yang cuba menggugat keamanan negara melalui perhimpunan dan demonstrasi haram kerana tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan pilihan raya umum lalu.
ReplyDeletehli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Sebatik, Abdul Muis Picho berkata, tindakan menganjurkan perhimpunan haram itu jelas menunjukkan pembangkang tidak tahu menghargai keharmonian dan keamanan negara yang dikecapi selama ini.
ReplyDeleteKatanya, penganjuran itu bukan sahaja menunjukkan sikap tidak profesional dalam kalangan pemimpin pembangkang malah menimbulkan pelbagai permasalahan dan menyusahkan banyak pihak.
ReplyDelete"Tindakan mereka tidak lebih daripada mahu menghina kerajaan dan pihak berkuasa, malah cuba menghasut, memfitnah serta memburuk-burukkan imej negara kepada negara luar.
ReplyDeleteMereka tidak menghargai keharmonian yang kita kecapi selama ini
ReplyDeleteMereka tidak menghargai keharmonian yang kita kecapi selama ini
ReplyDeleteApa yang cuba mereka lakukan adalah mengkucar-kacirkan perpaduan rakyat dan mahu melihat rakyat memberontak. Ini sesuatu yang perlu kita hindari," katanya
ReplyDeleteSehubungan itu, katanya, rakyat di negeri ini perlu menolak sekeras-kerasnya fahaman songsang pembangkang yang cuba mengganggu-gugat keharmonian masyarakat terutama di negeri ini yang mempunyai pelbagai kaum dan kepercayaan.
ReplyDeleteJelasnya, orang ramai di negeri ini diingatkan terus bersatu hati bagi memantap lagi perpaduan kaum serta bersama menjaga keamanan dan kesejahteraan negara.
ReplyDeleteSementara itu, Abdul Muis yang juga Timbalan Ketua UMNO Kalabakan turut melahirkan penghargaan kepada Perkasa atas sokongan padu mereka kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berharap sokongan padu itu dapat diberikan secara berterusan seluruh ahli Perkasa dan masyarakat supaya lebih banyak perancangan dan agenda pembangunan dapat dirangka kerajaan BN sekali gus boleh dilaksana dalam tempoh lima tahun ini.
ReplyDeleteTime should not be wasted on excessive politicking as there is too much to do to keep the country moving forward, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
ReplyDeleteTime should not be wasted on excessive politicking as there is too much to do to keep the country moving forward, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. It is true as it hinders focus on whats right for the nation.
ReplyDeleteWe cannot afford to waste time on excessive politicking because that will divert our attention from the bigger issue of fulfilling the mandate of the people in pursuing faster development.
ReplyDeleteWith the elections already over, the time has come for us to move forward as a country,” he said at his first monthly gathering since the 13th general election with staff of the Prime Minister's Office.
ReplyDeleteNajib also urged everyone to heed the advice of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to accept the outcome of the polls.
ReplyDeleteOn the claim that some 40,000 foreigners had been flown in to boost votes for the ruling coalition in the polls, the Prime Minister criticised it as an example of a calculated effort over several months to build public distrust against the Government.
ReplyDeleteNajib speaking during his first monthly gathering with the staff of the Prime Minister’s Office since the general election at the Perdana Putra in Putrajaya. It is about the condemnation for the accused act of using Bangladeshis which is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteThe accusation that we brought in 40,000 Mat Bangla (Bangladeshis) does not make sense. It is not possible to hide so many names on the electoral roll.
ReplyDeleteTo move 40,000 people, you would need 100 jumbo jets. It doesnt make any sense.
ReplyDeleteTo send them to the polling centres, you would need 1,000 buses. And if they try to vote, am sure the polling agents will protest.
ReplyDeleteThe situation was unhealthy as it created a sense of paranoia among the public as shown in several incidents on polling day.
ReplyDeleteAgree UMNO should stop threatening citizens with "riots", arresting people for "sedition", speaking the truth about UMNO, criticizing election frauds, corruption, deaths in custody, involvement of UMNO in smuggling illegals into Sabah, stealing our oil and over taxing us...
