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Opposition assemblyman Jeffrey Kitingan's takeway from the first post GE13 assembly sitting was that the DUN had lost its lustre as a dignified legislative body. |
KOTA KINABALU: Bingkor assemblyman Jeffrey Kitingan had the surprise of his life witnessing the conduct of the Sabah State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting over the last few days.
His takeaway after attending the first sitting under the new Barisan Nasional government following last month’s general election was that the august house had lost its lustre and failed to rise to expectations of a dignified legislative body.
In his own words, the atmosphere in the DUN was akin to a “kandang sapi” (cowshed).His takeaway after attending the first sitting under the new Barisan Nasional government following last month’s general election was that the august house had lost its lustre and failed to rise to expectations of a dignified legislative body.
Jeffrey, who last sat in the august House in the 1990s, said the DUN was no longer a place where elected lawmakers can express their views and speak for the people, especially when debating the government’s policy.
“I find it is like a kandang sapi … there is no discipline, no control, no freedom of speech, and they (the BN reps) gang up together, from the backbenchers to the ministers and Speakers.
“Even the Speaker gets involved in the argument, making comments when he is supposed to control the conduct of the session,” he told reporters on the last day of the four-day DUN sitting today.
Annoyed by what he saw as shallow queries that threw him off his stride and ate up precious time, Jeffrey who is the State Reform Party (STAR Sabah) chairman said leaders today appeared limited by their attitude which was in turn dictated by indoctrination.
“They (backbenchers and ministers) are taking advantage of the Speaker (Salleh Tun Said Keruak).
“They kept interrupting, raising the Point of Order and asking for ‘penjelasan’ (explanation). But instead of asking me (to clarify), they go around talking about it. When I pointed out that it is not right (to do so), the Speaker does not adhere.
“I am surprised that there are things I can say outside but I cannot say inside the House, when it is supposed to be the other way around.
“(I can’t use) words like ‘autonomy’ and ‘negara’ and that is why I am very disappointed. We are supposed to progress from those colonial and old days to better days,” he said.
Let opposition do their part
Jeffrey said he was amazed that the elected representatives did not seem like they were working together for the good of the country and the people.
“We are one system … we are in the same system. The government has its role, so does the opposition.
“So why not let us express our part and let them (ministers) listen, and let the people listen if it is good.
“I was not even attacking the government, just merely giving suggestion how to improve the finance of the government, how to claim our rights and revenue from the collection of the federal government,” he said.
Jeffrey had during his debate on the motion of thanks to the Yang DiPertua Negri Tun Juhar Mahiruddin urged the government to claim its right under Schedule 10 to recover 40% of the revenue collected by the federal government.
“This is the Constitution. Imagine 40% of RM40 billion … this year they are projecting to collect RM40 billion in taxes, which is the nett revenue minus capitation and road grants.
“Lets just say the minimum, after deducting the two grants which may not even come up to RM5 billion, we will have RM35 billion.
“So 40% from that is RM14 billion, which is additional funds for Sabah plus the RM4 billion they collect from the state government.
“We can have about RM18 billion in state revenue and it is much better than the RM4 billion we are getting now.
“And the same thing goes with the oil taken from the state, which is taken improperly.
“I suggested that we request for a review because it is within our rights. We are not asking something that does not belong to us,” said Jeffrey.
Kementerian Kerajaan Tempatan dan Perumahan bersetuju mengenai cadangan supaya Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara membenarkan penggantian status Sino-Native kepada Sino-Kadazan, Sino-Dusun dan sebagainya bagi pendaftaran suku kaum dalam sijil lahir, kata Menterinya, Datuk Hajiji Mohd Noor.
ReplyDeleteKementerian saya bersetuju dengan syor ini dan akan mengadakan perbincangan dengan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara untuk dilaksanakan sewajarnya
kata Hajiji ketika menyampaikan ucapan penggulungan bagi Kementeriannya dalam Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN), ke-14 bagi penggal pertama, di sini, kelmarin.
