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‘I did not get RM3m from Chia but the car…’

Nazri Abdul Aziz denies receiving RM3 million
from a timber tycoon 'friend' but is unsure
if the latter lent his car to his son.
KUALA LUMPUR: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz has denied receiving any money from timber tycoon Michael Chia over a purported RM40 million scandal involving Sabah Umno.
He was responding to Malaysia Today blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (also known as RPK) who claimed that Nazri and his son Mohamad Nedim received RM3 million and a sports car respectively from Chia.
“Oh no, it’s not true, it’s not true. Chia is a friend. I don’t know if he lent the car to my son. You have to ask my son,” he told FMT in his office this afternoon.
Although he did not directly criticise Raja Petra over the claim, Nazri said that he had no problem with this matter being raised.

MACC panelist under fire for defending Musa

MACC panelist Abdul Rahman Dahlan's credibility is now
under question after he openly defended Musa Aman over
the RM40 million political donation.
KOTA BELUD: Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman Dahlan has been reminded that he sits on a Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) panel and should not be too quick to jump and openly defend his Umno colleagues who are subject to corruption investigations.
Abdul Rahman sits on a MACC’s Special Committee on Anti-Corruption.
Last week he jumped to Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman’s defence over the RM40 million issue.
Commenting on this, Kota Belud State Reform Party (STAR) head Jalumin Bayogoh said Abdul Rahman’s defence of his party colleagues was an indication of a conflict of interest as he is supposed to help expose corruption and propose ways to strengthen approaches to stamp out graft and power abuses in the country.

An American professor frank view on Muslims

Very interesting -- the University is standing by their professor and not bowing down to special interest groups!
Professor Wichman E-mail
A Michigan professor sent an e-mail telling Muslim students to leave the country.

The story begins at Michigan State University with a mechanical engineering professor named Indred Wichman.

Joe Fernandez writes

Recently, a sex blogger bared her private parts on You Tube and ventilated her thoughts on Malaysian women being sexually repressed ...

Ideally, it doesn't matter whether publicity is good or bad as long as one gets it.

Publicity, whether good or bad, is an inexpensive way to translate into influence and power to make a difference, for the better or worse.

I am sure Jaclyn Victor's career, for example, will skyrocket following the Perkasa-inspired controversy over her singing a Christian song -- Harapan Bangsa -- in Malay.

Malay Congress resolutions shameful

By Daniel John Jambun
The resolution by the National Malay Congress (NMC) held on November 24 in Kuala Lumpur that government projects below RM100 million be given to Malay contractors under direct negotiation and that GLCs adopt a a more aggressive Malay Agenda is a dark and shameful spot in the history of Malaysia.

It is unbelievable that after the billions of ringgits wasted by the government to spoonfeed the Malays under the NEP and other affirmative programs, the former Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir, admits the Malays had not had enough, and that Malays are supposed to be now beggars in their own land!

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