DeleteBy Allah the whole situation is most unhealthy!
It reached a point where just because a person looked a little similar (to foreigners), they ended up being assaulted.
DeleteWhat more can say?
Yes, take all the illegals with you!
Najib added that the Barisan-led Federal Government needed to learn how to better manage negative perceptions perpetuated against it online.
ReplyDeleteNajib created many negative perceptions of himself as an effete and lane duck leader.
DeleteIt is time he should take a long holiday and let Muyihidin takeover.
Perception can be formed in many ways. Maybe not in a face- to-face meeting but through Facebook.
ReplyDeleteThat such a “war of perception” had impacted the Government's credibility in the eyes of the public as some were duped by concerted efforts to discredit the federal ruling administration.
ReplyDeleteThe opposition will always find the government fault no matter how little day and night as they are bitter hearted for not winning the GE13.
ReplyDeleteUMNO as banned a list of Malayan opposition leaders from entering Sabah.
DeleteWonder what is their fault?
No wonder so many people hate UMNO.
No hard feelings!
"No wonder so many people hate UMNO"
DeleteMany?? or is it just you?
ReplyDeleteA comment on Friday, 31 May 2013 23:59 posted by FCUKMSIA! in Malaysia Chronicle
Don't blame Sabah or Sarawak.
It is one of the pre-Malaysia conditions that these 2 countries control their immigration amongst other reserved rights in giving up their independence to form Malaysia as equal partners.
However, Nurul could not get into Sabah because UMNO told its puppet Musa to stop her entering.
Yes this is because Sabah and Sarawak became colonies of Malaya and UMNO dictates the show.
We are suffering more than you in Malaya because all our oil money is being used to develop Malaya and enrich the UMNO minority elites and their cronies in the 3 countries in Malaysia (in case you also don't know this part of history- Malaya Sabah and Sarawak)
Sabah and Sarawak are now the poorest 12th and 13th States of Malaya. Not equal partners as 3 countries in Malaysia.
You don't own us but you have all collectively been guilty of enjoying the "development" Malaya had from our money.
Mariam Mohktar recently observed that without Sabah and Sarawak propping up the Malayan economy, you guys will be in serious strife!
So we are the slaves and coolies who finance your good life and get abused because you are so ignorant about what Malaysia is supposed to be!
On the bright side, Nurul will be welcome with open arms- when we become free and independent countries again.
Sarawak was independent on 22 July 1963.
Sabah independent on 31 Aug 1963
Malaysia formed on 16 September 1963.
Check your history books and ask why you cannot find this information and you know who to blame!
Opposition has been trying to instil hatred and mistrust among the people so that they will go against BN government.
ReplyDeleteNewly appointed Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman pledged to work harder to bring more development for Sabah and in the pursuit of good governance to justify the people's confidence entrusted in the ruling coalition.
ReplyDelete"We will fulfill the people's mandate entrusted to the BN and prove our commitment by carrying out the developmental programmes and policies outlined in the manifesto for Sabah," he said.
ReplyDeleteMusa, who successfully defended his Sungai Sibuga legislative assembly seat (DUN) with a majority of 11,569 votes, believe the recent success of the Sabah BN to form the government with two thirds majority reflected the people's confidence in the ruling coalition to lead the state.
However, despite the win Musa said he was far from satisfied from the achievement, saying efforts must be intensified with extra focus given to the people's wellbeing.
DeleteExpressing his gratitude to the people of Sabah, Musa pledged that the new Sabah BN cabinet would put Sabah on the fast-track to development.
"I promise to take the responsibility as Chief Minister and pledge to work closely with the new state cabinet and all parties to fulfill the promises that we made to the people and for the betterment of the state," he said.
DeleteIn addition, Musa said the election victory would strengthen cooperation between the Federal government under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and the State government in order to bring greater development to Sabah.
On BN’s defeat in areas with majority Chinese and Kadazandusun electorate, Musa said the Sabah BN government would examine their dissatisfactions and pledged to improve their performance in order to meet the expectations of the people.