ReplyDeleteCadangan tersebut telah disyorkan oleh Adun Kapayan, Dr. Edwin Bosi ketika membahaskan Ucapan Dasar Kerajaan pada persidangan DUN ke-14 bagi Penggal Pertama,
Sementara itu, Hajiji menegaskan bahawa sehingga kini Kerajaan Negeri belum membuat keputusan ke atas syor Jawatankuasa Kabinet mengenai status perakuan Tafsiran Anak Negeri pada tahun 2002 dan 2003.
ReplyDeleteKatanya, perkara ini perlu dikaji dan diperhalusi secara terperinci supaya kerajaan tidak membuat keputusan sewenang-wenangnya sehingga memudaratkan kepentingan Anak Negeri pada masa akan datang memandangkan ia amat rumit dan sensitif.
Dalam hal yang lain, Hajiji berkata semua Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) di seluruh negeri akan memperhebatkan lagi usaha untuk menangani masalah kebersihan.
ReplyDeleteKatanya, antara langkah yang diambil adalah melancarkan Kempen Anti Kutu Sampah (KAKS) yang bertujuan untuk melaksanakan Undang-Undang Kecil (Anti Sampah Sarap) Seragam 2010 di mana semua pegawai penguatkuasa di semua PBT telah diberi kursus perundangan tentang cara-cara mengambil langkah ke atas kutu sampah.
Dalam pada itu, pihak PBT telah diminta untuk mengemukakan senarai tandas- tandas awam yang perlu diperbaiki, dinaiktaraf dan dibina baru untuk mendapatkan peruntukan kewangan daripada Kementerian sama ada di peringkat Negeri atau Persekutuan.
ReplyDeleteSementara itu, Hajiji menafikan dakwaan Adun Sri Tanjong, Chan Foong Hin yang menyatakan banjir kilat yang sering berlaku di Pasar Besar Tawau adalah disebabkan oleh sistem perparitan yang tidak diselenggara.
That means Sabah state parliament is left with nothing to talk about!
As in many former empires, the rulers kept eunuchs in their palace - men who have been “disempowered” to be neither man nor woman.
No doubt those MPs in parliament must find it excruciating to endure a situation where they have been all but physically castrated by their foreign imperialist masters from across the s. China sea.
They are there to lend legitimacy to the artificially created neo-colonial Malaysia to make people believe that they have a democracy in Malaysia.
Larangan memasuki Sabah yang dikenakan terhadap beberapa pemimpin pembangkang baru-baru ini dilakukan melalui pertimbangan yang wajar bagi memastikan ketenteraman dan keharmonian di negeri ini tidak terjejas.
ReplyDeleteKetua Menteri, Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata, larangan tersebut bersifat sementara dan kerajaan negeri telah membuat keputusan menarik balik larangan itu setelah keadaan kembali reda.
ReplyDelete"Kerajaan negeri telah menerima nasihat daripada pihak keselamatan bahawa semasa larangan tersebut dikuatkuasakan keadaan di Semenanjung agak tegang bila perhimpunan haram besar-besaran telah diadakan pihak pembangkang.
ReplyDelete"Untuk mengelakkan perkara ini daripada merebak ke Sabah terutama ketika musim perayaan Pesta Menuai, kerajaan negeri membuat keputusan untuk menghalang mereka," katanya.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata demikian dalam ucapan penggulungan yang dibacakan Menteri di Jabatan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Teo Chee Kang sempena Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah Ke-14
ReplyDeleteWe cannot afford to waste time on excessive politicking because that will divert our attention from the bigger issue of fulfilling the mandate of the people in pursuing faster development.
ReplyDeleteWith the elections already over, the time has come for us to move forward as a country,” he said at his first monthly gathering since the 13th general election with staff of the Prime Minister's Office.
ReplyDeleteNajib also urged everyone to heed the advice of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to accept the outcome of the polls.
ReplyDeleteOn the claim that some 40,000 foreigners had been flown in to boost votes for the ruling coalition in the polls, the Prime Minister criticised it as an example of a calculated effort over several months to build public distrust against the Government.
ReplyDeleteNajib speaking during his first monthly gathering with the staff of the Prime Minister’s Office since the general election at the Perdana Putra in Putrajaya. It is about the condemnation for the accused act of using Bangladeshis which is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteThe accusation that we brought in 40,000 Mat Bangla (Bangladeshis) does not make sense. It is not possible to hide so many names on the electoral roll.
ReplyDeleteTo move 40,000 people, you would need 100 jumbo jets. It doesnt make any sense.
ReplyDeleteTo send them to the polling centres, you would need 1,000 buses. And if they try to vote, am sure the polling agents will protest.
ReplyDeleteThe situation was unhealthy as it created a sense of paranoia among the public as shown in several incidents on polling day.
ReplyDeleteIt reached a point where just because a person looked a little similar (to foreigners), they ended up being assaulted.
ReplyDeletePerception can be formed in many ways. Maybe not in a face- to-face meeting but through Facebook.
ReplyDeleteThat such a “war of perception” had impacted the Government's credibility in the eyes of the public as some were duped by concerted efforts to discredit the federal ruling administration.
ReplyDeleteThe opposition will always find the government fault no matter how little day and night as they are bitter hearted for not winning the GE13.
ReplyDeleteAlso, to rebutt the opposition of sayin BN do not respect the Sabah's autonomy, previously Chief Minister Musa Aman has come out to defend the state’s Section 66 Immigration laws and the decision to bar Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar from Sabah.
ReplyDeleteAs Sabah's immigration rights are unique and specially made during the joining of Sabah into the Malaysian federation.
ReplyDeleteMusa said contrary to what was being spread in the social media, the ban on the PKR vice-president was not politically motivated. It was for safety reasons and the state cannot be questioned for it.
ReplyDeleteIn the recent past other opposition leaders have come and moved freely throughout Sabah as well, especially during the run-up to the elections. Surely the state government have reasons why to barr Nurul into this state.
ReplyDeleteThey (Pakatan Rakyat) spread the same tactics of lies, deceit and slander to hoodwink the people. We didn’t stop them.
ReplyDeleteNow that the elections are long over, their leader (Anwar Ibrahim) cannot to accept the verdict.
ReplyDeleteIt is a case of sour grapes and ungentlemanly conduct. He wants to rile up the masses to rally throughout the country to show his, and I repeat, his discontent, he said. As it turn out to be, he also wanted to rally to happen in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMusa added that the government had reason to believe that Nurul Izzah’s visit was “not as innocent” as touted by the opposition. Her sweet looks may fool the people of their hidden plan.
ReplyDeleteWe surely wouldn't want the festive and joyful day for Sabahan to be spoiled by mass rally and what not.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman reiterated there is no urgent need to seek a review of the oil royalty.
ReplyDeleteHe said the five per cent royalty was based on the agreement signed between the State Government and Petronas on June 14, 1976 and as explained by Balung Assemblyman Datuk Syed Abas Syed Ali on Wednesday, 10 per cent of the oil revenue from Sabah is shared by Sabah and the Federal Government.
The remaining 90 per cent was used by Petronas and its partners to pay for the high exploration and production costs, he said, responding to the issue raised by several assemblymen when debating the motion of thanks on the State Government's Policy Speech delivered by the Head of State.
DeleteNo need to review? He can go to hell!
What a traitor!
Don't confuse 5% royalty with the 100% control and taking of profits by Petronas. Read the words. Royalty only derives from the profits.