DeleteSabah BN retained two-thirds majority in the state, controlling 48 of 60 seats in the State Legislative Assembly (DUN).
DeleteHowever, the coalition lost 12 seats compared to three in the last elections in 2008. Parti Keadilan Rakyat(PKR) successfully penetrated several areas namely Api-Api, Moyog, Kedamaian, Matunggong, Tamparuli, Klias and Inanam
This time around the opposition scored four seats, namely, one in Luyang, one in Kapayan, another in Sri Tanjong and a fourth in Likas, a far cry from the lone seat it won in 2008. A state opposition party STAR won one seat in Bingkor.-Insight Sabah
DeleteBioekonomi adalah satu strategi pemacuan ekonomi yang holistik berasaskan prinsip kelestarian, sebagai kesinambungan kepada Dasar Bioteknologi Negara atau DBN yang telah diselaraskan dengan strategi-strategi transformasi ekonomi negara.
ReplyDeleteInisiatif bioekonomi bertujuan untuk memastikan strategi pembangunan bioteknologi negara terus menyokong hasrat Malaysia untuk mencapai status negara maju menjelang tahun 2020.
ReplyDeleteProgram transformasi bioekonomi (BTP) ini dirangka supaya ia dapat membawa keberhasilan jangka panjang dan lestari kepada ekonomi, produktiviti, daya saing dan kesejahteraan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteAntara sasaran awal BTP adalah penjanaan Pendapatan Negara Kasar sejumlah RM3.6bil, sekurang-kurangnya RM10bil dalam pelaburan dan lebih 16,000 peluang pekerjaan pendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020, kata Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Ongkil
ReplyDeleteSejak pelancaran DBN negara pada tahun 2005, industri bioteknologi negara telah berkembang dan beralih dari fasa pertama (pembinaan kapasiti) ke fasa terkini (pengkomersilan produk industri bioteknologi).
ReplyDeleteLebih 210 syarikat telah dianugerahkan status bionexus dengan jumlah pelaburan yang diluluskan bernilai lebih daripada RM2 bil.
ReplyDeleteJumlah syarikat bionexus ini termasuk juga syarikat-syarikat dari negeri Sabah dan kami yakin bilangan ini akan bertambah lagi, hasil daripada pelaburan dan pembangunan bioekonomi yang akan dimeterai di majlis hari ini,kata Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus.
ReplyDeletenegeri Sabah dan Sarawak yang kaya dengan sumber bio amat sesuai sebagai pemangkin untuk membangunkan bioekonomi negara.
ReplyDeletePerjanjian kerjasama di antara biotechcorp dengan SEDIA merangkumi beberapa sektor utama bioekonomi yang berteraskan bioteknologi.
ReplyDeleteKerjasama dalam sektor bioteknologi pertanian yang akan merangkumi pembangunaan bersama tanaman iklim sederhana di Kundasang; projek akuakultur di Semporna dan Kudat, serta pembangunan bersama rantaian tanaman makanan premium dengan platform bioteknologi termoden di Sabah Agro-Industrial Precinct (SAIP).
ReplyDeleteAntara cadangan dalam pembangunan bioteknologi industri adalah pembangunan bersama kompleks biorefineri di Palm Oil Industrial Cluster di Sandakan; perjanjian dengan Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd untuk pembekalan biomas sawit kepada kompleks biorefineri; pembangunan bersama kompleks biorefineri berasaskan sumber kayu dan hutan di Lahad Datu; dan cadangan perjanjian bersama Sabah Softwoods Bhd untuk bekalan biomas. Pertukaran dokumen antara SEDIA, BiotechCorp dan syarikat bionexus Terra Garden Biotech pula berkait projek penanaman secara komersial pokok betik di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBagi sektor bioteknologi penjagaan kesihatan, projek bersama Desa Cattle (S) Sdn Bhd dan Sawit Kinabalu di SAIP dicadangkan merangkumi penerokaan pembangunan bovine low molecular weight heparin halal yang merupakan sejenis produk farmasutikal nilai tinggi.