This is a definition from Wikipedia:
" Royalties (sometimes, running royalties, or private sector taxes) are usage-based payments made by one party (the "licensee") to another (the "licensor") for the right to ongoing use of an asset, sometimes an intellectual property (IP). Royalties are typically agreed upon as a percentage of gross or net revenues derived from the use of an asset or a fixed price per unit sold of an item of such, but there are also other modes and metrics of compensation.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] A royalty interest is the right to collect a stream of future royalty payments, often used in the oil and music industries to describe a percentage ownership of future production or revenues from a given leasehold, which may be divested from the original owner of the asset.[8]"
The definition means that Petronas by paying royalty means it only got a licence from Sabah to steal its oi. Sabah retains ownership of the oil.
Before Sabah gets 5% royalty the profits & revenue have been skimmed off the profits by GLCs owned the families of Dr. Mahthir, Badawi, Najib and the UMNO elites who all secretly have the dirty fingers in the Sabah pie.
90% used to develop Malayan and fattent UMNO & cronies into fat cat billionaires.
That is why no need to review.
Musa, who is also State Finance Minister, said although the royalty was set at five per cent the State Government had been enjoying increases in payment from RM365.4 million in 2007 to RM941.25 million in 2012 based on the production of 28,156,504 barrels and 49,737,978 barrels in 2007 and 2012, respectively.
ReplyDeleteWinding up for the Finance Ministry on Thursday, he also reiterated that Petronas had invested in Sabah through the development of the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) that is supported by a 300 MW Combined-Cycled Gas Power Plant in Kimanis to meet the State's power supply demand.
Besides, through the cooperation and assistance from the Federal Government and Petronas, the State Government was also in the midst of developing the oil and gas industry known as the Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP).
Other projects by Petronas in Sabah were the Sabah Ammonia Urea (SAMUR) project that involved a RM2 billion investments and SAMUR 2 costing another RM2.6 billion in investment.
Petronas sucked out our oil for 0pver 40 years & now invest in Sabah... is that a joke?
DeleteResponding to the proposal by Bingkor Assemblyman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan for the State Government to demand 40 per cent or two-fifth of the Federal Government's revenue from tax collected in Sabah by referring to the provision of Special Grant in Schedule 10 of the Federal Constitution, Musa said it was out of place.
ReplyDeleteThe method of the Special Grant, he said, had already been updated as allowed under Article 112 D of the Federal Constitution. He also assured that discussion on the matter was also being held from time to time with the Federal Government.
Speaking to reporters after the adjournment of the State Assembly later, Musa expressed satisfaction with the commitment shown by the House members, especially BN backbenchers, in raising issues vital for the State's development.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, he noted the opposition assemblymen on the other hand were inclined to mislead the House by "twisting facts and exploiting issues for their narrow political interests."
Towards this end, Musa said as far as the BN government is concerned it would proceed with its plans, especially to fulfil all the promises made in the Aku Janji election manifesto.
More money in pockets?
No need to review? Musa can go to hell!
What a traitor!
Don't confuse 5% royalty with the 100% control and taking of profits by Petronas. Read the words. Royalty only derives from the production revenue.
This is a definition from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royalties
" Royalties (sometimes, running royalties, or private sector taxes) are usage-based payments made by one party (the "licensee") to another (the "licensor") for the right to ongoing use of an asset, sometimes an intellectual property (IP). Royalties are typically agreed upon as a percentage of gross or net revenues derived from the use of an asset or a fixed price per unit sold of an item of such, but there are also other modes and metrics of compensation.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] A royalty interest is the right to collect a stream of future royalty payments, often used in the oil and music industries to describe a percentage ownership of future production or revenues from a given leasehold, which may be divested from the original owner of the asset.[8]"
The definition means that Petronas by paying royalty only has a licence from Sabah to steal its oil. Sabah retains ownership of the (continental shelf) oil.
Before Sabah gets 5% royalty the profits & revenue have been skimmed off by GLCs owned the families of Dr. Mahthir, Badawi, Najib and the UMNO elites who all secretly have their dirty fingers in the Sabah pie.
90% used to develop Malayan and fatten UMNO & cronies into fat cat billionaires.
That is why no need to review.
KOTA KINABALU: Inland Revenue Board (IRB), Sabah regretted that Bingkor Assemblyman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan had chosen to use the misquoted figure in respect of the so-called projected tax revenue to be collected from Sabah by the federal government.
ReplyDeleteIts director Haji Kamaruzzaman Ab Salleh said the figure reported by a local English language newspaper (English and Kadazandusun sections) on May 22 this year was not the correct one.
He said instead of RM4 billion as announced by IRB Sabah as being the collection targetted for 2013, RM40 billion was instead quoted.
ReplyDeleteKamaruzzaman said they had immediately issued a press release on May 22 through Bernama, the national news agency, to request for a correction, and again, on June 4.
“For Sabah, the targetted collection this year is RM4 billion. Last year, our targetted collection was RM3.45 billion but the actual collection for the year was higher, that is, RM3.67 billion.”
ReplyDelete“However, this is a gross figure as it includes possible refunds and repayments. The RM3.085 million figure referred to by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman cum Minister of Finance in his winding up speech at the State Assembly could be the nett collection for 2012,” he explained.
Meanwhile, when contacted for his comment, the state EPU director, Datuk Ismail Abdullah said it is illogical that Sabah could yield such astronomical tax collection annually.
ReplyDeleteHe said based on the clarification by the IRB Sabah director, and knowing that income or direct taxes are the biggest component – at around 70 %, of the total federal tax collection – the Chief Minister was definitely correct when he said in his winding up speech that the federal government spent far more in Sabah than what it got in terms of tax collection.
He said the Chief Minister’s statement pertaining to this matter was based on facts as supplied by the Accountant General Department’s office in Sabah and that there was no issue.
ReplyDelete“Either Dr Jeffery is very selective in his use of figure, or he is not thorough in his reading and research at all,” Ismail said.
Perancangan cekap dan sistematik bagi membangunkan negeri ini secara seimbang sama ada di kawasan bandar dan luar bandar merupakan keutamaan kerajaan negeri.
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Ketua Menteri, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan berkata, kerajaan negeri juga pada masa sama, melipatgandakan usaha bagi memastikan setiap program yang dilaksanakan mampu memberi kesan positif kepada rakyat.
ReplyDelete"Kita amat bertuah kerana ekonomi negeri Sabah kukuh malah jabatan dan agensi-agensi kerajaan juga kerap turun padang bagi memastikan setiap program yang dirancang mencapai matlamatnya," katanya.
ReplyDeleteTambah beliau, setiap program yang dirancang dan dilaksanakan memerlukan sokongan semua lapisan masyarakat untuk menjadi kenyataan.
ReplyDeleteJelasnya, apa juga projek pembangunan yang dijalankan oleh kerajaan sekiranya rakyat atau masyarakat tidak menyokong malahan menentang, bukan sahaja melambatkan proses pembangunan tetapi juga merugikan rakyat.
Dalam masa sama, beliau turut merakamkan penghargaan kepada Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman yang meletakkan kawasan pedalaman sebagai Koridor Pembangunan Sabah (SDC), sekali gus turut menerima kesan pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui perancangan di bawah koridor itu.
ReplyDeleteAnggota Parlimen Beluran Datuk Ronald Kiandee menyifatkan pelantikan semula beliau sebagai Timbalan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat menunjukkan kerajaan pusat menghargai peranan pemimpin dari Sabah dalam pentadbiran negara dan di Parlimen.
ReplyDeleteSeorang lagi pemimpin dari negeri ini, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia dimasyhurkan sebagai Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat pada Mesyuarat Pertama, Penggal Pertama Parlimen ke-13 yang bermula Isnin.Sehubungan itu, Ronald berterima kasih kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak atas pemilihan semula beliau sebagai Timbalan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat.
ReplyDelete"Pelantikan pemimpin dari Sabah dalam pentadbiran negara dan di Parlimen membuktikan kerajaan mahu semua rakyat terlibat dalam membangunkan negara," katanya kepada Bernama.Pandikar Amin memasyhurkan Ronald dan anggota Parlimen Kuala Krau Datuk Ismail Said sebagai Timbalan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat.
ReplyDeleteMereka menang tanpa bertanding berikutan kegagalan pakatan pembangkang mengemukakan nama calon untuk jawatan itu dalam tempoh 14 hari sebelum dewan bersidang.Ronald berkata beliau akan melaksanakan tugas ini selari dengan gesaan Pandikar Amin supaya semua anggota Dewan Rakyat menerapkan budaya transformasi sewaktu bertugas di Dewan Rakyat untuk menjulang martabat Parlimen ke tahap lebih tinggi pada penggal Parlimen ke-13 ini.
ReplyDeleteBeliau akan turut menggunakan kelebihan jawatannya itu untuk membawa lebih banyak pembangunan di kawasan Parlimen Beluran.Ini, katanya, selari dengan sasarannya untuk meningkatkan lagi pembangunan di Beluran untuk tempoh lima tahun akan datang.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan negeri komited untuk memastikan kestabilan politik dan ekonomi serta kemakmuran sosial terus dinikmati rakyat negeri ini.
ReplyDeleteKetua Menteri, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman bagaimanapun berkata, kesungguhan kerajaan itu tidak akan berjaya tanpa semangat perpaduan, kesatuan dan kesaksamaan dalam masyarakat berbilang kaum di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berucap demikian pada pelancaran 50 Tahun Sabah Maju Jaya dalam Malaysia di Padang Perbandaran Sandakan. Pelancarannya disempurnakan, Yang Dipertua Negeri, Tun Haji Juhar Haji Mahiruddin.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Musa berharap rakyat terus memelihara dan mengeratkan lagi perpaduan serta keharmonian antara kaum pada setiap masa.
ReplyDeleteTarikh 16 September 1963, Sabah dan Sarawak membentuk Persekutuan Malaysia bersama-sama dengan Malaya, merupakan detik bersejarah yang penting dan harus sentiasa diingati serta dihargai.
ReplyDeleteMulai detik itu, negeri ini bebas dari penjajah dan diberi peluang memerintah negeri sendiri. Itulah yang kita perlu pertahankan sekarang ini.
ReplyDeleteSetelah 50 tahun merdeka, Sabah mencapai banyak kemajuan dan pembangunan. Ia hasil usaha dan komitmen kerajaan negeri bersama kerajaan persekutuan yang telah melaksanakan pelbagai dasar, inisiatif dan program transformasi untuk kebaikan rakyat keseluruhan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteJabatan Imigresen mewujudkan ‘Bahagian Khas Integriti’ di jabatan itu dalam usaha berhadapan perubahan era baru perkhidmatan awam selain kawalan keselamatan.
ReplyDeleteKetua Pengarah Jabatan Imigresen, Dato’ Alias Ahmad berkata, bahagian khas yang diketuai pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) itu salah satu langkah penambahbaikan perkhidmatan agar berteraskan integriti, di samping meningkatkan imej serta kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap jabatan berkenaan.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata demikian dalam sesi pendengaran Suruhanraya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Alias yang merupakan saksi ke-148 prosiding itu memberitahu, pihaknya melaksanakan beberapa pembaharuan, termasuk penggunaan sistem biometrik di semua kaunter pintu masuk dan keluar negara serta terhadap tahap keselamatan pasport.
ReplyDeleteBeliau bagaimanapun berkata, tindakan warga asing tiada dokumen diri memasuki negara ini melalui pintu masuk tidak sah menyukarkan pihak Imigresen memantau kehadiran mereka.
ReplyDeleteAtas sebab itu, Datuk Alias mencadangkan beberapa pendekatan bagi mengatasi masalah pendatang asing terutama di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey bukannya individu yang dipilih oleh rakyat. Dia langsung tidak menepati apa yang dimahukan oleh rakyat.